Miracle Shoujo Limit-chan

Miracle Shojo Limit-chan is an early Magical Girl anime, also known as Cybernella in Italy.
When 11-year-old Limit Nishiyama is critically injured in an airplane crash, her scientist father saves her life by turning her into a cyborg. Now she has a number of superpowers at her disposal, but she must also keep her robotic nature a secret from her peers.
Tropes used in Miracle Shoujo Limit-chan include:
- Action Girl: Actually gets averted most of the time. Limit has the powers, but she will usually find a non-violent solution to whatever problem is confronting her and very rarely ends up in a fight.
- Alpha Bitch: Mitsuko, although her Girl Posse is unusual in that they all suffer from some serious Gonk.
- By the Power of Greyskull: "Change Face!"
- Calling Your Attacks: Although they're actions rather than attacks. For example, Limit cries "Miracle Jump" when she does a superhuman jump, "Miracle Run" when she uses her super-speed, and "Miracle Power" when she uses her super-strength.
- Crash Into Hello/Meet Cute: Subverted for laughs in the ice-skating episode when Nobuko crashes into a guy on the ice rink and looks up to discover that he's very handsome... and then his girlfriend immediately appears and pointedly pulls him away.
- Flying Broomstick: Actually it's her book-bag, but it serves the same purpose.
- Germans Love David Hasselhoff: Limit-chan was overshadowed by fellow Toei Animation cyborg Cutey Honey during her broadcast run, and her show was canceled after only 25 episodes. But in Italy, where she and her show were renamed "Cybernella", she became very popular and is fondly remembered.
- Getting Smilies Painted on Your Soul: Limit's ring has this power.
- Girlish Pigtails: Nobuko
- Green-Eyed Monster: In one episode, Limit and Nobuko's friendship gets strained because Nobuko is jealous of Limit's talent at ice-skating.
- Hotblooded Sideburns: Limit
- I Just Want to Be Normal: Limit's reaction to becoming a cyborg.
- Missing Mom: Limit's mother is killed in the same plane crash that necessitated Limit's cyborg-ification.
- Muggle Best Friend: Nobuko
- Musical Pastiche: The theme song for the Italian version closely resembles the Beatles' "Ob-La-Di, Ob-La-Da".
- Nerd Glasses: Nobuko
- Nice Hat: Limit's does double duty as a walkie-talkie.
- Non-Human Sidekick: Go, the robot-dog.
- Replacement Goldfish: Averted - the only way to keep Limit alive after the plane crash that nearly took her life was to make her a cyborg. Limit is well aware that she is a cyborg and it is a major source of insecurity for her.
- Ring of Power: Limit's ring can emit a scent that calms people down.
- Super Speed: One of Limit's powers.
- Super Strength: Another of her powers.
- Together Umbrella: Limit and Nobuko share an umbrella in episode 18, though in this case it doesn't seem to have any romantic implications.
- Tomboy and Girly Girl: Nobuko and Limit, respectively.
- Transformation Sequence: A very short one whenever Limit uses her disguise power.
- Transformation Trinket: Limit's pendant, which she also uses to activate her other powers.
- We Can Rebuild Him
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