Legend of Zelda: The Return

Legend of Zelda: The Return is a Zelda fanfic by Rose Zemlya. It takes place after OoT with the assumption that Link lost all of his memories of the events in the game when Zelda sent him back in time. Because of this, he has lived through a "normal" childhood, living and working in the Archery Shop in Castle Town, spending his free time riding his horse, or hanging out with the ranch girl Malon and the mysterious Sheikah boy, Sheik.

One day, he is asked to deliver a special package directly to Princess Zelda, and his carefree life comes to an end. Dark Link suddenly appears, looking to use the Hero of Time's blood to break the seal on Ganondorf. Link must relearn the events of Ocarina of Time, become reaquainted with allies he can't remember, and bring Hyrule together to fight against Ganon's army before Ganondorf can be released from the Sacred Realm.

Rose Zemlya has also written a sequel to The Return, titled Legend of Zelda: Reconciliation. The plot is loosely based on A Link to the Past, but keeps the same characters and world from The Return.

The author has expanded on the universe of the Zelda games, paying special attention to the cultures and societal structures of the different races.

Tropes used in Legend of Zelda: The Return include:
  • Aerith and Bob: Original characters have names varying from Neesha and Acqul to Thomas and Natalia.
  • Alternate Timeline: When Zelda sent Link back in time, an alternate timeline was created so that Link could grow up normally.
  • Amazon Brigade: The Gerudo, obviously.
  • Ascended Extra: The man in the archery shop is given a name and important role in this story.
    • Dark Link as well. He's only a miniboss in Ocarina of Time, but in The Return he has a much more prominent role.
  • Bag of Holding: Saria gave one to Link as a gift when he left the Kokiri forest in the altered timeline.
  • Big Bad: Guess who.
  • Bow and Sword in Accord: Link spent his altered-timeline childhood living in the archery shop, so of course he's good with a bow. Once he regains his memories of Ocarina of Time, he becomes adept with the sword as well.
  • Brick Joke / Call Back: In an early chapter of The Return, Link makes up a new word to describe the worst possible situation: Link. In Reconciliation, when Link and Neesha are captured by guards:

From worse to Link we go.

Link: It's just Castletown. I'm safe there. What could go wrong?

Hunter: I hate it when you say that.

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