Li'l Elvis and the Truckstoppers
Li'l Elvis and the Truckstoppers is a late-1990s Australian animated series starring Little Elvis Jones, a child prodigy guitarist and singer, and his two best friends living in a small Outback town. Lil' Elvis was dropped in a guitar case on the doorstop of a Happily Married couple of Elvis fanatics running a truckstop, who looked out and saw a Cadillac vanishing into the night. Now he and his friends play in a band, and contend with the Corrupt Corporate Executive W.C. Moore, who practically controls the town and is in a ruthless search for more of the mysterious mineral known as Berkonium.
Despite the fairly typical cartoon presentation, the show had an ongoing plot over W.C. Moore's search for Berkonium and attempts to completely control the town and the Truckstoppers, while the kids deal with the trials of growing up in a small town in the Australian outback.
- Door Step Baby: Lil' Elvis Jones. While his adoptive parents are convinced he's the King's son, Lil Elvis isn't so sure.
- Empathic Weapon: Generally not used as a weapon, but W.C.'s Berkonium marble moves on its own and does whatever W.C. wills it to.
- Mainly, this is to cheat at other people's marbles games.
- Lil' Elvis himself gets one of these in the last episodes, which he uses to beat W.C.
- Getting Crap Past the Radar: An episode has the jumper shorts of Spike, the resident bully, slip down before snapping back up. If you freeze the frame at the right moment, you'll see that the artists actually drew his privates.
- Humiliation Conga: W.C. Moore's ultimate fate.
- Land Down Under: A good example of Australians themselves gleefully invoking their own stereotypes.
- Once an Episode:
- Little Elvis wondering who really dropped him at the doorstep.
- W.C. Moore using his Berkonium marble to beat little kids at marbles and take the winnings.
- A song by the Truckstoppers, of course.
- Serious Business: Elvis, to the townsfolk at least. Even Moore wants to control the band, since they're a major source of income. Also, marbles.
- As well as the Handkerchief from the real Elvis that Little Elvis' mother owns. So much so that Little Elvis is interrogated when he is suspected of stealing it.
- Shock and Awe: mixed with Electric Torture with Moore's special little remote...that activates Duncan's shock watch. Usually because Moore is annoyed at someone and wants to take it out on someone.
- Three Amigos: There's Little Elvis (guitarist and vocals), the slightly weird, nerdy girl (drums) and the smart Aboriginal guy (didgeridoo).
- Unobtainium: Berkonium. W.C. theorises that it comes from outer space, supported by a mysterious device that is attracted to the stuff...
- Widget Series: Classic Aussie humour that only Australians will get.