Mario & Luigi: Bowser's Inside Story/Funny

  • Every single Fawful/Bowser encounter. Fawful turned his Engrish Up to Eleven (and passed on his "unique" language skills to Midbus), and Bowser gets the best comebacks ever.

Bowser: Hey, what's your beef?
Fawful: Beef? I am lacking in beef. Fawful is beefless.

    • And after Chakron's explanation of how Chakroads work:


    • "Ready for massage duty?"
    • Before the battle against Alpha Cretin, Luigi asks Starlow to fight with Mario. Starlow promptly responds by smacking him into the boss himself.
    • While chasing Wisdurm, Luigi falls in a mucus pit. While Mario and Starlow are discussing how to proceed, he falls in again.
    • "Bowser keeps appearing like a rabbit from the ugly hat of a magician who stinks!"
      • From that same cutscene:

Fawful: You are a nuisance barge barging in at a critical time for us!
Bowser: Nuisance barge? GWAHAHAHA! Buddy, you're like a nuisance SUPERTANKER!

  • When Fawful forcibly extracts Peach from Bowser's body, the orb containing her form slowly drifts down toward Midbus... and suddenly darts over and deposits her on Fawful. Fawful is barely able to hold her and asks for help. Midbus ignores him and walks off.
  • Starlow trying to convince Luigi that he is not cold (and Luigi still being totally cold)
  • Mario and Luigi trying to catch Durmite/Wisdurm is pure slap-stick.
  • Midbus unleashing Junker on the bros.

Midbus: No one pressed 'dance'! You are broken!

    • It's even funnier when you realize that DANCE DOESN'T MAKE SENSE.
  • After the Star Cure is born, the player may notice that one NPC in Toad Town still appears Blorbed. Talking to him gives you this-

"Oh, well, hey there, Mario. They cured the blorbs, huh? What, me? This is what I normally look like."

  • After the Dark Star explodes, we get this exchange between Bowser and Starlow:

Starlow: The Dark Star. It's finally gone.
Bowser: Yeah. Pretty tough dude, all around.
Starlow: And the princess? Is she okay?
Bowser: Oh yeah! I forgot! Now I can kidnap her!
Starlow: Oops. I spoke too soon.

Boss Goomba: Is there a problem?
Male Usher Goomba: Oh, Boss, phew! This guy...
Female Usher Goomba: So this big galoot here, right? He's all like, I have no seeeat! No seeat! And he won't shut up!
Female Usher Goomba: But he won't stop, and we're all, we just can't do it, buddy, OK? So we have no idea what to do.
Female Usher Goomba: And this lug's getting surlier. He's not going away. And he has no seat! Nothing! Not a chance!
Female Usher Goomba: So we do some solid thinking and totally fail. No big seats! I mean, we got small seats!
Female Usher Goomba: We can do a small seat, sure, but this guy's huge, so he's not gonna fit in a small one! Please!

Female Usher Goomba: And it's kinda bugging me, 'cause I'm on my feet all day! I mean, I'd LOVE to sit in ANY seat!

Female Usher Goomba: It's like, hey, pal, how about you try our job just once, y'know? It'd break him in two seconds!

Female Usher Goomba: All the suffering in the world, and this guy's seating problem is urgent? Nooooooo!


Female Usher Goomba: Ooooo!

Other Goombas and Bowser: ...

Boss Goomba: Uh... Right. Gotcha.

Boss Goomba: *thinking* Whoa.

    • Like other minions, once Bowser frees the Magikoopas, a short skit occurs. Though not as quick as the aforementioned goomba, some of the text gets a bit quick. (Magikoopas numbered according to on-screen placement.)

Magikoopa #9: We who are not worthy of the mighty Bowser's personal rescue must honor him...
Magikoopa #8: We, the Magikoopa corps, have attempted to find a suitable way to express our deep gratitude...
Magikoopa #5 (Jerry?): *turns right* And so we hereby present an invigorating and inspiring dance of utter joy and happiness...
Magikoopa #6: *turns right* No, wait. We talked this over, Jerry, remember? We were gonna sing a song of Bowser praise?
Bowser: Forget it, minions! Let's get a move on!
*Bowser turns around*
Magikoopa #7: *turns left* Just a sec. I thought we'd build a monument to his strength!
*Bowser starts walking out*
Magikoopa #4: *turns down-left to #7; Bowser stops after a couple steps* No, we were going to make his favorite food, right?
Magikoopa #11: *turns up-left to #6* Not me--I voted for polishing his horns with velvet shammies...
Magikoopa #2: We DECIDED this, remember? It was foot massage all the way!
*Bowser turns*
Magikoopa #10: *turns up* I still think that taking lutes and singing praises is sweet...
Magikoopa #8: *turns left* Is flossing his teeth still on the table? Because they are NASTY.

Magikoopa #3: *turns down-left to #6* No kidding. In fact, we should do a full orthodontic overhaul.

Magikoopa #12: *turns up-left to #7* OK, we'll have Alpha Team hit the cavities, then deploy two--

Bowser: *jagged speech balloon* QUIET! MOVE IT!

Magikoopas: *turn to face Bowser again, jagged speech balloon, enlarged text* KOO-RAH!

  • The look on Bowser's face when Starlow refuses to find his safe combo until he asks nicely.
  • During the Junker Boss Fight, after sustaining enough damage, Junker goes up to Luigi and sucks him toward his vacuum hand, and throws him at the Trash Cans that accompany the Junker. Most of the time, he goes into one of the cans, where he must be rescued by Mario. On occasion, he doesn't go into a can at all, and bounces off of the rim.
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