< Mr. Fanservice
Mr. Fanservice/Comic Books
- Dick Grayson. There's a reason why he always ends up parading around shirtless or in his underwear, and his tendency to get tied up... often while shirtless or in his underwear. It's because Nightwing makes female Bat-fans.
- Hell, all the male Robins. You've got Jason, who has a dark and troubled past and a tendancy to wear leather jackets. Tim, the king of Adorkable. Even Damian has his fangirls. Does the Robin suit have phermones or something?
- And this troper can validate the notion that Mr. Grayson easilly has the best ass in the entire DC universe.
- Hell, all the male Robins. You've got Jason, who has a dark and troubled past and a tendancy to wear leather jackets. Tim, the king of Adorkable. Even Damian has his fangirls. Does the Robin suit have phermones or something?
- The Spirit. Although there may be an entirely plausible, plot-related reason for why he's Bound and Gagged so damn much... And undressed... In consecutive splash pages. Or maybe not.
- Witchblade has Ian Nottingham. Often drawn shirtless due to fannish demand. (Not that Kenneth Irons was half bad, but spent less time half naked.) And we shouldn't forget Jackie Estacado, either... although he does have a slight impediment for estrogen fun.
- Gambit of the X-Men is this (especially in the '90s): The dark, brooding and mysterious guy with a horrible past and a dark secret, a cool gimmick, a trenchcoat... and the playful nature of playing basketball shirtless. Or show his magnificent butt to the 'camera' (i.e. boathouse scene or the arrival in the Onslaught-aftermath issue of Uncanny X-men)
- Before Gambit, Longshot played similar role, both in his own mini-series and as a member of the X-Men. The main differences are that he didn't have a longcoat (though his leather clothes certainly were meant to invoke '80s cool, just like Gambit's clothes invoked '90s cool), and instead of being a brooding yet loveable rogue he was a naive (due to being an amnesiac alien from another dimension) yet loveable rogue. He was also co-created by a female writer.
- Savant, from Birds of Prey, was designed to be a hot one shot villain but became popular.
- Captain America (comics): James "Bucky" Barnes becomes thoroughly baited when he makes his comeback as the Winter Soldier. Steve Rogers (the Captain himself) can qualify as well.
- For the furries out there we have The Astounding Wolf Man who often suffers Clothing Damage and frequently ends up shirtless
- Empowered's boyfriend ThugBoy. Lessee... Half German/Italian, half Japanese (for the all-important manga eyes and long, silky black hair), blessed in the lunchbox, really buff, more likely to be shirtless than not, more likely to be trouserless than not, more of a Dark and Troubled Past than a third of the other examples, a prime example of Love Redeems... and loves his Cool Shades.
- That image -- gun, shirtless, cute hair, okay. Please tell me a purpose to that long doll thing right in front of his upper body that's not Freud Was Right.
- It's Emp's old stuffed toy that she says suppresses bad dreams. It doesn't work for ThugBoy's.
- That image -- gun, shirtless, cute hair, okay. Please tell me a purpose to that long doll thing right in front of his upper body that's not Freud Was Right.
- Most, if not all of the male elves in Elf Quest. When Wendy Pini did a pinup calendar (for 1998), half the plates showed guys. The one of Strongbow was reused for a cover later.
- Inevitably done with Steelgrip Starkey, given that he spends almost all his time wearing a red short-sleeved shirt that shows off his muscled arms and washboard abs. Justified in that one reason he was selected was because he matched the archetype of a hard-working American hero.
- Last Man Standing has the Italian boxer Vito, Ronin, and of course, Gabriel.
- The Wally West Flash in the beginning of the series.
- Asterix The Gaul gives us Tragicomix: blonde, handsome, never wears a shirt which allows viewers to see his very nicely built chest.
- Booster Gold was made for this trope. Tall, blonde, muscular, pretty, form-fitting outfit that gets shredded a lot, and a great ass. His character development from money-grubbing media whore to tragic genuine hero doesn't hurt either.
- While Sin City is mostly known for it's women, Frank Miller adds plenty of Male Frontal Nudity from all of its male protagonists (with the exception of Marv]. Dwight was even shirtless for the entire Big Fat Kill miniseries.
- Let's just say that Peter Parker has a nice ass.
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