Julia's Eyes

Julia's Eyes is a Spanish Psychological Horror film directed by Guillem Morales and produced by Guillermo del Toro.

After the apparent suicide of her sister, Julia attempts to investigate what she considers to be suspicious circumstances; her sister was blind and Julia is in the process of losing her sight as well. As she attempts to unravel the mystery around her, she comes closer and closer to complete blindness.

Tropes used in Julia's Eyes include:
  • Alone with the Psycho
  • Bittersweet Ending - Julia is blind at the end of the film but has embraced her condition.
  • By the Eyes of the Blind - Not literally, but Iván feels invisible to those around him and is only noticed by those are blind. Thus, his obsession with Julia and her sister.
  • Chekhov's Gun - Soledad's son, Ángel.
  • Don't Look At Me - At the climax, Iván says this to the arriving police after spending much of the film bemoaning that no one notices him.
  • Driven to Suicide - The apparent fate of Julia's sister and, later, husband.
  • The Faceless - During the middle of the film, in which Julia has her eyes bandaged, everyone she interacts with has their face obscured to the viewer; either we see them from behind or their head is cut off by the camera.
  • Eye Scream - Iván holds a knife dangerously close to Julia's eyes to see if she is really blind. Later on, when it's revealed that his "blind" mother can really see, he injects a needle into her eye with a fluid to blind her again... in excruciating close-up.
  • Invisibility - See By the Eyes of the Blind; Iván is not literally invisible, but he's referred to as such in that he's hard to notice or remember.
  • Nothing Is Scarier - The film is this trope.
  • Room Full of Crazy/Stalker Shrine - Julia's stalker has one of these.
  • Shout-Out - The climax is similar in presentation to Wait Until Dark.
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