< Milon's Secret Castle
Milon's Secret Castle/YMMV
- Most Annoying Sound: The sound when you get hurt can be more than a little maddening, especially when it's followed immediately by the Game Over music.
- Polished Port: The Game Boy port rectifies a few things to make it a lot less fake difficult. It adds title screen music, an ending cutscene, an inventory screen to check on Milon's stats (accessed by pressing Select) a password system, a bit more Mercy Invincibility when hit and a few bosses have been given new graphics.
- Surprisingly Improved Sequel: Do Re Mi Fantasy, but it accomplishes this by axing all of the first game's Metroidvania elements and turning the whole thing into a bog-standard (but beautiful) side-scrolling platformer.
- That One Boss: Every boss in the NES version.
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