< Liberty's Kids

Liberty's Kids/YMMV

  • Ear Worm: The opening theme. (I see a land with liberty for all...)
  • Foe Yay: You could say this is how James and Sarah started out.
  • Tear Jerker: The death of Nathan Hale. Even James cries in that scene.
    • James' reaction to seeing the sailor who was tarred and feathered. After going through the entire episode thinking that the guy got what he deserved, he's treated to a rather graphic description of what happens when you're tarred and feathered, taken into the room to see the man covered in bandages and crying in pain, and then told that the tears cause an unending cycle of pain because the salt in the tears only makes that man hurt more. James starts crying.

Moses: I brought the young man I mentioned earlier. Can he ask you a question or two?
Sailor: Yes.
James: ...Is there anything I can do?

    • Sarah's cousin Tom's death at the Battle of Lexington and Concord.
  • Toy Ship: James and Sarah.
    • When they can use being engaged as a cover story to get out of trouble, it is past the toy age.
  • The Woobie: James, Henri, and Moses when they explain their pasts.
    • Hell, pretty much everyone in this series gets Woobified at one point or another. Even the historical characters.
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