< Mama's Family
Mama's Family/YMMV
- Adaptation Displacement: Very few people know that it was based upon a sketch from The Carol Burnett Show. This is especially ironic given that the recurring "Family" sketches were some of the show's most popular.
- Ensemble Darkhorse: Dottering Aunt Effie was just a one-shot character from Vint and Naomi's wedding in season one. She proved so popular she was bumped up to recurring character.
- It probably helped that the actress who played Aunt Effie, Dorothy Van, worked on the show behind the scenes as a writer, as did her husband, Jim Evering, who also worked behind the scenes as a producer, co-executive producer, and executive script consultant.
- Ham and Cheese: Any scene with Eunice. Since she's played by Carol Burnett, we're willing to forgive her.
- Moral Event Horizon: When Eunice was a little girl, Mama killed her pet rabbit and cooked it for dinner.
- Eunice and Ed not showing up for Bubba's graduation was this for a lot of people.
- The Scrappy: Vinton's two kids from the network years, and for completely different reasons. Buzz was a perfectly mature young man who always did the right thing and never had to learn any lessons because of it: in other words, boring as paste. Sonja, on the other hand, was... well... just horribly written. Her scenes were awkward at best (even the studio audience didn't seem to pick up that she'd made a joke) and every single thing she did seemed to be a conscious effort to make her as obnoxious as possible. Not even her actress seemed to know how to play her, if she even knew how to act. It isn't until one of the final episodes of the first season that she finally receives one whopper of a Character Development plot, but by that point the show had already been canceled (and she was never picked up for the syndicated season), so no chance to be Rescued from the Scrappy Heap.
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