< It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia

It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia/Funny

  • It would probably quicker just to cite as an example "the entire series", but, for the sake of explanation, watch this video of Danny DeVito likely drunk on the set at 8am. Then imagine an entire series made up of that sort of thing.
  • The end of "Charlie Goes America All Over Everybody's Ass". After turning Paddy's into a bar with absolute freedom, Frank gets sent to the basement to run his gambling operations. After deciding to evacuate everyone, Dennis and Mac go to the basement to find that Frank has spread his gambling to Russian Roulette. He spins a revolver and gives it to a participant, off screen we hear a gunshot, and a thud.
    • The fact that all of Frank's "friends" in that basement are Vietnamese, along with the fact that Frank is wearing an eyepatch and smoking a cigarette while doing this, makes that scene also a Shout-Out to the most famous scene from the end of The Deer Hunter.
  • "Because I cut the brakes! Wildcard, bitches! YEEEEEEE HAW!"
  • The end of "The Gang Gives Back". To elaborate, for community service, the gang (save Frank and Charlie) have been required to coach dual basketball teams at the local rec center, Dennis coaching one team, Mac and Dee coaching the other. Frank decides to get in on this by betting on the game with his chain-smoking, Vietnamese friends. Only he fixed the game by giving Dennis' star player a bike to stay out of it. After realization of this disadvantage, Dennis teaches his team to play dirty, and Mac and Dee do the same. Meanwhile, Charlie was required to join an AA club, where he see the waitress and tries to stalk her there. When he lets out that Dennis is coaching a community basketball team, she attends the game to see him coach. Feeling jealous, Charlie shows up the game also, DRUNK, and apparently, as the referee. The result must be seen to believe.
  • Charlie's "Kitten Mittons" commercial.
  • Sweet Dee getting dry heaves as she attempts to do stand-up comedy.
  • Charlie's and Mac's outrageously ridiculous plan to fake their deaths in "Mac and Charlie Die: Part One".
  • "The Gang Gets Whacked". Charlie and Dee witness Rickety Cricket upon giving him cocaine. The all definite proof that Drug use can be hilarious
  • Charlie's date in "The Waitress Is Getting Married". From Dennis and Mac setting him up with a Match.com profile to the disastrous ending.
  • In "The Gang Wrestles For The Troops", Frank welcoming Ben the soldier (who just got dumped by Dee after she saw him in a wheelchair) home by inviting him to a wrestling match, presenting him with a gift of a pair of jean shorts and awkwardly saluting him to "A Kiss From A Rose" by Seal.
  • "Because you are crack heads, children."
  • The gang advising the therapist to bring a gun to Frank's intervention.
  • Everything Charlie says after agreeing to date a teenage gossip addict in "Underage Drinking: A National Concern", as well as the final shot of Mac showing up stag to the high school dance. (Neither of these are flashbacks.)
  • The boat episode where Dee dances like the inflatable dancer seen in most used car lots. When the boat goes up in flames...it's still dancing.
  • The entire Road Trip episode - There's just too many to describe.
  • The Unreliable Narrator parts of the 2010 Halloween episode - culminating with Dee as an Ostrich.
  • Mac's letter to Chase Utley.
  • "We can't eat the rabbit! He's got Frank's soul!"
  • The entirety of the episode "Sweet Dee is Dating a Retarded Person".

Mac: It sounds like a song where a guy breaks into your house and rapes you.
Charlie: What, dude? Where are you getting that from? It's just two men sharing the night/It might seem wrong but it's just right...

  • From "The Gang Finds A Dumpster Baby":

Frank: What the hell is that?
Mac: It's a baby we found in the dumpster.
Frank: Well put it back, it doesn't belong to you.

  • In "Who Got Dee Pregnant?", Dee appears as a constantly-screaming ostrich in Mac's story.
  • Ryan stabbing Liam in the arm in "The Gang Gets Held Hostage"

Liam: You were supposed to stab one of them!

  • In one episode, Dee tries to make a viral video. Something about the emphasis just perfects Mac's reaction:

Mac: Dee, there are a million videos on the internet. Who gives a shit?

  • "I'm cutting off the bottom half of his shower curtain, that way when he takes a shower, everyone will see his junk!"
  • Dennis' entire speech on twinks and bears and other gay slang
  • The Lethal Weapon 5 video the guys made.
  • "Frank Reynolds' Little Beauties" is in a class all by itself.
  • "The Spaniards banged the Mayans, turned them into Mexicans."
  • In one episode, there's a serial killer in the area hunting young, attractive blonde women, and Dee is worried that she might get attacked. Everyone claims that she doesn't fit the profile at all ("You're blonde and a woman, but that's hardly enough"), and its forgotten about. They suspect Mac is the killer (he's hiding the fact that he's dating a pre-op transsexual) so they decide to stage an intervention. But they don't want to do it at one of their places (Frank has a chainsaw he's itching to use if Mac gets feisty), so they use the apartment that Dee is supposed to be housesitting for some guy who's obviously in love with her. They go to the apartment, do the intervention, and of course it turns out Mac's not the killer. Charlie goes to see if there's any food in the fridge, and finds the severed heads of young, attractive blonde women. Then the owner comes home. The episode ends with Frank revving up the chainsaw.
  • The Coach in "The Gang Gets Invincible" never fails to make me laugh. He manages to scream almost every line he's got without being overly hammy, and scares the shit out of our protagonists.
  • In the season finale of Season 7, the Gang go to their high school reunion, and perform 'Plan B,' an incredibly intricate and awesome dance number that really seems like a CMoA for the entire gang. Then it reveals that the entire dance was a drunken hallucination in their heads, and all they did was dance drunkenly and yell in front of their entire high school reunion.
  • The Night Man Cometh all the way through.

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