< Luigi's Mansion

Luigi's Mansion/YMMV

  • And the Fandom Rejoiced: When Nintendo announced that they were going to make a second game. Although for the 3DS, people were hoping that the sequel would be made for the Wii.
    • Also, the fact that King Boo is returning to his more menacing design from the first game.
  • Crowning Moment of Awesome: The game serves as one for Luigi. Not only does he finally get his own game, but he spends the entirety of it surrounded by his greatest fear...and triumphs.
  • Crowning Moment of Heartwarming: When Mario comes out of the machine alive, with a grate around his neck, Luigi laughs and cries at the same time. Awww.
  • Ear Worm: The Luigi's Mansion theme.
  • Ensemble Darkhorse: Ask an old fan who their favorite Portrait Ghost was and there's a good chance it'll have been Area-spanning ally Madame Clairvoya or pretty young Gamer Chick pianist Melody Pianissima.
  • Fridge Horror: All of the Portrait Ghosts are all family members and servants. However, all of them died, including some children. Plus, the mansion was claimed to have been built for the purpose of fooling Mario and Luigi, yet the Portrait Ghosts seems to be familiar with the place.... is King Boo as much of a monster as Dimentio?
    • The first boss is a dead baby. A cute Boo baby, but when you think about it...
      • After you catch him and read his description in the Game Boy Horror, you find out that said baby was actually born as a ghost. Of course, that might just make things even worse, seeing as that would mean that he was either conceived after his parents had died and become ghosts themselves or that his mother died while she was pregnant...
        • Considering how vain his mother is, this leads to a whole new image that she couldn't let her figure go...
  • Goddamned Bats: Make that goddamned ghost bats.
    • And mice. And weenie little ghosts.
    • Pretty much all the ghosts in the hallways count. They're annoying, often pop out of nowhere, yet technically have zero health points (normally you have to battle ghosts to defeat them, but a ghost with 0hp will die the moment you attack).
  • Goddamned Boss: Nana, who disappears if the player misses her with just one of her yarn balls. Henry and Orville, who can only be vacuumed after winning their game of hide and seek.
  • Hilarious in Hindsight: Examining the telescope in the Observatory with the Game Boy Horror makes Luigi remark how he would love to visit outer space one day. His wish gets granted.
    • Luigi's Game Boy Color has a camera on the back of it. Then in 2009 came the D Si...
  • It's Short, So It Sucks: A common complaint with this game, although really, how big do you want a mansion to be?
    • It's also almost appropriately symmetrical that a game which supposedly takes place in one night, can actually be beaten in one night in real time. (average length of gameplay, minus dicking around for the highest end-game rank, is roughly eight hours.)
      • Even more so when you remember the game was originally going to have a time limit.
        • Better yet, the sequel is going to have more than one mansion. That'll make it a lot better, right?
  • Nightmare Fuel: See here.
  • Paranoia Fuel: Some doors in the mansion are fake and will slam you into the wall while a ghost laughs at your pain. Some of the doors are more obvious, like a trail of coins leading to them. Others give no sign that they are a trap, and can startle the hell out of you if not expecting it. Luckily you can destroy fake doors with fire.
    • Vacuum any door you're unsure about; if it shakes, then it's real.
    • Or check your map because fake doors don't appear.
  • That One Boss: Boolossus. It's always a pain to get that final Boo if you're trying to go for a gold frame. To elaborate, the Boos start off fairly easy to catch. You have to freeze all fifteen Boos and capture them to win. Once you hit a certain number (usually around 7 or 6), they begin to avoid your ice blasts and will make more of an effort to harm you. Those alone are difficult to catch, but when you're one on one with the very last Boo, it will continue dashing at you and dodging your ice until you hit it. And you have to survive the fight without taking too much damage, whereas in most Portrait Ghost fights, it's detemined on how long you hold them in your vacuum suction (in boss fights, the picture frame is determined by how much health you lost during the fight). This one Boo will outlast your health and quickly deny you that gold frame (if you have not lost enough health already earlier in the fight), unless you somehow manage to hit it during its dash attack.
    • How could no one mention King Boo and Mecha-Bowser yet?
      • To elaborate, this is the Final Boss of the game, which, if it's your first time playing, yes, it will be quite difficult. For starters, Mecha-Bowser has quite a few more attacks than most of the other bosses in the game. He can toss explosive spiked balls at you, suck you into his mouth, breathe fire, and trample you. When you blow his head off, his head can fire paralyzing ice balls as you are trying to pull King Boo in for the kill, which can screw you over if you are going for the gold frame here. When King Boo's health is lower than about 200, Mecha-Bowser will put his head on backwards, which results in him running all over the place sporadically. King Boo himself has only one attack if you let him fly about, which is trying to ram you, as is typical of Boos by this point. Plus, there are pillars that are littered around the arena which can be either a help or hinderance to your folly. But when you beat him once, you can beat him any time after that provided you keep on your toes and avoid the attacks effectively.
    • Vincent Van Gore. He can make trios of ghosts, which can either corner you or knock you out of a capture attempt. To make this even worse, some of these ghosts are either Goddamned Bats or Demonic Spiders (the grabbing ghosts and the blue ground pounding ones come to mind), which, if you're not careful, can easily drain your health. Thankfully, Vincent Van Gore himself is utterly pathetic (he doesn't even attack you), but it boils down to the fact that this is a fight you'll either quickly win or quickly lose.
    • Bogmire and Chauncey aren't quite walks in the park either, especially if you're trying to get the highest rating on them.
      • Granted, they're only the first and second bosses of the game, but they have their own perks that can make them a bit frustrating to face. Chauncey can summon a lot of attacks after you, the balls he summons being the worst, since their paths can be a bit unpredictable. The horses aren't better, but you can goad them by running towards them and past them as they fly by, missing you completely. Also, when Chauncey flops about on the bed, steer clear or else kiss a huge chunk of your health goodbye. Bogmire is probably irritating for all of those shadow clones it sends after you. A simple solution to this? Train the vacuum on them and get them to their "projectile transformation" animation. When they drop, stop using the vacuum, and they'll disappear completely. Managing the amount of shadow clones in that battle is the key to the gold frame.
    • None of those are as frustrating as Sir Weston when you're going for a Rank A. His icy room makes it impossible to get a good traction on the floor, so getting a large pearl to drop is mostly by luck. Oh, and you have the icicles falling from the ceiling constantly, so having one drop on you just as you're about to finish him with a perfect run can ruin your day.
    • How about Biff Atlas or Mr. Luggs, their enormous amount of weight makes them very difficult to hold on to and therefore makes it almost impossible to get a large pearl. However, this can also be due to the large amount of obstacles in both ghost's respective rooms (Mr. Luggs only has one; the huge dining room table and the chairs around it, while Biff's room has a lot more going on).
    • Slim Bankshot is another for a large pearl. Biff and Luggs are enormous; Slim is distinctly not. For heaven's sake, on a first play, you will not expect him to have such an easy time of breaking your hold.
    • The Clockwork Soldiers. They aim their popguns at you, and the blue one drops the pearls.
    • As mentioned above, Nana and the twins.
    • Madame Clairvoya will still try to break free even if she wants to be in her painting.
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