Mario & Luigi: Bowser's Inside Story/YMMV

  • Accidental Innuendo:
    • "I was the one who added the nuts to that statue!"
    • This whole concept of this game is screaming with Accidental Innuendo. The Bros are "inside of Bowser's body." They have to "stimulate" his body parts. If you have a dirty mind, you'll be snickering all throughout this game.
      • Especially hilarious when, finding Bowser's funny bone near the beginning of the game, Chippy overtly says "If we can stimulate this thing, something'll happen...". Now take it out of context and try not to grin...
  • Crowning Music of Awesome:
  • Game Breaker:
    • The Magic Window for the Brothers.
    • The Spin Pipe is less SP-expensive than the Magic Window, and fairly easy to do if you keep your eyes glued to the end of the pipe as it spins, and still positively devastating even in the final battles.
    • Magikoopa Mob or Koopa Corps. for Bowser.
      • Broggy bonker, to an even better extent. When...umm...the troper who happened to be writing this edit was fighting the final boss, he could dish out about 700-some HP with it. Keep in mind that the first phase of the final boss only has 1000 hp.
    • Mighty Meteor in the Gauntlet. It gives you more powerful items when used than the game means you to have available. Really useful vs Dark Star or Bowser X.
    • As far as gear combinations are concerned, DX SP Socks and a Budget Charm on Mario gives you incredible special move usability, and the gloves which double healing-item effectiveness inside of battle means you opponent better kill you in one turn, or SUPER NUT! For Bowser, the Hunter Band is effectively a vampiric power-boosting item which can give up to a 30% attack bonus. It's pretty terrible against bosses, though.
      • As a note, the aforementioned gloves are called "Delicious Gloves".
      • The Intruder Fangs give Bowser two turns per round. Of course, you get them by getting Bowser to Level 40, and the game is usually finished at a much lower level, so by the time you receive them, you've probably already beat the game.
    • Bowser equipped with the King's Shell (his best armor which raises his defense greatly and his punching power by 30 percent) and his Intruder Fangs (which allow two actions every turn) combined with Broggy Bonker (his ultimate attack) being used both times makes the rest of the game into a joke.
      • You want a game breaker? Try the Giant Shell accessory. Its description says the wearer takes no damage from hits that do less than 20% damage than the wearer's overall HP. Problem is, most attacks in the game don't do that much damage with enough defense investment. Equip this on one of the brothers and you can ignore them for the rest of the game except when attacking with them. In fact, if your defense is high enough, you won't have to bother with defense increasing equipment.
  • Genius Bonus:
    • Many of the enemies and features inside Bowser are cleverly named, such as Napse, Emoglobin, and PEP.
    • Incidentally, those are called Shinapun (a play on shinapusu, meaning synapse), Hemogurobin (hemoglobin) and Enajī (energy) respectively in the Japanese version.
  • Ho Yay: Bowser locking his mouth on Midbus's snout and inhaling his breath for an extended period of time. True, Midbus was a frozen block of ice and Bowser was burning up inside after swallowing the Dark Star, but it was still hilarious. Though Bowser does say something to the effect of "That was gross" after doing it.
  • Idiot Plot: The plot revolves around Bowser putting suspicious things in his mouth, twice. If this were any other RPG, people would sigh and shake their heads; since it's Bowser, though, it's hilarious. Not to mention getting stomped on by anything too big to fight normally being required to activate his giant form. But to be fair, it's not like he tries to be stomped and he can hardly get out of the way.
  • Jerkass Woobie:
    • If you don't care about Bowser and his welfare as the game progresses, you have no heart. This game is a Bowser woobification machine.
    • Note that this is a fickle trope. One minute, you'll be feeling for Bowser, the next he'll say or do something that makes you go "Nope, he's fine! On with the awkward subject matter!"
  • Memetic Badass: This describes Bowser in general, but this game takes it to new levels.
  • Memetic Mutation: One say that the emoglobins are possessing some-ish of this globin. IS THAT NOT GLOBIN?.
  • Nightmare Fuel:
    • The Dark Fawful Bug. A giant bean-shaped dark thing with two huge red eyes and a massive mouth, as well as two spindly arms and three spindly legs and the Dark Star Core coming out of his head. Yeesh.
    • Uh, don't you mean cute?
    • Mario almost gets digested alive. You can see him thrashing about in panic, immersed waist-deep in digestive fluid.
    • To rescue Mario, Luigi has to blend in with the enemies by wearing the skin of a defeated enemy. When he's found out, he's actually called out on how sick that is.
    • All the while, Bowser is locked into a safe that he can't even stand up in.
  • Nintendo Hard / Luck-Based Mission: The Broque Madame and Bros. Item challenges fall squarely in this.
  • That One Boss: Giant Bowser's fight against the Fawful Express. Not only are the attacks powerful and hard to dodge, but you have a limited amount of time to win the battle, or it's an instant death. Also you can only use your flame because the train is too low to punch, and you have to destroy several obstacles along the way. If you beat this on your first try, give yourself a pat on the back. If it took you a couple of tries to beat it, don't feel bad and just be happy it's over at last when you finally achieve your victory.
  • They Wasted a Perfectly Good Plot: All of Giant Bowser's boss battles were with machines of some sort, but never against a giant Midbus. They could have worked in Fawful using the Dark Star to power him up to monstrous heights and gives us a bit of Godzilla homage.
  • Viewer Gender Confusion:
    • It's mentioned once, early in the game[1], that Starlow Chippy is a girl. Few people seem to remember this. To be fair, it's hard to tell, considering she's just a floating ball with shoes. Starlow and Chippy are also gender ambiguous names.
    • Chippy speaks girly. The English language doesn't really have that kind of thing.
    • She has little eyelashes in official art. If they only added that in the game...
      • They did, in the ending scene after Fawful and the Dark Star is defeated. Long story short, Bowser finds out everything, is furious, and picks up a fight with the Mario Bros.
    • At the "Big Bad Bowser Brain Train" quiz in the Flab Zone, if you ask Bowser what he thinks of Chippy, he'll refer to her with "she" and "her" many times, implying that she sounds girly.
  1. "NOT how to treat a lady!"
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