< Life (TV series)

Life (TV series)/Headscratchers

  • Wouldn't you notice if you were inhaling liquid nitrogen?
    • Yes, but one good breath would still probably kill you. It wouldn't look like it did in the show - the cause of death would be massive internal damage, not Human Popsicleitis, and it wouldn't be instant, but the plan would work.
  • What happened to Charlie's ex? Was I not paying attention, or did she just disappear from the show for no reason? Also, why was she even in it? She never did anything. Come to think of it, why was Rachel in the show? She was effective as a plot point but she never did anything after Charlie found her. I know they're probably just part of some aborted arcs, but it still bothers me.
    • The way I get it is that they put in his ex to show that there were still some things he couldn't have, even with fifty million dollars and his job back. No matter what he did for her, he didn't get her back, and it was crucial in pointing out that his life wasn't going to go back to the way it was just because he was proved to be innocent. Rachel's entire purpose was to be a Damsel in Distress- she never did anything, but she didn't have to, because her existence- once Charlie found her- threatened Jack Reese and the other guys who set Charlie up. Remember what Jack Reese said in Season 2: 'I have the girl. While I have the girl, we control Crews'. Once Charlie had Rachel, they couldn't control him, so they were effectively doomed.
      • That being said, Rachel's exit in particular probably could have been delayed, if only because they clearly sped up the development of her relationship with Crews in a way that makes you feel they skipped a big Rachel episode (or cut a lot out of "Evil... and His Brother Ziggy."
  • What was with Reese's random sexing up during season two? She went from dressing realistically for a detective's 12 hour work day (comfortable pants and shoes, button up shirts, little make-up and hair back in a bun) to running around crime scenes in heels and wearing tops low enough that her partner (in one of the most randomly annoying moments on the show) advises her to button up because she's a lamb chop or something.

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