< Iris Zero
Iris Zero/Characters
Here are the characters for Iris Zero.
Toru Mizushima
- The Chessmaster: Not quite there yet, but he's learning.
- Chronic Hero Syndrome: And Sasamori wouldn't let him stop even if (when) he wanted.
- Friendless Background: As The Loner, via ostracism.
- Guile Hero: Even as an elementary student he'd tricked others into believing he had an Iris that could detect Irises, an illusion maintained solely through deduction. Yuki then outed him after he revealed her Iris.
- I Don't Want to Ruin Our Friendship: Toru's reason for pretending not to notice Sasamori's feelings for him, as he's afraid of ruining his friendship with not just her but everyone else.
- Knight in Sour Armor
- Non-Action Guy: His usual approach to any sort of violent conflict is "sit there and take it" in hopes his bullies get bored sooner.
- Ordinary High School Student: The original series concept had Toru as the only one with an Iris and everyone else was mundane, but the writer decided that was too cliche and that Toru had no other distinguishing features as a result. So Toru's "normalness" became his distinguishing feature.
- Sweet Tooth
- Un-Sorcerer
Koyuki Sasamori
- Apologises a Lot: Tends to do this a lot.
- School Idol
- Student Council President
- Team Mom
Hijiri Shinonuka
- Eyes Always Shut
- The Lancer: To Toru
- Obfuscating Stupidity: Acts very flighty and silly, but beneath the surface is almost as analytical as Toru.
Asahi Yuki
- Fiery Redhead
- Former Childhood Friends: With Toru. She's the one who outed him as a Zero when they were both still children, and only recently have they reconciled thanks to Sasamori.
- Hidden Depths:
- Jade-Colored Glasses: Thanks to her Iris. She puts on a good face despite that but doesn't completely trust anyone. She admits to Toru that she can't even stop herself from compulsively checking her closest friends.
- Living Lie Detector
- Personality Powers: Even polite lies and pleasantries bother her, since she sees them the same as more serious lies. Everyone who knows her describes her as having a "strong sense of justice" as a result.
Nanase Kuga
- Aura Vision/The Empath: Kuga's Iris lets her see people's emotions as colored butterfly wings.
- Childhood Friends: With Tokita.
- Dark and Troubled Past: Kuga's father was abusive and unloving, the first of which she hid and the second she could see with her Iris but refused to tell... until she did inform her mother, at which point her parents divorced, an event she blames herself for.
- Emotionless Girl: Growing out of it, though.
Harumi Tokita
- Unlucky Childhood Friends: With Kuga. And his Iris always lets him know exactly how unlucky a childhood friend he is.
- The Matchmaker: Tokita's Iris lets him see who is in love with whom by an arrow over their heads indicating the target of their affections.
- Stoic Spectacles
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