< Monica's Gang

Monica's Gang/YMMV

  • Anvils That Needed to Be Dropped : The manga issue #45 drops awesomely one about bullying. It's bad for the victims AND the bullies, and tolerating it is NOT the right thing to do.
  • Non Sequitur Scene: At one point in the first movie, when Franklin is about to explain his invention, a duck randomly flies in and starts dancing, quickly getting shooed out by Franklin. Twice, even. The third time Franklin tries to explain his invention, a worm comes out of a fruit and performs a magic trick, only to leave after getting stared at by Jimmy Five and Franklin.
  • Broken Base: In a series where the characters' personalities depend on the writer, it was inevitable.
  • Die for Our Ship: Dustine and Toddy. Refer to Ship Tease.
  • Ensemble Darkhorse:
  • Mary Sue: Marina was accused of being one. Later, accusing her of being "too perfect" became a Berserk Button for her.
  • Memetic Mutation: Porra, Maurício! (something like "WTF, Maurício!"), a Tumblr which takes panels and sees malice in them (though sometimes even out of context it's weird enough). Maurício (and his daughter, who posted "WTF, dad!" on her twitter) approved it.
  • Nightmare Fuel: Yikes.
  • Nightmare Retardant:
    • The whole Bug-a-Booo (Penadinho) branch. It takes place in a graveyard, and the characters are ghosts and monsters, but given Mauricio's art style...
    • Lampshaded in one comic when they were forced to adapt a scarier style. However, by the end of the story they switch to a cuter, babyish style because the scary one was creeping out children.
  • The Scrappy:
    • Junior is the character that's the closest to being one. He went from being a generally nice Picky Eater kid to a Bratty Half-Pint that rarely gets any negative feedback from his actions and 90% of the time he shows up, he's going to be annoying other characters (mostly Jimmy).
    • Manga,anime, sci-fi and sentai fans also are not pleased with his grown-up self since he basically said that grown up people aren't allowed to like all things anime,sentai and sci-fi and began to constantly annoy Smudge about it.
    • From Chuck Billy'n' Folks, there's Genesinho, The Rival to Chuck for Rosie Lee's affections.
  • Uncanny Valley: A recent charity event had 3D versions of Monica and Jimmy as "co-hosts". It didn't work so well. And the less said about the song he danced to, the better.
  • Wheelchair Woobie: Subverted with Luca.
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