< Mathematician's Answer

Mathematician's Answer/Quotes

Kosh: They are alone. They are a dying people. We should let them pass.
Sinclair: Who? The Narns or the Centauri?

Kosh: Yes.

Sheridan: Well, as answers go; short, to the point, utterly useless, and totally consistent with what I've come to expect from a Vorlon.

Kosh: Good.
So what do I do first? Do I play video games? Do I watch a Blu-Ray DVD? Do I download content from the online marketplace? The answer is of course, yes. Because I have three Play Station 3's.

"jIpumpu' 'ej jIHu'laHbe'," swore Ed loudly.
"What did you say?!" asked Dave, poking his head out of the pile.
"Klingonese. Ahhh... roughly translated, 'I've fallen, and I can't get up!'"
"You speak Klingon?!"

"Doesn't everybody?"
from American Kitsune by Ed Becerra
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