< Let's You and Him Fight

Let's You and Him Fight/Playing With

Basic Trope: Two heroes, on the same side and working for the same goals, attack each other.

  • Straight: Actionman and the Swordsman are both trying to bring down Emperor Evulz, but they attack each other the first time they meet.
  • Exaggerated: Actionman and the Swordsman burst into Emperor Evulz's lair, but attack each other while Evulz watches on and laughs.
  • Justified: Actionman thought the Swordsman was a criminal.
  • Inverted: Enemy Civil War
  • Subverted: The Swordsman talks his way out of a fight with Actionman by explaining who he is, and they avoid a battle.
  • Double Subverted: But they have a lighthearted sparring match as soon as they get the opportunity.
  • Parodied: Actionman and the Swordsman recognize each other as heroes, but attack each other anyways because "it's traditional"
  • Deconstructed: Emperor Evulz is a competent Manipulative Bastard who constantly tricks heroes into fighting each other, and when they've weakened themselves too much, swoops in for the kill.
  • Reconstructed:Emperor Evulz is a competent Manipulative Bastard, but also The Man Behind the Curtain from taking only easy victories. The heroes, meanwhile, have gotten tougher and smarter by praticing on each other, and when they finally unite, they crush Evulz.
  • Zig Zagged: The Swordsman and Actionman frequently change allegiances for expedience, sometimes fighting together, and sometimes fighting each other.
  • Averted: Actionman and the Swordsman recognize each other and greet each other cordially.
  • Enforced: The entire fanbase wants to see a fight between Actionman and the Swordsman.
  • Lampshaded: "Next time we meet, could we not beat each other to a pulp?"
  • Invoked: The Swordsman tests every new hero he meets, in order to ensure their competence.
  • Defied: Even though the Swordsman attacks him, Actionman refuses to fight back until the Swordsman realizes they're not enemies.
  • Discussed: Emperor Evulz, watching the fight from afar, mutters to himself, "They're after me, yet they've started fighting each oth- Oh hell yes!"
  • Conversed: "I've wanted to see these two fight forever! A Fan Boy's dream come true at last!

Wait! If you'd just go back to Let's You and Him Fight, you'd see I'm on your side!

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