< Lightning Bruiser

Lightning Bruiser/Playing With

Lightning Bruiser”’: A character who is a fast, strong, and resilient rather than screwing around with one or the other, or with being mediocre.

  • Straight: The storm dragon Arcaus poses twice the strength, speed, hide, and general disposition of a Rhinoceros.
  • Exaggerated: Arcaus moves at the speed of lightning and hits/can be hit about as hard as you would expect from 5000 tonnes of dragon moving at relativistic speed, which he is.
  • Downplayed: Arcaus is a human, but is also champion wrestler who is neverless 300 pounds and a skilled sprinter.
  • Justified: The same huge muscles generally used for sprinting are also good for kicking people. Who would have thought?
  • Inverted: Mindy is a sickly, slow weakling with no notable defensive ability what so ever, and relies on her wit to survive.
  • Subverted: Arcaus may be fast and huge, but he has a glass jaw: he’s a Fragile Speedster with a Glass Cannon stuck to him.
  • Double Subverted: Unfortunately, his healing factor take care of THAT issue.
  • Parodied: Emperor Evilz plays fetch with Arcaus, throwing entire trees over the horizon and his loyal dragon returning them to him within a second.
  • Deconstructed: Arcaus is so stupidly powerful in every way that he’s made HIMSELF stupid, and falls for the oldest tricks in the book.
  • Reconstructed: It's exactly because he's so powerful that he can afford to play around. No one who's genuinely made him go all-out has survived to tell the tale.
  • Zig Zagged: Being a comics character in The Silver Age, Arcaus’s power, and hence his position as Lightning Bruiser tends to vary with the writer, the weather the time of day and whether they’ve had crumpets or sugar puffs for breakfast.
  • Averted: No one who contains a stellar, as opposed to average mix of all these traits appears in the story.
  • Enforced: ???
  • Lampshaded: ‘How can something so big move so fast?!’
  • Invoked: Arcaus trains and trains and trains until his power matches his speed.
  • Exploited: Mindy tricks Arcaus into charging her, and as the dragon is both Too Fast to Stop and Too Strong To BE Stopped, meaning there is nothing he can do to avoid crashing through the barriers protecting him from the black hole generator behind it.
  • Defied: “Dragons grow with age but their ability to fly and their manual dexteiry lessens with size: Thus, Arcaus will either be a Fragile Speedster or a Mighty Glacier, never both.”
  • Discussed: “Y’know it’s a common fallacy that something that’s huge must, by necessity, be slow.”
  • Conversed: “Huh. So much for competitive balance.’
  • Played For Laughs: ‘ We can’t outrun him!’ ‘That’s fine, I only have to outrun you!’

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