< King's Quest II
King's Quest II/YMMV
- Non Sequitur Scene: In both versions of the game, the Batmobile occasionally appears outside Hagatha's cave. In the remake, it crashes against a cliff offscreen.
- Genius Bonus: Some of the Shout Outs and Continuity Nods in the Fan Remake are really, really obscure.
- Moment of Awesome: Command line: Kill Dracula, *enter*
- Sequelitis: The game isn't as good as King's Quest I Quest for The Crown, but it is important to later games and did help launch the series.
- Rescued from the Scrappy Heap: The Fan Remake does this for the original.
- Take That, Scrappy!: During the Cloud Spirit test in the remake, if you pass the first two questions you can choose an optional answer where Graham asks Connor to free the kingdom from a dreaded beast... revealed to be Cedric the Owl, and then he draws his blade and chases the damned owl himself.
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