< Lawful Good
Lawful Good/Quotes
"The only stable state is the one in which all men are equal before the law."
"Nobody has a more sacred obligation to obey the law than those who make the law."
"He who does not punish evil, commands it to be done."
(Green Lantern is about to be executed)
Green Lantern: We have to. Think of the others like us. We need to be held accountable. We have too much power not to be.
The Flash: We can't just sit here.
"Then Anu and Bel called by name me, Hammurabi, the exalted prince, who feared God, to bring about the rule of righteousness in the land, to destroy the wicked and the evil-doers; so that the strong should not harm the weak."—Code of Hammurabi
"The main thing I keep in mind during these cases is to serve the law and people. To see them as equal despite practicality and contradictions of the situation dangling before you."
I swore to uphold and defend the Crown, my lord. And that means I am bound by the law. One does not arrest, judge, sentence, or execute prisoners without the due course of the law. Neither does an agent of the Crown betray her word once given.—Amara, Codex Alera
For as long as I'd known her, Murphy had upheld the law. She had a good head on her shoulders when it came to the nature of good and evil and right and wrong, but her first duty had been to the law. She'd believed in it, that it was the best way to help and protect her fellow man. She'd had faith that the power of the law, while imperfect, was absolute--almost holy. It was a rallying point in her soul, a foundation block of her strength.—Harry Dresden, Narrator, Blood Rites
"Freedom is the right of all sentient beings."
"I had to prove to myself that the Law could be proper and righteous and for the good of humankind. It was from that moment that I was destined to be a police officer."—Nicholas Angel, Hot Fuzz
"It's not the severity of punishment that deters criminals. It's the certainty of it."—Commander Shepard, Mass Effect
"The point of all this, I guess, is that when you cut corners...it's not always obvious who pays."—Kaidan Alenko, Mass Effect 1
"Rules do not exist to limit you. They exist so that you may know your freedoms."—The King of Facade, Nie R
"Without courage, justice is weak."
"True peace is not merely the absence of tension. It is the presence of justice."—Dr Martin Luther King Jr.
"The machine ain't broken, Carcer. The machine is waiting for you. The city will kill you dead. The proper wheels will turn. It'll be fair, I'll make sure of that."—Samuel Vimes, Night Watch
"Law is order and order is law and it must be the highest thing. The world runs on it, the heavens run on it and without order, lad, one second cannot follow another."—Samuel Vimes, Snuff
"Absolute freedom is no better than chaos. Society needs laws and regulations to protect it."—Adam Jensen, quoting William Taggart, Deus Ex Human Revolution
Aveline: What now, mage?
Aveline: Look out. Authority! Oooo!
Anders: Nothing.
Aveline: Right. Any second, I'll surrender to the almighty power of "guard captain" and enslave all mages.
Anders: What are you talking about?—Dragon Age II: Legacy
"That was good of you. That was lawful good of you"
Couple weeks from now, you're gonna be in some district somewhere with 11 or 12 uniforms looking to you for everything. And some of them are gonna be good police. Some of them are gonna be young and stupid. A few are gonna be pieces of shit. But all of them will take their cue from you. You show loyalty, they learn loyalty. You show them it's about the work, it'll be about the work. You show them some other kinda game, then that's the game they'll play.—Daniels to Carver, The Wire
You wanted a chance to make law? Well, here it is. Make it a good one.—Captain Picard, Star Trek the Next Generation
To destroy this invisible Government, this unholy alliance between corrupt business and corrupt politics is the first task of the statesmanship of the day. This country belongs to the people. Its resources, its business, its laws, its institutions should be utilized, maintained, or altered in whatever manner will best promote the general interest.—Theodore Roosevelt
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