King's Quest V Abridged
"The CD version of Kings Quest V was one of the first ever games to have voice acting. Unfortunately, gamers wished the characters had kept their mouths shut when they were treated to some true audio atrocities."
A two-part Abridged Series by ExcaliburBrothers from 2009 that mocks King's Quest V's terrible voice acting.
Watch the first part here.
- Affectionate Parody: Of the game, of course.
- Blatant Lies: (When Cedric is kidnapped) "Cedric! You've been so important to my adventure so far!"
- Brick Joke: The series is divided into two videos, hence some jokes are repeated once in each part.
- Character Exaggeration: Cedric, Crispin, the Tailor ("Did someone say offensive stereotype?").
- Disproportionate Retribution: What Mordack thinks of Manannan's fate.
Mordack: "You big meanie, Graham! Your son Alexander turned my brother Manannan into a cat! What did he do to deserve that? Other than enslaving a series of boys and killing them before they could grow strong enough to oppose him!?"
- Exactly What It Says on the Tin: Mordack's first line in-game.
Mordack: "I love to steal castles and shrink families in the morning... because that's what I'm doing now!"
Cedric: "Watch your money around the gypsies, Graham! They come from far away and wear weird clothes!"
Graham: (with a close-up of Cedric) "Look who's talking, Cedric!"
- Improbable Weapon User: Graham seriously thinks that Mordack's kitchen is actually his armoury. Why else would he leave those deadly peas lying around?
- Incredibly Lame Pun: Apparently Harpies like harps. And also when Graham dispatches the blue monster in Mordack's castle.
Graham: "It's time to give peas a chance!!"
- Ironic Echo: The opening.
- Lampshade Hanging: Just about everything in the game. In many cases regarding the Moon Logic Puzzle nature of some parts of the game.
- Large Ham: Everyone, especially Graham and Mordack. Probably done to mock the game's voice acting.
- Rhymes on a Dime: Crispin's spell used to revive Cedric.
- Running Gag: See also Verbal Tic. Also, "Crispin's spells suck!"
- Shout-Out: When Graham defeats Mordack, the victory tune from Final Fantasy plays. Furthermore, one of the spells used by Crispin is Flipendo!
- The Stinger: Revealing Manannan's whereabouts.
Manannan: "I'll have my revenge, Graham! You'll see! One day, I'll pee in your shoes!!"
- Up to Eleven: Many details and accents are exaggerated for a humorous effect.
- Verbal Tic: Cedric has "Is a pOIsonous X" and "Graham, Help me!" Mordack too has his "swAIn!"
- Vocal Dissonance: The Ice Queen speaks with an emotionless, manly voice. Cassima too has a male-sounding voice. Justified by the tiny cast.
- Weaksauce Weakness: "Everyone know that flying beings hate tigers!"
- Weapon of X-Slaying: Parodied.
Graham: "Cedric! Fetch me the snake-repealing tambourine!"