< It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia

It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia/Headscratchers

  • In "The Gang Gets Held Hostage" Frank reaches behind his back to reach for his gun taped to his back. When, during crawling through the air vents, did he get access to duct tape and taped to his back?
    • Probably justified as part of the overall Die Hard parody.
    • Fridge Brilliance It's entirely possible that while crawling through an Air Duct, they found some Duct Tape. Especially considering Charlie isn't exactly the best handy man, a lot of broken things in the bar are probably fixed with duct tape.
  • In "Dennis and Dee's Mom Is Dead", Dennis and Dee's real father steals the gangs camera as proof that Dennis violated the terms under which he was given his mother's house. It seems like Dennis could have simply avoided losing the house by getting the camera back and destroying the tape. Why no one in the gang tried to get their camera back is beyond me.
    • Probably because even they know when attacking a guy would lead to more problems for them.
    • Despite all their bravado and show, everyone in the gang is a coward.
  • Dennis and Dee's real father is Bruce Mathis. Thus, they are not blood-related to Frank. Why is it, then, that Dennis is an Identical Grandson? Poppop specifically says that the reason they don't know about his war history is because of their "bastard father," which in context HEAVILY implies that Frank is his son.
    • Well unless it specifically stated Frank was his son, it doesn't exactly completely rule out that he wasn't. Plus Frank's character didn't even exist until season two, so little details like stuff early on in season one are liable to change as a quiet retcon.
    • Wasn't Pop Pop their mother's father? That's the impression I got. In that case, typical in-law animosity would explain his attitude toward Frank.
  • In "Mac and Charlie: White Trash", Mac and Charlie get stuck in an empty pool. So why didn't Mac give Charlie a boost over the edge? The pool was only about 8 or 9 feet deep, they could've easily gotten out that way. Or at least grabbed the mattress and dragged it back in.
    • It was a diving pool, those are at least twenty feet deep so people don't get paralyzed when they smash into the bottom.
  • When the gang gets mugged (for the second time) in "Hundred Dollar Baby" why don't they just run? They've got open space behind them and look to be in better condition than a methed out addict with a tiny knife. Hell, they knew running away would work (it did the first time), and even without leaving Dee behind as a decoy (which didn't seem intentional) they would've been fine.
  • In season one, Charlie is described as being in love with the Waitress "for months." Later episodes show that they went to school together (and the Reunion episode has Charlie mention that she was the prettiest girl in the school, implying an infatuation from early on). So why is Charlie's love of her so recent?
    • It's the gang. They probably didn't notice or really care until then. Dennis and Dee were at college for a while, presumably and Mac is self absorbed.
    • Maybe Charlie thought she was pretty in school, but didn't develop an actual crush on her until much more recently.
    • Also, in the episode "The waitress is getting married" the Waitress tells Dee that she sat next to her in school, but Dee doesn't remember, so they aren't the most observant bunch
    • Maybe it's all of the above somehow?

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