< Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha A's

Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha A's/YMMV

YMMVs introduced by A's:

  • And the Fandom Rejoiced: Eins fans did when it was revealed that she would be getting more screentime in the movie.
  • Epileptic Trees: In the manga Suzuka beats Fate at dodgeball by catching a ball thrown with Super Strength and knocking Fate out of the sky with her return throw, in the anime both her and Alyssa appear inside a barrier that was supposed to keep Muggles out. People familiar with Triangle Heart 3 ~sweet songs forever~ might remember Suzuka's sister Shinobu was a vampire there (Suzuka herself didn't exist). Hmmm...
  • Even Better Sequel: The only one so far not to have caused a Broken Base of some sort.
  • Evil Is Sexy: Reinforce, for a given value of "evil".
  • Fan Nickname: Reinforce Eins for the original Reinforce, to set her apart from Reinforce "Rein" Zwei.
  • Growing the Beard
  • Jerkass Woobie: Vita, before meeting Hayate, was a jerk even to the other Wolkenritter as shown in the sound stages, and harshly rebuffed Reinforce's efforts to reach out to her. She who also the one who seemed to suffer the most from a life of constant fighting.
  • Memetic Mutation:
    • Memetic Molester: Hayate, due to her Skinship Grope tendencies, revealed only in the Sound Stages.
    • Tons of fan art of Vita and the new Sony PS Vita are getting published rapidly. Even her seiyuu twitted about the topic.
    • After being called a demon and stating that she may as well be if that's what will work, Nanoha Takamachi has since been known as the "White Devil"
  • Most Wonderful Sound: The cartridge loading sound.
  • They Wasted a Perfectly Good Plot: We never find out how Hayate reacted to hearing about Graham having planned to use her to seal away the Book of Darkness, or if she ever found out at all.
    • Kyouya and Miyuki are shown to be expert swordsmen in Triangle Heart 3 ~sweet songs forever~. One of the enemies their sister is fighting in A's is a sword master. Despite the obvious opportunity for a duel between Signum and either non-magical Takamachi sibling, the most significant event featuring those two in that season is Miyuki ribbing Kyouya about his love life.
    • Considering how much Vita prides herself on there being nothing in the world she cannot break, why didn't she ever seek out a rematch with Yuuno Scrya, the boy who -- without any Device and lacking her centuries of combat experience -- managed to fend her off entirely without even giving her the dignity of his full attention? There's no way that he wouldn't have infuriated her, and no way she would have forgotten or forgiven the offense to her pride. At the very least, she should have become the SECOND antagonistically snarky bane in his life, after Chrono.
      • On the other hand, Vita wasn't even using her full power against Yuuno, as she had to conserve her cartridges (she isn't using the Rocket Form that shattered Nanoha's shields). She did, however, manage to prevent him from casting the teleportation spell that would have enabled them to escape, forcing Nanoha to use Starlight Breaker to destroy the barrier and force the Wolkenritter to retreat.
  • Too Cool to Live: The original Reinforce.
  • The Woobie: All the antagonists to some degree.
  • Wheelchair Woobie: Hayate, whose inability to walk is less of a concern to her than her loneliness and potentially shortened lifespan.
  • Woobie, Destroyer of Worlds: Hayate briefly, although she got over it. Reinforce is an even better example in that she has actually destroyed worlds.
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