Jonny's Golden Quest

Jonny's Golden Quest was the first TV movie made for the Jonny Quest series. It aired in 1993. It isn't actually related to the classic series in any way, given that Jonny's mother is present (at least for a while) and seems to be an attempt at a reboot. If anything, it, along with Jonny Quest vs. the Cyber Insects which came out two years later, could be seen as part of the Real Adventures continuity.

Dr. Benton Quest and his wife, Dr. Rachel Quest, are investigating mutations which turn out to be caused by toxic runoff from the secret laboratory/lair of Benton's old enemy Dr. Zin, who is dying of an unspecified disease and trying to clone himself. Most of the clones turn out mutated and deformed mentally regressed monsters which Zin refers to as "Replicants." He has recently succeeded in creating a more or less perfect clone of himself however.

Zin's henchmen kidnap Benton and Rachel, and Jonny and Hadji along with Race stage a rescue, however Rachel dies when she and Zin fall into molten lava. Jonny and his father grieve. Later, a girl named Jessie Devlon arrives, insisting that her father, scientist Victor Devlon, is missing, and she wants the Quests help in locating him. They agree, but it turns out she's not Devlon's daughter, but Race's, and that Zin isn't dead (it was the perfect clone that fell into the lava), and is behind the entire thing. Jonny burns for vengeance despite Benton's urges not to.

Tropes used in Jonny's Golden Quest include:
  • Alchemy: Dr. Zin finds a means of turning lead into gold.
  • An Aesop: Seeking revenge is bad.
  • Bald of Evil: Dr. Zin.
  • Brainwashed: Averted. Hadji tries to hypnotize Snipe using the sparkly jewel from his turban, but it doesn't work.
  • Chase Scene: A few, one with a gigantic cherry picker crane.
  • Clone Degeneration: The Replicants don't last for very long and eventually melt into puddles of slime, bones and all.
  • Crusading Widower: Averted almost entirely with Benton. Even when it turns out Zin is still alive, he doesn't want to be driven to violent acts to avenge Rachel.
  • The Dragon: Snipe, the only Replicant who can talk and also isn't prone to melting.
  • Expendable Clone: The first perfect clone of Zin is this. The Replicants (except for Snipe) also count.
  • Faceless Goons: Zin's Volcano Lair is bristling with them.
  • Faking the Dead: Zin can do this repeatedly thanks to having clones of himself. The Quests eventually get wise to his shenanigans, though.
  • Family-Unfriendly Death: The sight of the Replicants melting is pretty horrific, and also Zin's robot kills Dr. Victor Devlon by burning him to ash with its laser.
  • Force Field Door: Benton and Rachel are held prisoner inside of a cage with bars made of energy.
  • He Who Fights Monsters: Why Benton doesn't want his son to thirst for vengeance.
  • Hey, It's That Voice!: A delightfully hammy Jeffrey Tambor as Zin, and Frank Welker as various characters, including Snipe the Replicant.
  • Hologram: 3-DAC.
  • Imperial Stormtrooper Marksmanship Academy: As usual none of the bad guys can hit anything.
  • Incurable Cough of Death: Zin suffers from this and has to use a breathing machine.
  • Jonny Quest
  • Killer Robot: Zin has one.
  • Land Down Under: Where the climax takes place.
  • Made for TV Movie
  • Sequel Hook: The surviving clone.
  • Supervillain Lair: Zin's secret lab inside an Australian water-treatment plant.
  • Volcano Lair: Zin has one of these at the beginning.
  • Yellow Peril: Underplayed due to this being made in the 90's, but Zin nonetheless has visibly yellow-colored skin and looks and dresses like a racist caricature of a traditional Asian man.
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