< Mister Rogers' Neighborhood

Mister Rogers' Neighborhood/WMG

Mr. Rogers is a Gendo Ikari

And his Rei is Henrietta Pussycat. Daniel the Striped Tiger is Shinji.

Mister Rogers is Captain America's Brother

Mister Rogers(Fred) was born in 1928. Captain Rogers(Steve) was born in 1922. They are brothers. Think about it.

Mister Rogers can defeat anyone in combat, fair or otherwise. Captain Rogers, although strong, is only at "peak human" ability; yet he fights enemies powered by the Cosmic Cube and wins. The character of Mister Rogers has been said to be consistently gentle and empathic. Captain Rogers enlisted in the Army because he was horrified by the suffering of the Nazi's victims. Mister Rogers went into children's TV and developed puppets, music, and characters; Captain Rogers had civilian careers such as WPA artist, history teacher, and freelance illustrator. Mister Rogers talked through the Fourth Wall to his audience; Captain Rogers penciled his own comic and complained to the editors that they were making him too violent.

Mister Rogers died in 2001. Captain Rogers, in 2007. The reason why Steve died second despite being older is that he spent somewhere between twenty and sixty years in suspended animation, and no superhero ages in suspended animation.

    • That, and Steve was, y'know, shot.

Mister Rogers was the Tank Man

Can you think of anyone else those tanks would have stopped for?

Mister Rogers is a normal human being who really does happen to be that nice.

  • And not Gendo.

Mister Rogers is The Doctor.

Think about it! Mister Rogers is a kindly yet eccentric figure who looks old and has certain mannerisms (putting on his shoes)! We're really looking inside his TARDIS when we watch the show.

Mister Rogers in Jack Ryan

From the Bioshock WMG Page:

"He wears a sweater (a bloodstained sweater), puts himself in danger to rescue little girls from a life of terror, and witnessed a truly terrible place where people are treated as objects and either killed or turned into monsters. Its pretty obvious that after his experience in Rapture he would have to give some thought as to how to properly raise the Little Sisters and how society can avoid having another Rapture happen. So he took on the name of Mister Rogers and worked to teach children how to be good neighbors. However, while his new life is dedicated to peace and understanding, he's still every bit of a badass he was in Rapture. That is why he always wins in the Ultimate Showdown of Ultimate Destiny."

The Land of Make Believe is all a drug trip

That trolley is just there to distract us from watching him lick a stamp.

The viewer is a prisoner of Mr. Rogers.

Think about it. When Mr. Rogers arrives at the beginning of the episode, the viewer is already there in his house. When Mr. Rogers leaves at the end of the episode, he leaves the viewer there. The viewer is obviously strapped to a rack on the Fourth Wall, which must have some wheels and a mechanism to move it into the kitchen and back when the need be. Obviously short trips down the street (with Fred) are allowed, and either Mister Mc Feely and Mr. Negri are in on the plot, or the viewer has a bad case of Stockholm Syndrome.

Viewer, pleading quietly: "I hear you about being kind and thoughtful and all, Fred, BUT CAN I PLEASE GO HOME??"

Mister Rogers is a Sufficiently Advanced Alien. The viewer sees him as the perfect embodiment of all that is right and good in the world.

And the funny thing is, his natural personality actually matches this.

At the start of every episode, Mister Rogers has just come back from doing some illegal activity.

He's always changing shirts. Because witnesses saw him and can describe his suit? Because his clothes smell like meth? Because they're bloody? All three?

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