Lean on Me

Joe Clark is a bad man. And we mean that in the best possible way, as in "don't fuck with him." When Paterson, New Jersey's Eastside High School found itself on the brink of being taken over by the state due to piss poor test scores, Clark was brought on board as principal to right the sinking ship.

Lean On Me is a movie Very Loosely Based on a True Story about a tough new school principal who brings a new level of order to an otherwise chaotic school.

Tropes used in Lean on Me include:
  • All of Them: The mayor's aide delivers this line when a horde of unhappy students march on City Hall while the school board is meeting to vote Mr. Clark out as principal, after he's already been jailed for violating local fire safety laws.

(The students are all in the town square outside, chanting "Free Mr. Clark!")
Mayor's Aide: It appears Mr. Clark's students have assembled outside in an exercise of their First Amendment rights.
Mayor: How many?
Mayor's Aide: It looks like...all of them.

  • Darker and Edgier: In comparison to most movies about inspirational educators. A teacher gets murdered in front of a crowded lunch room in the very first scene. Things do eventually improve, though.
  • Dispense with the Pleasantries: At a teachers' meeting, Clark makes abundantly clear that flattery isn't going to work on him.

Mr. O'Malley: We want to welcome Mr. Clark to Eastside; we've heard so much about you; and tell you what we have done in anticipation of your arrival. Mrs. Levias, your other vice principal, and I, have appointed an executive committee to oversee certain areas where we have noted a need for improvement, and Mr. Zirella, for example...
Joe: You may sit down, Mr. O'Malley.

Joe: I cried "my God, why has thou forsaken me?" and the Lord said "Joe, you're no damn good. No, I mean this! More than you realize, you're no earthly good at all unless you take this opportunity and do whatever you have to." And he didn't say "Joe, be polite".

Joe: You've tried it your way for years, and your students can't even get past the minimum basic skills test. THAT MEANS THEY CAN HARDLY READ!

  • N-Word Privileges: Joe Clark at a meeting calling himself the HNIC, and another black person at the meeting clarifying afterwards to a white colleague that it stands for "head nigga in charge."
  • Precision F-Strike: See above.
  • Save Our Students
  • Shoot the Dog: Many of Joe Clark's actions have some arguable moral ambiguity to them, from chaining and locking school doors (in violation of fire safety rules) on being told that someone from inside the school let an expelled student into the building, to firing a teacher for picking up trash during the school song for which everyone was told not to move.
  • Stuffed Into a Locker: Sams, at the beginning of the movie. Then, to drive home how bad things have gotten at East Side High over the last 20 years, Sams is yelling urgently to be let out, yet a janitor walking down the empty hallway (the school day had just ended) completely ignores him.
  • Verb This: Just after Mrs. Berrett and the fire chief spring their Engineered Public Confession on Mr. Clark and he's being taken away in handcuffs by the police with some of his students (including Sams) looking on:

Clark: Mrs. Berrett, if you think you can--
Berrett: SHUT UP! You're finished! The school board is going to hear this at seven o'clock, and we are gonna vote your black ass out.
Sams: *grabs his crotch* YO, BITCH! VOTE ON THIS!

Mrs. Elliott: I would love to stay and chat, Mr. Clark, but I've a concert in New York in two weeks and I would like to be prepared.
Joe Clark: What?
Mrs. Elliott: Prepare. You do know what prepare means, don't you? It means ready, capable and up to your job.
Joe Clark: What concert, Mrs. Elliott?
Mrs. Elliott: The one at Lincoln Center. We do one every year.
Joe Clark: Until now. As of this moment, your little concert is cancelled.

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