My Babysitter's a Vampire

My Babysitter's a Vampire is a TV movie and then later a TV series developed for Canadian television that was later brought to the Disney Channel. It's made by Fresh TV, the same people behind 6teen, Total Drama Island and Stoked.

The series follows the adventures of a geeky fourteen-year old boy named Ethan (Matthew Knight), his best friend Benny (Atticus Dean Mitchell), and his vampire babysitter Sarah (Vanessa Morgan).

The show has similarities to Nick's The Troop, but My Babysitter's a Vampire is Darker and Edgier in terms of content matter and what is shown.

Tropes used in My Babysitter's a Vampire include:

Rory: Did you try the on switch?

Sarah: Whatever you guys thought you saw, it's not what it looks like!
Ethan: You're a vampire!
Sarah: Okay, so it kinda is what it looks like.

    • Played straight in "Smells Like Trouble", when Ethan's father listens in on Ethan and benny's webchat.
  • Oh Crap: Ethan's reaction when he realized that Doug knows Sarah's a vampire in "Doug The Vampire Hunter".
  • One of Us: EVERYBODY in the main cast (as they're all Genre Savvy) - even though Sarah tries to pay lip service to being a Cool Loser. Erica and Sarah call each out on it in the vampire hunter episode, when Erica mentions that Sarah made a Star Trek reference - and Sarah shoots back that Erica recognized it for what it was.
  • Our Ghosts Are Different: The deceased Whitechapel wrestling coach acts as a Ghostly Advisor to Ethan, in order to win a sports trophy for the school - and shows him a Bad Future in order to make him comply.
  • Our Vampires Are Different: Partially subverted. The vampires are sensitive to sunlight (for example, they usually need sunglasses when outside, and UV lamps can force them back), wood stakes work, holy water can hurt or kill them, they have enhanced senses, strength, and super-speed (resembling teleportation). They have to be invited inside, and can eat normal food (although it's not as good for them as blood).
  • Our Zombies Are Different: Zombiefication works here in much the way vampirism works in the Buffy the Vampire Slayer universe: once a person dies, the soul moves on, and a demon enters the revived body.
  • Pilot Movie: A Made for TV Movie about how they met Sarah.
  • Seers: Ethan (and it's insinuated in The Movie that that it's a familial trait, so his children might have the same gift).
  • Shout-Out:
  • Socially Awkward Hero: Ethan. Benny and Rory as well, but they're much more out going than shy little Ethan.
  • Spiritual Successor: Arguably, to Wizards of Waverly Place, albeit Darker and Edgier than its TV-G predecessor.
  • Super Loser: Rory. Slightly subverted in his 'Vampire Ninja' phase, where he verged into Let's Get Dangerous territory.
  • Supernaturally Delicious and Nutritious: Ethan, who has a rare blood type that is especially appealing to vampires, as revealed in "Blood Drive".
  • Take That: Dusk is a major satire on Twilight. It's even a somewhat-major plot point in the TV movie pilot, which also includes an Edward Cullen Expy.
    • Also, during Ethan, Benny and Rory's seiance:

Benny: Will the world end near 2012 as the mayans predicted? No? Dang it.

    • Ethan, when discovering plant material in the school's computer wiring:

Ethan: It's like it's half-alive, half-plastic! Kinda like Heidi Montag!

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