Infinite Space/Characters
The character sheet for the DS game Infinite Space. Be careful, the trope Loads and Loads of Characters is not spoken lightly. Any inputs are welcomed.
The names used in this character sheet are based on the US version of the game. Please note as there are no official romanizations for the names' bar for the first three characters, the Japanese names listed are subject to change.
Main Characters
Yuri (JP: Yuri)
A boy who travels out into the sea of stars to solve the mysteries of the Epitaph that his father left to him. Yuri has a strong sense of adventure and curiosity about the unknown, as well as a fierce competitive streak.
- All Girls Want Bad Boys: While not a bad guy in terms of personality, he definitely qualifies for most of his actions in Act 2. Heck, even Princess Glorinda takes a liking on him!
- Anti-Hero: Type IV. He's a genuinely heroic individual, but he is also willing to commit piracy, kidnapping, Cold-Blooded Torture, and even kill surrendered enemies to achieve his goals.
- Artificial Human: He's an Observer.
- Badass: Has a few moments of badassery in Act 1, but he definitely qualifies as this in Act 2.
- Badass Cape: In Act 2.
- Badass Long Hair
- Benevolent Boss: Bastian even notes this as the reason why he is a better captain than Cico, since he doesn't simply treat his crew as power to run his ship.
- Bishonen/Biseinen: Stands out all the more due to the art style.
- Can't Drop the Hero: Since he's the captain... yeah.
- Chick Magnet: Much to his sister's chagrin.
- Even the Guys Want Him: Probably, considering Cico's obsession to him and his interaction with Dietrich.
- Chronic Hero Syndrome: In Act 1.
- Dragged Into Drag: Along with Ian during the Gorodok tavern event.
- Fake Memories
- Gender Blender Name
- Get a Hold of Yourself, Man!: He often receives this throughout the game, even in Act 2.
- Handsome Lech: Possibly, if the tavern conversation with Sombra says anything.
- The Hero: Well, duh.
- Heroes Prefer Swords
- Heroic Albino
- Heroic BSOD: He and Kira briefly suffer from this upon learning their identity as Artificial Humans.
- Heterosexual Life Partners: With Torlo.
- Hot-Blooded: Not too apparent compared to Cico, but he has his moments.
- Idiot Hero: A fresh aversion. While he is inexperienced and has his moments of naivety, he is also pretty knowledgeable and at least knows what he is doing.
- In-Series Nickname: "Special Prisoner" for almost half of Act 2. Arguably doubles as Red Baron, considering how most people react toward his name.
- Incest Subtext: With Kira. Lampshaded repeatedly.
- Jack of All Stats: Starts out as one, and due to his permanent position as the captain he will most likely stay in this way. However, he can exceed others in "Combat" stat if you choose to have him directly participate in melee battles, and his Leadership stat will (of course) always be massively high for his level.
- Katanas Are Just Better: Upon closer look, his plasmic blade resembles a katana.
- Large and In Charge: As an adult, Yuri is almost as big as Taranis.
- Latex Space Suit: His bodysuits, but especially his Act 1 suit. Later bodysuits are far more accessorized.
- Leeroy Jenkins: He tends to charge head-on to battle in Act 1.
- Magnetic Hero
- Mr. Fanservice
- My Sister Is Off-Limits: When Cico wants to confess to Kira, although he eventually gives up.
- Not Blood Siblings: To Kira.
- Pint-Sized Powerhouse: He is noted to be pretty strong for somebody at his size in Act 1.
- Ship Tease: Besides the Ho Yay and the obvious ones, he has a bit of subtext with (and a Shipper on Deck for) Glorinda.
- Took a Level in Badass: He is noticeably wiser in Act 2.
- Unwanted Harem: Let's see... Kira, Nia, Franny, Glorinda, Melania, and possibly Soneto, Mariana and Katida. And then there's the Ho Yay...
- What the Hell, Hero?: He has this attitude toward the LMC nations for their lack of action after Lugovalos conquered SMC.
- X Marks the Hero: Not very noticeable, but he has a small X-shaped scar on his left cheek in Act 2.
- You Gotta Have White Hair: Lampshaded by Cico during their first meeting.
Cico: Hey, you! Yeah, you with the white top!
Nia Lochlain (JP: Tosca Zittarinda)
A female launcher. For a fee, she helps people leave their home planet to journey into space. Nia is the one who first brought Yuri out to the sea of stars.
- Boisterous Bruiser: Fits almost every definition of the trope, apart from being a woman.
- Boobs of Steel: She has pretty good combat stat... along with noticeable racks.
- Bottle Fairy: Though she's always sober on duty, the girl likes to let her hair down something fierce.
- Cool Big Sis
- Fallen Princess: A literal example. From a galaxy far, far away, no less.
- Heroic Sacrifice
- Stupid Sacrifice: Some players don't see any necessity for her to take down Eremon at that time. Your Mileage May Vary[1].
- The Ingenue: Apparently used to be one, based on what Eremon said in Kashtano.
- The Lancer
- Mentor Occupational Hazard
- Ms. Fanservice
- The Obi-Wan
- Princess for a Day/She Cleans Up Nicely: The event at Zefiro. The latter is lampshaded by Bastian... who sees her true self after their first meeting.
- Sexy Mentor
- Ship Tease: A bit with Bastian. Brutally sunk following their deaths.
- Stripperiffic: She appears to have forgotten to put on her top.
- Taking You with Me: Attempts to do this to Eremon, but she fails.
- White-Haired Pretty Girl
Kira (JP: Chelsea)
Yuri's little sister and only living relative. Kira is very attached to Yuri. She wants to be by his side, no matter what it takes, and she'll do absolutely anything for him.
- Artificial Human: She's a Tracker.
- Beware the Nice Ones: She might seem harmless, but it's a baaaaaaad idea to think she's a Damsel in Distress or hurt her brother. Just ask Argun, who's now missing his head.
- Bridge Bunnies
- Clingy Jealous Girl
- Curtains Match the Window
- Death Glare: Hard to tell since each character sprite only has one expression, but she apparently likes to give this reaction every time there are implications of something between Yuri and another female character. Played for Laughs.
- Hair Decorations: In Act 2.
- Fake Memories
- Feminine Women Can Cook
- Green Eyes
- Heroic BSOD: See Yuri's entry above.
- Heroic Sacrifice: She recovers at the end of the game.
- Magical Girlfriend: It turns out that she's one, since she came into existence to be Yuri's Tracker.
- The Medic: Her role other than Cook.
- Mind Control Eyes: When she talks to Yuri after Balik's base raid and right before she kills Argun. They're pretty unsettling.
- Not Blood Siblings: To Yuri.
- Proper Lady: What makes Cico to take a liking on her.
- Put on a Bus: Right before the end of Act 1.
- Ret-Gone: She was erased from existence after she tried to hack into Overlord systems. Her android body remains though, and contained extremely important information regarding the Overlords and the Phages.
- Shrinking Violet: Although not so much in Act 2.
- Stripperiffic: Her outfit in Act 2 borders on this. The overall design is similar to Nia's, although her midriff is covered.
- Team Mom: Besides the cooking, she also takes care of children in the stronghold in Act 2. And calms down Georgo.
- You Gotta Have Green Hair
Torlo Adkin (JP: Torlo Agu)
A boy born on the planet of Bagut in the Dominion of Ropesk. Torlo is the leader of a transport gang.
- The Big Guy
- Book Dumb
- Dark-Skinned Blond
- Defeat Means Friendship: His about face the instant you kick his ass is commented on by Yuri.
- Dogged Nice Guy: She'll like you eventually man, just keep calling her 'babe' everytime you speak to her!
- Gonk: That is, until Act 2 kicks in...
- Heterosexual Life Partners: With Yuri.
- Jerk with a Heart of Gold: He can be a bit nasty at times, but he really is a good person.
- Put on a Bus: Along with a few others before the end of Act 1.
- Schoolyard Bully All Grown Up
- Shipper on Deck: When Kira is out of the picture, he ships Yuri and Glorinda.
- Took a Level in Badass: Went from Fat Slob to looking like a blonde version of Rambo.
- Victorious Childhood Friend
Tatiana Agarkov (JP: Tita Agrinos)
A childhood friend of Torlo Adkin. Tatiana has a frank, outspoken nature, and seems to be unaware of her natural beauty.
- Blue Eyes
- Bridge Bunnies
- Get a Hold of Yourself, Man!: She has little patience with people freaking out around her.
- Put on a Bus
- Rose-Haired Girl
- Straight Man
- Tsundere: To Torlo, although she stops acting in this way in Act 2.
- Victorious Childhood Friend
Ian Fenevich (JP: Ines Fin)
A boy born on the frontier planet of Gorodok in the Interplanetary Union of Elgava. Ian's intelligence impressed Dedon Galkin so much that Dedon recommended than Ian join Yuri in his travels.
- Adorkable
- Bishonen/Biseinen: Especially in Act 2.
- Dragged Into Drag: Along with Yuri during the Gorodok tavern event. He nearly gets raped because of it.
- Dude in Distress: Kidnapped and almost raped by the Novgorod Pirates after the event below. He is not pleased.
- Even the Guys Want Him: A dark version. The Novgorod Pirates decide they don't mind that he's not a girl when they kidnap him in drag.
- Hazy Feel Turn: In Act 2. He joins the Lugovalos Empire, but unlike Katida, remains mainly a force for good.
- Megane
- Non-Action Guy: He lampshades it a few times in Act 1.
- Put on a Bus: Near the end of Act 1. He doesn't rejoin your crew.
- Right-Hand Hottie: For Cico in Act 2.
- Screams Like a Little Girl: He apparently does this when rescuing Rhea.
- The Smart Guy
- Teen Genius
- Took a Level in Badass: Starts out as Non-Action Guy in Act 1, and ten years later, he leads a guard force in Mytilene and puts up a pretty good melee fight with Yuri before defeated.
- Tsundere
- Utopia Justifies the Means: Why he later joined Lugovalos.
- Wholesome Crossdresser
- You Gotta Have White Hair
Gen Nadiy (Gennadiy Alabyshev) (JP: Ru Su Fa/Rusfan Alfaroen)
A legendary tactician who once worked for the General Staff Headquarters of the Central Elgavan Forces. Gennadiy Alabyshev disliked being fettered, however, and now spends his days traveling under the assumed name of "Gen Nadiy".
- Cool Old Guy
- Go Out with a Smile
- Incurable Cough of Death: Starts suffering this in Act 2.
- Mentor Occupational Hazard: Dies of old age, instead of in battle.
- The Obi-Wan
- Retired Badass
- The Strategist
Alik Kovalenko (JP: Wal Hagashe)
A boy who travels the sea of stars with Gen Nadiy. Gen took him in after Alik's home planet was decimated, leaving him a refugee. Although only seven years old, Alik already shows great promise as a tactician.
- Adorably Precocious Child: Your Mileage May Vary.
- Adorkable
- Blinding Bangs: Which he lost after he was able to cope with Franny's death.
- Child Prodigy: In Act 1.
- Eyes of Gold
- Like Brother and Sister: With Franny.
- Shrinking Violet: Until Franny's death.
- The Smart Guy
- The Strategist
- Teen Genius: In Act 2.
- You Gotta Have White Hair
Gavriil Minas (JP: Jerou Gan)
A genius scientist with a lab in Kalymnos. Professor Minas is known throughout the Large and Small Magellanic Clouds as a leading authority on Epitaph research.
- Bunny Ears Lawyer
- Crazy Awesome
- Dirty Old Man: He may or may not be one, given that he rebuilt the broken HELP as a Robot Girl.
- Engineer Exploited For Evil
- Man Child: Occasionally comes across as this.
- Omnidisciplinary Scientist
- Techno Babble: He loves this.
Aminda Mistika (JP: Alpina Musie)
The director of the Ludoviko Tani Observatory in Nova Nacio. Aminda is a favorite former student of Professor Gavriil Minas, whom she helps with his Epitaph research.
- Christmas Cake: Professor Minas likes to tease her for haven't been married despite her age. Subverted in that she doesn't care at all and prefers to dedicate her life as a scientist.
- Satellite Character: She is mostly available to make sure Professor Minas doesn't do anything questionable.
Semias Alastar (JP: Shubein Alsegeina)
A self-proclaimed jack-of-all-trades, he wanders far and wide throughout the Small Magellanic Cloud. Semias is well informed on what's happening in every sector of the galaxy at any given time.
- Cool Old Guy
- Crazy Prepared: His knowledge of hidden starlanes comes handy in occasions.
- Demoted to Extra: Even while he's in your crew, Semias will basically disappear from the storyline after early Act 2, even though he played important role beforehand.
- Genius Bruiser
- The Lancer: In Act 2.
- The Obi-Wan: Somewhat plays this role for Yuri after Nia is killed.
- Satellite Character: To some extent. Other than the fact he knows Nia and Celina well (and apparently served under the former once), we don't learn further than that.
Franny Porolo (JP: Franne Porolo)
Born in the Libertasian frontier planet of Morien, Franny is an excellent engineer with cheerful yet rough disposition. When imprisoned on the prison asteroid Lari, Franny became friends with Yuri and helped plan their escape.
- Berserk Button: Arguably, being implied to be stupid or as a Brainless Beauty, as shown when Pipra does so to her.
- Bridge Bunnies
- Brutal Honesty: Her comments are pretty deep on many occasions. The most notable one is during the visit to Escondido, she notes just how... backward the place is.
- Butt Monkey: Fits this trope quite well early in Act 2.
- Curtains Match the Window
- Deadpan Snarker: Well, she tries, at least.
- The Gadfly: Some of her lines skirt into this.
- Genki Girl
- Green Eyes
- Like Brother and Sister: With Alik.
- Playful Hacker
- Valley Girl: In the way she talks, at least.
- Wrench Wench
- You Gotta Have Green Hair
Thomas Veil (JP: Totros Behr)
A man imprisoned on the prison planet Lari who seems well-informed about a variety of things. Although he can sometimes appear to be a bit shallow, his navigation skills are top-notch. He is actually an agent from Federation Security Network led by Brad Lennox.
- Adult Child: Not as extreme as Roth, but he has his moments.
- Bunny Ears Lawyer: Considering he can be a bit... childish at times.
- Fan Boy: Of GG Girls. And other young idols.
- Lolicon: Played for Laughs with his fanboyism toward the GG girls.
Crew Members
The Optional Party Members with very little to no effect to the plot at all.
Poplo (JP: Pupronen)
The leader of the Trump Mercenary Squadron, a group whose activities center mainly in and around Elgava. At the guild on Lutsk, Poplo has been searching for a ship captain with a high level of Fame.
- Badass Beard
- Genius Bruiser: He looks tough as hell and has a great personal combat rating, but really, he's best used as your navigator and will teach Yuri a thing or two if you ask.
Gadina (JP: Gazan)
The second in command of the Trump Mercenary Squadron, a group whose activities center mainly in and around Elgava. Along with Poplo, Gadina has been searching for a ship captain with a high level of Fame.
- Ace Pilot: One of her skills. Piloting is also her best stat.
- The Big Girl
- Boisterous Bruiser: As such, she gets along well with Nia.
- Psychotic Smirk
Radimir (JP: Rashou)
The proprietor of a tavern on Hapsal. Radimir is a glib talker, and can come across as being rather superficial.
- Gossipy Hens: A male example.
Rufina Bondar (JP: Rozlin Mouria)
The proprietress of a tavern on the planet Lutsk.
Karlo Efimov (JP: Kario Ismozera)
The son of the former president of the weapons company Efimov Inc. on the planet Perekop. The company was acquired by the Novgorod Pirates in a hostile takeover, and now Karlo hides away on the planet Klaipeda. He was in the middle of developing weapons and modules to get his revenge on the Novgorod Pirates when he first met Yuri.
Nadja Musin (JP: Naja Miyu)
A scientist who devotes herself to researching rare metals at the National Science Research Lab on the planet Alatyr.
Feodor Kuchin (JP: Bajiru Fama)
A member of the Medic Organization, an Elgavan group of medical volunteers. He values human life beyond all else.
- Frontier Doctor: The reason why he is blacklisted by the Medic Organization, since working in the frontiers won't give much donation.
Larissa Kuchin (JP: Lun Fama)
Feodor Kuchin's daughter. Always by her father's side, Larissa is thoroughly devoted to her life as a medical volunteer.
Loukas Barberis (JP: Raudo Gen Barus)
A highly skilled resource miner, Loukas has worked at virtually every mine throughout Kalymnos.
Rhea Loizou (JP: Lia Sarches)
A former communications operator on a transport ship.
Leo Folias (JP: Rai Derik Galdos)
A civilian scientist. He was confined to the prison planet Skantzoura for some time. Leo took part in the development of the defensive Oort Interception System.
Ratai Faustov (JP: Ratre Faro)
A student of astronomy originally from the planet Volodarev. The party discovered Ratai illegally loitering at the Zvenigorod spaceport trying to measure cosmic radiation.
An android. After the old HELP broke down, Professor Gavriil Minas revamped it into a combat droid with a female appearance.
- Combat Medic
- Eye Beams
- Gender Bender: Starts as a very clearly robotic old man before being rebuilt.
- Laser Blade: 4000-Kelvin degree, no less.
- Robot Girl
Nerissa Roubis (JP: Roube Gamu Rau)
A crackerjack civilian engineer. With her ambiguous looks and rough way of speaking, Nerissa is often mistaken for a young boy.
- Bifauxnen: Poor girl.
- Dark-Skinned Blond
- Dropped a Bridget On Him: Torlo and Yuri don't even know she's a girl before she sacks the former after being told to "grow some muscles".
- Genki Girl
- Wrench Wench
Brava Soneto (JP: Yuma Soun)
A rookie engineer and a member of the guild on the planet Hermeta. Brava has excellent navigation skills and is looking for a captain with a suitably high level of Fame.
- Blue Eyes: Doesn't fit the Curtains Match the Window trope since her eyes are darker.
- Deadpan Snarker
- Rage Quit: How she quit her previous job before joining the Guild.
- Wrench Wench
- You Gotta Have Blue Hair
Pachjo Palmo (JP: Patmu Par)
A former employee of Lanco Warship Manufacturing and a member of the guild on the planet Hermeta. A veteran engineer, Palmo joined the guild in a quest to find a better ship.
Meteo Beleko (JP: Vulgo Bezun)
Military adviser to Cadmus, the feudal lord of the Dominion of Spetses, and admiral of his fleet. He owes his life to Cadmus the First, the previous feudal lord, and so repays this debt to his son, the current Lord Cadmus.
- Defeat Means Friendship: Only if you don't take down his flagship first.
- Worthy Opponent: Commented on by Yuri.
Johano Sceptro (JP: Han Shau)
A hard-drinking zero-G dog who hangs out at the guild on Subpremi. An expert fighter pilot, Johano will teach his piloting skills to anybody who will buy him a drink.
- The Alcoholic: Apparently, he spends most of his salary on drinks.
- Peek-a-Bangs
Nichjo Lotuso (JP: Fu Ruton)
A zero-G dog who can always be found at the guild on Subpremi. An artillery expert, Nichjo is always ready to dole out lessons on artillery skills if the price is right. Looks a little like Popeye.
Paulo Marjeno (JP: Paryuen Marieka)
A trader born in Nova Nacio. Paulo went to Kalymnos looking for business, but ended up being persecuted for being a Nova Nacion.
Anastasia Andreas (JP: Anta Jan Eva)
A doctor in private practice on Zeippern. Anastasia is known throughout the Federation for her impressive skill in medicine.
Anchjo Luzerno (JP: Pino Rusik)
A popular cartoonist who plies his craft in and around the Regeinland area.
Emiliano Colaci (JP: Mettsu Cole)
A freelance zero-G dog who uses the Xeos Belt Union as his base of operations. Emiliano is good friends with Jovani Taglienti.
- Curtains Match the Window
- Funny Afro
- Grease Monkey: Refers himself as one.
- Walking Shirtless Scene: Your Mileage May Vary whether this makes him more attractive or not.
Theodore Galatas (JP: Zrougin Geikett)
A mercenary officially registered with Kallas & Company. Theodore is well-versed in all aspects of operating a ship.
Garner Sisters (JP: Gumi Sisters)
Twin teenage sisters Callie (JP: Pamipa) and Briana (JP: Papri) are the stars of a hot pop music duo, called the GG Girls, based in the Libertas Sector.
- Girlish Pigtails: Callie.
- Idol Singer: Which the crew members (apart from Thomas) really don't like. Might have something to do with their songs.
- Tagalong Kids
- Token Mini-Moe
- You Gotta Have Purple Hair
- Zettai Ryouiki: Shown to be grade B in the artbook.
Balthasar Hanno (JP: Barou Bauto)
A zero-G dog who used to work for the Federation Security Network. Balthasar is currently registered as a freelancer with Kallas & Company.
Leonardo Xenakis
Chief navigator of Task Force 283 of the Kalymnian Second Fleet. Leonardo opposes the Lugovalian Empire and started his own resistance campaign.
Mihhaelo Luko (JP: Feromu Rattou)
An ace pilot in the First Fleet Aglo Squad of the Nova Nacion Space Force. Mihhaelo reacted strongly against the Lugovalian Empire when it took over his homeland.
- Ace Pilot: Statistically Speaking, he is one of the best along with Naturo.
- Biseinen
- The Comically Serious: The tavern event with Phyllis in Wahlstatt says it all.
- Good-Looking Privates
Mariana Errigo (JP: Meloi Erou)
She runs a clothing store on the planet Acerenza in the Xeos Belt Union. Mariana is Pipra's granddaughter.
- Funny Afro: Lampshaded when Franny insults her as "cauliflower head" during their bickering early in Act 2.
Phyllis French (JP: Phil French)
A young girl who spends all her time at the Kallas & Company branches on Noldau and Hydrus. Even though Phyllis is young, she has surprisingly good piloting skills.
- Ace Pilot
- Black Eyes
- Bratty Half-Pint: In a tavern event involving her losing to Luko, she lets out childish insults to him.
- Curtains Match the Window
- Teen Genius
Alechjo Rapiro (JP: Haparof Ransman)
A former Nova Nacion soldier and a member of the guild on Acerenza.
Linus Zografos (JP: Rodo Dan Zugu)
A former Kalymnian zero-G dog and a member of the guild on Acerenza.
Aleksandro Marsho (JP: Fushe Mariu)
A mercenary officially registered with Kallas & Company. Aleksandro is well-versed in all aspects of operating a ship.
Volo Naturo (JP: Tokashin Nachanera)
A lieutenant, junior grade, in Nacio's 1094th Fighter Unit. Volo is one of the top ace pilots in Nacio's Forces.
- Ace Pilot: With his skill at level 3 when he joins, he is one of the best characters in piloting along with Luko.
- Good-Looking Privates: Your Mileage May Vary.
- Perma-Stubble
Marajha Sombra (JP: Mahma Soyuu)
An ensign in the Nacio National Defense Space Force, Sector 2. Marajha graduated from the Nacion National Defense Academy with high honors.
- Ace Pilot
- Good-Looking Privates: Her recruitment more or less pokes fun at this trope.
Mihijo Festono (JP: Po Filren)
A mercenary officially registered with Kallas & Company. Mihijo is a veteran spacefarer.
Siro Beltrone (JP: Zven Berto)
Chief engineer of Shipyard No. 2 of the Orsino Foundation. Siro is in charge of the unit control system of the control ship Impero for the super weapon ZR.
Vilhelmo Sincera (JP: Bortedo Jinetti)
An employee of Kompaso Corporation who works as a test pilot.
Fajra Atlaso (JP: Frama Ate)
Anchorwoman of the "Wings of Freedom" program airing on an underground station of Adis. Fajra opposes the tyranny of Adisism, which restricts space travel.
Interplanetary Union of Elgava
Demid Panfilov (JP: Deraconda Paracond)
Once a famous adventurer, he discovered and developed the planet of Ropesk, which later became an autonomous dominion of Elgava. But fearing the exodus of his people from Ropesk, he issued a ban on space travel, making them virtual prisoners on the ground.
- Bald of Evil
- Evil Old Folk: Believe it or not, he's in his seventies.
- Villain with Good Publicity
- "Wake-Up Call" Boss: If you haven't learned how to watch gauges and manage the tactical system, he will clean your clock. And he is the first boss.
Oleg Vladykin (JP: Omus Wel)
A commander in the Central Elgavan Forces. Even in military circles, he is known as a staunch Reform Faction supporter. He is on a campaign to rid the nation of pirates.
- Giving Someone the Pointer Finger: His character portrait.
- Manipulative Bastard: Even if his motives are good, it's hard not to see him as this.
- What Happened to the Mouse?: It's not made clear whether he survives or not after Lugovalos invasion.
Mogilek Novikov (JP: Molpota Nun)
A captain in the Central Elgavan Forces, Mogilek is Oleg Vladykin's superior.
- Jerkass: Sort of...
- Senseless Sacrifice: In a desperate move to try and stop the Lugovalians, he gets everyone off his ship and rams his ship into their flagship, to no avail.
Eremon: I believe I felt a slight bump. Did you?
Tefed Mudakov (JP: Tera Mans)
Commander of the regional Lutsk Forces division of the Elgavan military.
- The Mole: To Novgorod Pirates.
- Unfortunate Name: "Mudak" means "nutjob" in Russian.
Zakhar Agarkov (JP: Zakkas Agrinos)
Originally from the planet Bagut, he is now a lieutenant, junior grade in the Central Elgavan Forces. As commander Vladykin's subordinate, Zakhar infiltrated the Novgorod Pirates as a spy. He is Tatiana's beloved older brother.
- Brainwashed and Crazy: Mudakov injected him with servonin, and he almost killed his own sister during the confrontation with Balik. Which can lead to...
- Killed Off for Real: If you don't try to recruit him.
- Optional Party Member
- Promotion to Parent: Implied.
- Reverse Mole
- Satellite Character: He's Tatiana's brother... and that's it.
Vlaso Saburov (JP: Yazu Zansbaros)
The president of the Interplanetary Union of Elgava. He knows very well how to use the clout of his superpower nation, and is crafty when it comes to international negotiations.
- Informed Ability: His craftiness in international negotiations is stated, but the only time he's shown trying to negotiate with someone, the other side is not remotely interested in negotiating.
Rudak Fomich (JP: Rucanan Foh)
Elgava's defense minister. A shrewd man, Rudak is asked for his opinions by President Saburov on a daily basis. Rudak acts as a mediator between government and military, and doesn't take sides on the Conservative versus Reform Faction issue.
Belen Pappas (JP: Bario Jil-Bario)
An ensign who hunts down pirates for the Kalymnos Sector Security Agency. He entered the agency at the same time as Vlasis Delis. Belen is affable and almost too easygoing at times, but he has his own code of principles that he rigidly follows.
- Big Damn Hero: During the Spetses Sector raid.
- Chivalrous Pervert: A mild example.
- Lolicon: May or may not be one, considering Yuri's reaction to his sentence when he joins the crew.
Yuri: Lovely little what?
- Cowboy Cop: Has shades of this trope.
- Dude in Distress: During the Kreios Pirates' raid.
- Fair Cop/Good-Looking Privates
- Heroic BSOD: After Delis's death.
- Heterosexual Life Partners: With Delis.
- Optional Party Member
- Those Two Guys
- You Gotta Have Orange Hair
Vlasis Delis (JP: Winneru Dea Dein)
An ensign in the Kalymnos Sector Security Agency. Vlasis is involved in trying to rid the sector of pirates. He is generally a good person, but for some reasons, he harbors deep hatred toward Nova Nacions and can go overboard with it.
- Berserk Button: Nova Nacions.
- Biseinen: His character sprite, at least. In the event CGs, not so much.
- Fair Cop/Good-Looking Privates
- Freudian Excuse: The reason he hates Nova Nacions is because his father was Driven to Suicide after they betrayed him. It scarred him so much that he goes so far to support the genocide attempt of an entire planet just to avenge his father's death.
- Guest Star Party Member
- Heterosexual Life Partners: With Pappas.
- Redemption Equals Death: If you view his last minute attempt to destroy Monarho as redeeming...
- Those Two Guys
- You Gotta Have Orange Hair: His character sprite, but averted in the artbook and the event CGs where he has light brown hair.
Silas Ioannov (JP: Shibbat Igu Norz)
A lieutenant commander in the Kalymnos Sector Security Agency, and Belen Pappas and Vlasis Delis's commanding officer. Silas is a rational military man capable of making calm, reasoned decisions.
- Cool Old Guy
- Killed Off for Real: Dammit, Cadmus!
- We Hardly Knew Ye
Jacen Glavanis (JP: Zutti Gain Gheil)
A lieutenant in the Kalymnian defense forces that guard the border against their potential enemy Nova Nacio. Jacen seems to have a feeling of antagonism toward the Sector Security Agency, which is in charge of ridding the area of pirates.
Ptolemy Pavlis (JP: Deodora El Vein)
The fleet admiral of the main Kalymnian Forces during the Irvest War. A true career soldier, Ptolemy feels a sense of pride every time he stands on the battlefield.
Deacon Verga (JP: Joppa Jei Japus)
A political counselor and member of the People's Committee in the Kalymnos Cluster. During the Irvest War, Deacon took on the role of monitoring the military's movements.
- Alliterative Name: Japanese version.
- Jerkass
Nova Nacio
Vilchjo Valso (JP: Warenpus Palpator)
A captain in the Nova Nacion Space Force Joint Command. Vilchjo firmly believes that the purpose of having a military force is to prevent wars from happening.
Antono Letero (JP: Eruitto Reff)
A technical ensign of the Nova Nacion Space Force. During the Irvest War, Antono boarded Yuri's ship as a temporary crew member.
- Gonk: Even more so than Torlo.
- Optional Party Member
Tajlero Martiro (JP: Fyurias Massef)
An admiral that leads the main fleet of the Nova Nacion Space Force. Tajlero keeps the enemy in check in order to bring the Irvest Sector under control.
Luchjo Ulmo (JP: Reipir Orisun)
The chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff of Nova Nacio. Luchjo is the man responsible for moving Project Stelalumo forward during the Irvest War.
Merita Tajloro (JP: Myurra Tarieiz)
A technical ensign who was sent to the planet Najbaro as a controller for Project Stelalumo.
Koralo Villo (JP: Jeidi Waira)
A technical ensign of the 205th Nova Nacion Technical Support Unit. He's one of the technical experts who knows about the starlight power generating plan in the Irvest Sector, Project Stelalumo.
Lanco Warship Manufacturing
Adorinda Nobelo (JP: Falneri Nerne)
The secretarial office manager at Lanco Warship Manufacturing. Adorinda strives to support the Lanco family in every way, both in her professional capacity, and on a more personal level too.
- Guest Star Party Member: Either her or Garni temporarily joins with Katida in Act 1.
- Optional Party Member: If Katida sides with Lugovalos in Act 2.
Nikolao Garni (JP: Toukita Garikson)
A steward who has been working for the Lanco family for many years. His manner is refined and dignified at all times. Nikolao also has a surprisingly good, military-like knowledge of ship operations.
- Cool Old Guy
- Guest Star Party Member: Either him or Adorinda temporarily joins with Katida in Act 1.
- Optional Party Member: If Katida sides with Lugovalos in Act 2.
Katida Lanco (JP: Kyaro Lanbas)
The granddaughter of Jozefo Lanco. Perhaps due to her wealthy upbringing, Katida is a carefree, cheerful and somewhat naive girl with an adventurous spirit.
- Arranged Marriage: With Desmond in the route where she joins the crew. No wonder she has become very quiet by the time you meet her.
- Blue Eyes
- Break the Cutie: Seeing how much she has changed (and very badly if you don't recruit her) in Act 2, it is obvious she goes through this during the Time Skip.
- Damsel in Distress
- Guest Star Party Member: Temporarily joins in Act 1. Depending on how you play the game, she becomes permanent member in Act 2.
- Guide Dang It: She is the hardest character to recruit in the entire game, due to the confusion regarding her recruitment flags. To elaborate, you have to yell at her when she insists to go traveling with you, buy her real flowers as an apology, and you must support her homeland during the Irvest Sector war.
- Hair of Gold
- Hartman Hips: Her grown-up self.
- Ill Girl: Suffers from some kind of disorder that doesn't allow her to spend extended amount of time in space[2], and constantly takes medications for it. Oddly, this is not mentioned at all if she pulls Face Heel Turn in Act 2.
- Nice Hat: Act 1.
- Optional Party Member
- Out of Focus: If she joins your crew in Act 2, she only appears in a minor event with Kira after the Zenito/Enemonzo invasion.
- Rebellious Princess
- Rescue Romance: A one-sided version.
- Shrinking Violet: Becomes one if she joins in Act 2, sort of. She's much more subdued than her younger self.
- Spoiled Brat: Dear God, where to begin...
- Tareme Eyes: Act 2.
- Upper Class Twit: She doesn't seem to realize just how her actions almost put two nations into full-blown war. That, or she doesn't care.
If she doesn't join in Act 2, she will embody these tropes:
- Ax Crazy
- Blondes Are Evil
- Face Heel Turn
- Psychotic Smirk
- Took a Level in Badass: She's undeniably a lot more hardcore than she was as a child.
- Tsurime Eyes
- Whip It Good: It's unknown whether she actually uses it or not though.
Jozefo Lanco (JP: Segwen Lanbas)
The president of Lanco Warship Manufacturing, a large Nova Nacion company. With a strong desire for economic growth in the Small Magellanic Cloud, Jozefo pursues peace negotiations with Kalymnos.
- Doting Grandparent: Apparently, he is one.
Republic of Regeinland
Bastian Schneizer (JP: Balzer Schneitser)
The captain of the Royal Fleet of the Republic of Regeinland. A proud Regeinlandic military officer, Bastian has an extremely strong sense of duty.
- Biseinen
- The Captain
- Curtains Match the Window: In the artbook, his eyes match his dark-brown hair. In the game, however, his eyes are closer to gold.
- Good-Looking Privates: And how!
- Heroic Sacrifice: Fired the exalaser cannon to seal off the gate that connects LMC to SMC, effectively stalling Lugovalos' invasion for ten years.
- Mr. Fanservice
- Officer and a Gentleman
- Ship Tease: A bit with Nia. Brutally sunk following their deaths.
- Tall, Dark and Handsome
- We Hardly Knew Ye: The only times he appears in the story are when he is first introduced and when he pulls his Heroic Sacrifice. In Act 2, he is only mentioned twice: when Yuri criticizes LMC nations for their lack of action after his sacrifice and during Dietrich's event in Gunnitz.
Dietrich Schneizer (JP: Dantar Schneitser)
A commander in the Regeinlandic Space Armored Fleet, he's a honest and reliable career soldier. Dietrich gives his all for the sake of his homeland and the Large Magellanic Cloud as a whole.
- Book Ends: Near the end of Act 2, he dies in the same way as how Bastian died ten years before.
- Custom Uniform: Maybe. While it retains the basic design, his uniform doesn't go down until his feet. Somehow, it makes him look shorter than his fellows.
- Expy: Arguably of Norris from Chrono Cross.
- Curtains Match the Window: Same as Bastian, this is averted in the game since his eyes are closer to gold.
- Good-Looking Privates: He is Bastian's younger brother, after all.
- Guest Star Party Member: Temporarily joins your crew along with Nele during the first visit to SMC in Act 2.
- Heroic Sacrifice: During the climatic battle against Lugovalos, he tried to stop the enemy fleets from pursuing Yuri to SMC. When the situation became hopeless, he pulled the same thing that his brother did ten years earlier.
- Mr. Fanservice
- Officer and a Gentleman
- Perpetual Frowner: His character portrait. Noteworthy since he is usually portrayed as a nice and friendly character in the story.
- Sorry That I'm Dying: Right before he dies, he apologizes to Yuri for unable to keep his word to stay alive.
- Straight Man: He occasionally comes across as this.
- Tall, Dark and Handsome
- You Gotta Have Grey Hair: Well, light-gray.
- You Shall Not Pass
Luitger Sankt (JP: Ruftobais Zeksun)
The commander of the Alpha Quadrant Fleet of Republic of Regeinland. Luitger hopes to take steps to thwart the Lugovalian threat independently of the Galactic Federation.
- Badass Cape
- Cool Old Guy
- Reasonable Authority Figure
- Simple Staff: Shown wielding one in the artbook.
Norbert Weimar (JP: Norejji Waimar)
A member of the Interplanetary Assembly of the Galactic Federation. Originally from Regeinland, Norbert hopes for the unification of the Large Magellanic Cloud through the use of a council system.
Lord Roth/Hartwig (JP: Lord Roenlorg)
Commander of the Royal Fleet of the Republic of Regeinland, also known as "Hartwig". "Roth" is not his birth name, but rather a title bestowed upon the most outstanding of the nation's military officers. He is a tactician with some of the greatest leadership skills in the Galactic Federation.
- Adult Child
- Badass:
- Biseinen: He's pretty. VERY pretty.
- Long-Haired Pretty Boy: Well, pretty man, but still.
- Bunny Ears Lawyer: His personality doesn't earn him much respect from fellow officers, but his skill is something else.
- Chick Magnet: So much.
- Death Seeker: If Katida isn't recruited, which results in Nele's death.
- Demoted to Extra: If he doesn't die during the final battle against Lugovalos, his role is overshadowed by the other four members of the fleet against the Overlords.
- Good-Looking Privates
- Heroic Sacrifice/Taking You with Me: In the route where Katida is not recruited. The former is more questionable, however, as the Death Seeker aspect plays more.
- Mummies At the Dinner Table: If you don't recruit Katida, she will order the fleet to focus fire on Roth's ship, killing Nele, which turns Roth into this before he fires his high-stream blaster, destroying the ship.
- Only Known By His Title: His real name is never stated. Nele is the only one who calls him "Hartwig", which is most likely to be his last name.
- Shirtless Scene: His first appearance has him wear nothing but his underwear.
- Unresolved Sexual Tension: With Nele.
- You Gotta Have Platinum Hair
Nele Baecker (JP: Ness Belzrau)
Lord Roth's aide. A capable officer, Nele has worked with him for eight long years.
- Beleaguered Assistant/Hypercompetent Sidekick: While Roth is competent, she often has to clean up the mess when his childish quirk rises.
- The Comically Serious
- Cruel and Unusual Death: If Katida is not recruited. The Censor Shadow that covers her head truly doesn't help.
- Good-Looking Privates
- Guest Star Party Member: Along with Dietrich.
- Hair of Gold
- Subordinate Excuse: When Yuri points out that she is actually competent enough to achieve higher position than Roth, she states that she doesn't want to have a troublesome subordinate like Roth. Makes you wonder if that's truly the case...
- Unresolved Sexual Tension: With Roth.
Helmine Baum (JP: Pramell Bamunzen)
A captain in the Regeinlandic Forces. In a military organization that values ability, Helmine has distinguished herself as a fleet commander.
- The Captain
- Dropped a Bridge on Him: Killed off-screen along with Beyer during the final battle against Lugovalos.
- Giving Someone the Pointer Finger
- Good-Looking Privates
- Rapunzel Hair
- Tsurime Eyes
- You Gotta Have Green Hair: Very noticeable when compared to her fellow Regeinlanders.
Franz Beyer (JP: Farago Bastrika)
A rear admiral in the Regeinlandic Forces. One of Regeinland's top commanders.
- Dropped a Bridge on Him: Killed off-screen along with Baum during the final battle against Lugovalos.
- Good-Looking Privates
Arturo Basadre (JP: Agris Bazez)
Born into the powerful Basadre clan, he is now the young head of the state of Escondido. Arturo is a passionate idealist who burns with the desire to transform Escondido into a completely independent nation. Escondidio currently exists under the protection and exploitation of the major nations.
- Dark-Skinned Blond: More like white-haired rather than blond, but still.
- Killed Off for Real: If you choose to support his side, soon after the civil war ends, he dies from a bomb attack.
- Optional Party Member
- You Gotta Have White Hair
Rogelio Jimenez
Aide to Arturo Basadre. Rogelio is highly trusted by Arturo as a political advisor on internal affairs.
- Dark-Skinned Blond: Though same as Basadre, he has white hair instead of blond.
- Optional Party Member
- You Gotta Have White Hair
Osvaldo Ochoa (JP: Obozu Obo)
The young head of the famous Ochoa clan, rivals of the Basadre clan. Osvaldo's goal is to build a nation free from all influence and interference from other nations.
- Dark-Skinned Blond
- La Résistance
- Luck-Based Mission: His fleet is probably not so much of a threat, but what makes the battle against him rather hard is the fact that his ship is invisible, which means you can only rely on multi-hit weapons and fighters. If you wipe his guards out before you beat him, then you fail the mission.
- Optional Party Member
Sandalio Lozano
Aide to Osvaldo Ochoa. Sandalio's strong suit is internal affairs, and he acts as Osvaldo's adviser.
Queen Safira
The queen of Zenito. In the interests of universal peace and the ultimate fate of mankind, Queen Safira maintains neutrality at all times.
Mikelo Rubriko
Commander of Zenito's Core Fleet, Mikelo learned of the Lugovalian threat from Orders. In an attempt to save Zenitorian race, he created his own separate network.
- Brain Uploading: The NOS command system allows him to transfer his consciousness to his spare bodies every time he is defeated.
- Hive Mind
- Only One Me Allowed Right Now: He dies after Franny hacks his network into transferring his consciousness into multiple clones at the same time.
- Well-Intentioned Extremist: He only wants to defend his nation from Lugovalos threat.
Abrahamo Etoso
The captain of the Zenitonian Seventh Fleet, Abrahamo served under Admiral Mikelo Rubriko. After Mikelo was defeated, Abrahamo was sent to the Interplanetary Assembly as a visiting officer.
Georgo Zinko
A Zenitonian technology officer. Georgo has the deep trust of Queen Safira, and can command fleets using neura operating system (NOS) technology.
Libertas and Orders
Bernard Brian
The president of the Galactic Federation. Bernard is caught in the conflict between the Federation's two national assemblies: the Federation Assembly, which consists almost entirely of Libertasian members, and the Interplanetary Assembly, which also includes members from surrounding nations.
- The Chessmaster: The one who lends a hand in Yuri's escape and plunges the LMC to war in order to unify it? It's him.
- Reasonable Authority Figure
Daniel Evans (JP: Decreman Eucise)
Chairman of the Federation Assembly as well as chairman of Orders, a military organization. His goal is to unify the Galactic Federation under the leadership of Libertas.
Carl Kitson (JP: Kiera Kieta)
An Orders captain and aide to Admiral Douglas Bernard. Carl has great faith in Orders chairman Daniel Evans as well. Even after the battle of Hinwald, Carl opposes the Interplanetary Assembly out of loyalty to Chairman Evans.
- Defeat Means Friendship: Well, not quite...
- Enemy Mine: If you recruit him, since he is still more than willing to make Yuri pay for Chairman Evans' death.
- Honor Before Reason: He's well aware that LMC has to band together to face Lugovalos, but he's just too damn loyal to Chairman Evans.
- Optional Party Member
- Undying Loyalty: To Chairman Evans.
Douglas Bernard
The fleet admiral commanding the Orders forces in the Battle of Hinwald. Douglas is an illustrious commander and is loyal in his service to Daniel Evans, Chairman of Orders.
- Guest Star Party Member: While not becoming a temporary crew member, he briefly boards on your ship in one minor route where Carl Kitson is not recruitable.
Eugene Carrol
A fleet admiral of the Libertasian Forces. He commands a fleet that defends the void gate in Libertas' border sectors.
Kevin Norton (JP: Cobas Nortoren)
Commander of the Galactic Federation fleet, but it is rumored that Daniel Evans, the chairman of Orders, is the one who truly controls the military, and that Kevin Norton actually has very little effective authority.
William Horton (JP: Viela Horton)
Kevin Norton's adjutant. William uses his expert skills at analyzing information to advise Kevin Norton.
Kyle Larson
Captain of the Beta Sector Fleet of the Galactic Federation. Kyle attempted to apprehend Yuri as Yuri was carrying out his pirate activities in the Xeos Belt Union.
Orsino Foundation
Saverio Zanetti (JP: Zabas Zanfulg)
The chairman of the Orsino Foundation and a prominent figure in the business world. Saverio is originally from the Grand Duchy of Enemonzo, but is currently based on his own mega-corporation's planet.
- For Science!: If Villo is in your crew, a tavern conversation in Enemonzo-Mesezana route reveals that Zanetti is willing to sacrifice an entire nation if it means for the advancement of technology.
Gino Zanetti
The son of Saverio Zanetti. Per his father's wishes, Gino heads up the Orsino Foundation, but he is plagued by an indecisive nature.
- We Hardly Knew Ye: He is killed in the very same story segment he is introduced in.
Danilo Ulgiati (JP: Dold Ulgus)
Danilo becomes the COO of the Orsino Foundation after Saverio and Gino Zanetti left.
Other Galactic Federation Nations
Michaelo Falko
The prime minister and king of Nacio. Michaelo belongs to the Interplanetary Assembly, and maintains cordial relations with Regeinland.
- Papa Wolf: The first thing he does when he first sees Yuri? Punch his guts for the attempted kidnapping of his daughter. He quickly warms up, fortunately... although he still doesn't like the idea of his daughter having a crush on Yuri.
Glorinda Falko (JP: Mereliera Firch)
Fleet admiral of the Nacion Space Force and daughter of Prime Minister Michaelo Falko. An intelligent woman, Glorinda knows that although she is an admiral, she serves more as a figurehead to boost morale.
- Badass Princess
- Everything's Better with Princesses: And how!
- Hostage Situation: Averted. After she declines Yuri's request to become his hostage in exchange of his arrested crews, Yuri respects her strong conviction and leaves her be.
- Lady of War: Well, considering she is a fleet admiral...
- Optional Party Member
- Royals Who Actually Do Something
- Ship Tease: Zigzagged. The trope is defied by her father, who won't let her anywhere near Yuri unless he says he's already attached to someone. Then if she does join, later on, when that other someone is retconned out of existence, other people start shipping them together anyway, but Yuri will have none of it.
- You Gotta Have Blue Hair
Jochjo Shildo (JP: Yenan Sherif)
A captain in the Nacion Space Force. Adviser to Admiral Glorinda Falko and commander of the entire Nacion Force, Jochjo is a reliable and loyal officer.
Michjo Kompaso
The president of Kompaso Corporation, a warship manufacturer in Nacio.
Aria Serreno
A lieutenant commander in the Enemonzon Sector 248 Patrol Fleet, Aria has excellent knowledge of fleet operation.
- Good-Looking Privates
- Even Heroes Have Heroes: She is really happy to join Yuri's crew and learn from "the great captain" himself.
- Optional Party Member
- That Came Out Wrong: Her choice of words when asking Yuri to be a part of his crew, which Yuri comments on before allowing her to join.
Martino Barbero (JP: Machis Behron)
A lieutenant, junior grade, in the 283rd Fleet of the Enemonzon Central Forces. He is a survivor of one of the fleets that was destroyed by the Lugovalian Empire.
- Good-Looking Privates
- Optional Party Member: Although...
- What Happened to the Mouse?: Possibly due to a bug, he doesn't appear in the crew assignment screen although you have recruited him. Oddly enough, he appears in Extra Mode.
Ettore the 235th
Sovereign of the Grand Duchy of Enemonzo. Ettore the 235th's nation is officially aligned with the Interplanetary Assembly, but, along with Chairman Zanetti of the Orsino Foundation, he privately supports the Federation Assembly.
- Ermine Cape Effect
- Upper Class Twit: He is... less effective when compared to his sons, to say the least.
Teodoro Visani (JP: Tritoro Elrunarya)
Prince of Grand Duchy of Enemonzo and first in line for the throne. Teodoro is especially good at making surprise attacks, and enjoys employing sneaky tactics whenever possible. Feared by his enemies, he has earned the nickname "the Bloody Prince".
- Ax Crazy: Reputed as this, but he is actually a decent person outside the battlefield.
- Big Brother Instinct: He went wild when he thought his brother has been killed.
- Defeat Means Friendship: If he is defeated in melee battle. Otherwise, he will be Killed Off for Real.
- Even Bad Men Love Their Mamas: Revealed in the conversation with his brother before the battle that gets him killed.
- Names to Run Away From Really Fast: The Bloody Prince.
- Optional Party Member
- Royals Who Actually Do Something
- Sibling Team: With Adolfo, in a way.
- Slasher Smile: His character portrait.
- Warrior Prince
- You Gotta Have Gray Hair
Adolfo Visani (JP: Adelfa Elrunarya)
Prince of Grand Duchy of Enemonzo and second in line for the throne, he is also a fleet admiral who commands the Enemonzon fleets. He is a bright and cheerful person, and has the dignity and grace of royalty.
- The Ace: At least, according to Franny.
- Biseinen
- Berserk Button: While he never snaps, he doesn't take it well if anyone talks ill about Teodoro.
- Curtains Match the Window
- Defeat Means Friendship: If his brother is Killed Off for Real.
- Keet: Reputed as this.
- Optional Party Member
- Prince Charming: Described as this by Franny.
- Royals Who Actually Do Something
- Sibling Team: With Teodoro, in a way.
- The Wise Prince: At least compared to his brother. Just don't tell him about that.
Brad Lennox (JP: Byron Leness)
The director of the Galactic Federation's Federation Security Network (FSN).
- Dude in Distress: You have to rescue him before the battle in Hinwald Sector.
Holy Nation of Adis
Patriarch Bogd
The patriarch and head of Holy Nation of Adis, he fears the repercussions of mankind's spread into space.
- Armor-Piercing Question: Toward Yuri and Kira to prove their status as Artificial Humans.
- Artificial Human: He's a Tracker.
- Immortality: The manual timeline listed that Bogd banned space travel in Adis in Large Magellan Era 1960, the present time is LME 2550 and he's still alive. Probably due to his tracker status.
- Really Seven Hundred Years Old
- Well-Intentioned Extremist: Created the Adis religion to prevent humans from fulfilling its purpose, since that will lead to the destruction of the universe.
Hierarch Myagmar (JP: Hierarch Eldath)
The first of the Four Hierarchs of Adis. Myagmar devotes his outstanding skills as a fleet commander to serve and protect Patriarch Bogd.
- Sexy Priest: Oh, yes.
Hierarch Vanbeleg (JP: Hierarch Gabrazi)
The second of the Four Hierarchs of Adis. Vanbeleg defends the Wolf-Rayet Line, the first line of defense against Galactic Federations.
Hierarch Batdagra (JP: Hierarch Shiddath)
The third of the Four Hierarchs of Adis. Batdagra defends the fortress planet Hadmuzh, the second line of defense against Galactic Federations.
- Badass Grandpa: As one of the Four Hierarchs of Adis, what do you expect?
- Cool Old Guy
- Optional Party Member: Replaces Zaazhad if you take the normal route.
Hierarch Zaazhad (JP: Hierarch Nahashitta)
The last of the Four Hierarchs of Adis. Zaazhad leads the Zone security force in patrolling his nation's territory against intruders.
- Optional Party Member: Replaces Batdagra if you take the starburst sector route.
Emperor Taranis Mopons Lugus
The 117th Emperor of Lugovalos. Hailed as the greatest ruler since the nation switched to an imperial regime, Emperor Taranis continues his conquest of space with unrivaled leadership.
- Artificial Human: He's an Observer.
- Badass:
- Climax Boss
- Heroic Sacrifice: In the ending.
- Large and In Charge
- Leitmotif: "Emperor Taranis", although it's also used every time Lugovalos gains focus in Act 2.
- Rage Against the Heavens: Against the Overlords along with Valantin. Possibly successfully carried out in the end.
- Unwitting Pawn: Possibly qualifies since once humanity has been unified, and the universe has been stabilized, that is when the Overlords execute their plan to destroy the universe.
- Well-Intentioned Extremist: Tries to unify humanity in preparation of war against the Overlords.
- Worthy Opponent
Cicolluis Maponus Lugus (see below)
Galvin Macklin
Admiral of the Macklin Fleet, the most powerful fleet of the Lugovalian Empire. A reticent older man, but a seasoned commander. Even the emperor consults him on military strategy from time to time.
Niall Eremon (JP: Raios Femdo Hemleon)
The commander of the Lugovalian Vanguard Fleet. Niall's forces invaded the Small Magellanic Cloud and conquered it with amazing speed.
- Arch Enemy: To Yuri. He's the one who killed Nia, after all.
- Biseinen:
- Blond Guys Are Evil
- Blue Eyes
- Climax Boss
- Expy: Looks like Clovis from Code Geass, although he seems to be closer to Schneizel in terms of personality.
- Love Makes You Evil: Possibly what happens to him, since Nia was from higher status than him...
Trevor Desmond
A soldier of Lugovalian Vanguard Fleet. He is proud of being a natural-born citizen of Lugovalos proper. Trevor is Eremon's adjutant, but can't hide his dissatisfaction with having a foreigner from a conquered planet as his superior.
- And I Must Scream: The artificial Epitaph that Professor Minas created caused him to merge with the Dead Gate nearby, turning said gate into some sort of primitive life force that will attack anything nearby.
- Jerkass: Looks down on those who weren't Lugovalian-born, and seeing just how subdued Katida becomes if you recruit her, it is very likely he has been abusing her all along.
- The Resenter: To Eremon for being his superior despite being non-Lugovalian born... and proceeds to laugh at him in the face after his huge blunder at the end of Act 1.
Kendrick Coyle
Head of the viceroyalty established by Lugovalos after it conquered most of the Small Magellanic Cloud. Kendrick has ruled many occupied territories before this in his career.
- Giving Someone the Pointer Finger
- Reasonable Authority Figure: He is not too happy with Desmond's treatment of the non-Lugovalian born citizens.
Lyudmila Borisova (JP: Luchia Baminton)
The captain of a probe ship that left the Small Magellanic Cloud on an Epitaph research expedition, but then became lost. Lyudmila was also a scholar and head of the Zvenigorod Academy. Niall Eremon saved her life, and she became his aide.
- I Owe You My Life: Seems to be the case with Eremon.
- Rose-Haired Girl
- Satellite Character
Ursula Macklin
Galvin Macklin's only daughter. Ursula's current fleet commander position is due not to her illustrious family, but to her impressive leadership abilities.
- Cannot Spit It Out: Possibly what happens regarding her relationship with Merril.
- Christmas Cake: Her father called her out for being one.
- Curtains Match the Window
- Purple Eyes
- Roaring Rampage of Revenge/Taking You with Me: Attempts to do this to Yuri to avenge Merril's death. She failed.
- You Gotta Have Purple Hair
Miles Merril (JP: Meiyor Meta)
An ensign of the Lugovalian Forces. He was born in Lugovalos-conquered territory, but became Ursula Macklin's adjutant after she discovered his genius as a tactician.
- All of the Other Reindeer: Due to his status as non-Lugovalian born.
- Curtains Match the Window
- Love Makes You Crazy: Tries to capture Ursula's heart by attempting to conquer a sector on his own, which goes well until Yuri wrecks his fleet using the Desmond Gate. Instead of pulling back, he continues to chase Yuri's fleet since he thinks Ursula won't accept him. Needless to say, things don't end well for him.
- The Strategist
- Subordinate Excuse: Apparently.
- You Gotta Have Blue Hair
Ian Fenevich (see above)
Katida Lanco (see above)
Valantin (JP: Ballantine)
An infamous pirate who travels far and wide across the cosmos. His very name strikes fear into the hearts of the masses. Valantin's ship, the Corsair, is said to be the greatest in the universe.
- Artificial Human: He's a Tracker.
- Badass:
- Badass Beard: Not very noticeable, but it's definitely there.
- Badass Cape
- Big Damn Hero: He is really fond of this trope, showing up when Yuri's fleet is about to be wiped out on many occasions. He even lampshades it.
- The Dreaded: He absolutely terrifies just about everyone he meets, except Yuri and Taranis.
- Heroic Sacrifice
- Hopeless Boss Fight: The melee battle against him.
- Leitmotif: "The Great Pirate Valantin".
- Names to Run Away From Really Fast: In literal sense, his name strikes fear to those who hear it.
- Rage Against the Heavens: Along with Taranis.
- Shoulders of Doom: Quite literally bigger than his head.
- Stealth Mentor: Arguably one for Yuri.
- A Taste of Power: The tutorial stars him as the playable character.
- The Unfought: No, you never get the chance to kick back his ass after he curbstomps you ten years ago. Well, maybe you can in the Extra Mode, but still.
- You Shall Not Pass
Dedon Galkin (JP: Diego Gyattse)
Balik's right-hand man and second in command of Balik's division of the Novgorod Pirates.
- The Atoner: If Zakhar is not recruited, he will join the crew to watch over Tatiana.
- Optional Party Member
- Reverse Mole
Balik (JP: Balfos)
A boss within the Novgorod Pirates in the Lutsk Sector of Elgava. Balik has close ties to some of the soldiers in Lutsk, and wreaks havoc throughout the sector.
Argun Narevin (JP: Argon Narabatoska)
An old pirate boss of the local Novgorod Pirates in Central Elgava. From his long years of experience, Argun has gained the cruel ability of finding and exploiting his opponents' weaknesses.
- Evil Old Folk: According to the in-game database, he's 76.
- Your Head Asplode: How he is killed. By Kira, no less.
Celina Sioufas (JP: Samara Ku Sikh)
A no-nonsense pirate who maintains her status at the top of the rankings. Celina is not one to be trifled with, and has no qualms stamping out anyone who gets in her way.
- Badass
- Chuck Cunningham Syndrome: If Roth doesn't die in the final battle against Lugovalos, her last appearance is when she informs Yuri about Eremon's return somewhere in the middle of Act 2. On the other hand...
- Demoted to Extra: ...if she replaces Roth as one of the members of the fleet against Overlords, she doesn't get that much screentime, either.
- Even Evil Has Standards: Well, the "evil" part is arguable, but she definitely has limits on how far she goes with piracy.
- Evil Laugh: Gives one after crushing her mobile fortress to destroy Kreios' base.
- Guest Star Party Member: Her ship temporarily joins the fleet before the end of Act 1.
- Names to Run Away From Really Fast: "Merciless Night Queen".
- Noodle Incident: Her "embarrassing secrets", which Nia used to have her temporarily join your fleet near the end of Act 1.
- Pet the Dog: Helping to find servonin to cure Tatiana's brother.
- Rapunzel Hair
Gilles Nikitas (JP: Gati Hado)
A member of the pirate crew led by Celina Sioufas. Gilles is solely responsible for maintaining and servicing her pirate ship.
Terzi (JP: Datrach)
A mid-level leader of the Kreios Pirates. Terzi comes across as arrogant, but he is actually quite cowardly when cornered.
- Jerk with a Heart of Gold: In Kalymnos route, he took the Monarho incident survivors to his board, and if the player sets his recruitment flag, during the reunion scene in Act 2, a character noted that the children like him.
- Optional Party Member
Michijo Abato (JP: Shilgufan Oddo)
An infamous pirate who is always at the top of the rankings. Michijo bears a strong grudge against Nova Nacio, and when the Irvest War broke out, he decided to side with Kalymnos.
Yianni Pavlov (JP: Judihn Betrio)
A surviving boss of the Kreios Pirates. A frank and open-hearted man, Yianni doesn't get hung up on the past. His passion is to build and fly fast ships.
Albert Zachman (JP: Gepalt Zakhman)
The captain of the Bad-to-the-Bone pirates, the most infamous and cruel pirates in the known universe. He is skilled at strategizing, and has an uncanny ability to survive even the worst-case scenarios.
- Arrogant Kung Fu Guy
- Beard of Evil
- Names to Run Away From Really Fast: The name of his group (at least he thinks so; Yuri thinks it just sounds stupid).
Rocco (JP: Rokkotsu)
The first mate of the Bad-to-the-Bone Pirates. Rocco has surprisingly good combat skills in spite of his wispy frame.
The Overlords
A mysterious group that shows up throughout the game, observing Yuri and Kira. They are the creators of the universe.
- Abusive Precursors: Modified human beings so they can adapt in space, gave them lots of technology and desire to endlessly travel the space... and decided to obliterate them once the universe had stabilized.
- Evil Overlookers
- Evil Overlords: And how!
- Kill'Em All
- The Omniscient Council of Vagueness
- The Unfought: Well, sort of. While we fight against their fleets in the final hours of the game, we never get the chance to fight the higher-ups.
An AI information android provided by the Cosmic Trade Authority to help zero-G dogs along in their travels. After one breaks down, Professor Minas rebuilds it as a female combat android.
Melania Sabik (JP: Miiya Saki)
A young girl who works at the tavern on the planet Gorodok. She loves to sing.
- Damsel in Distress: Which ends very badly if you spare Argun.
- Fan Girl: For Yuri, even more so after he saves her life. Kira is not too happy about this.
- Killed Off for Real: Can be, if you don't do exactly the right thing to save her.
- Rose-Haired Girl
Dardanos Glaucus
The warden of the prison planet Skantzoura in Kalymnos.
- Dead Person Impersonation: He took over the old Kreios' identity after he killed him.
Deimos Glaucus
The warden of the prison planet Lari. Deimos is the younger brother of Dardanos Glaucus, and bears a bitter grudge against Yuri for defeating his older brother.
- Palette Swap: His sprite is exactly the same as Dardanos, with a bit color difference.
Cicolluis Maponus Lugus (JP: Gillias)
A boy traveling through the sea of stars alone. His single-minded quest is to become stronger. Whenever Cico encounters zero-G dogs with a high level of Fame, he never misses the opportunity to challenge them to a battle. This might have something to do with the throne succession...
- Biseinen: Arguably qualifies in Act 2, although unlike most examples, he is very well-built.
- Green Eyes
- Guest Star Party Member: His ship Rudianos temporarily accompanies you in the Magellanic Stream.
- Crutch Character: The Rudianos is also stronger than the Large Magellanic Cloud ships used by the pirates of the Stream, allowing you to fight and prosper somewhere that you have no business being at that point in the story.
- Hot-Blooded
- Idiot Hero: While he is not the hero of the story, personality-wise he qualifies.
- King Incognito
- Leeroy Jenkins: Has shades of this trope.
- Mr. Fanservice
- The Rival
- Stalker with a Crush: In Act 2, to some extent. Even though he is more than capable to kick ass on his own, trying to chase and defeat Yuri personally twice is still not the wisest thing to do for somebody in the next line for the throne.
- Static Character: As opposed to Yuri, who matures out throughout the game.
- Wacky Marriage Proposal: To Kira, which is immediately answered by a slap. Doubles as Crowning Moment of Funny.
- Warrior Prince
- Worthy Opponent
Cadmus (JP: Bahasyar)
The second-generation feudal lord of the Dominion of Spetses. Cadmus stays holed up in his own autonomous nation, and has never stepped a foot out into space.
- Death From Above: Valantin throws a huge chunk of rock at him in Spetses Ruins.
- Dirty Coward: To the point Yuri can't even bring up his sword against him because he is so disgusted by his cowardice.
- Leitmotif: "Feverish man". Ironically, he is the only villain (if Taranis doesn't count) who has his own theme tune despite being a very minor one.
Pipra (JP: Ku-Ku)
The leader of the Trader's Guild on Kashtano, a key planet in the Magellanic Stream. Well-versed in the space routes in both the Large and Small Magellanic Clouds, she can get her hands on almost anything.
- 108: The number of her grandchildren, according to her.
- Dirty Old Woman
The top dog of the west prison block on the prison planet Lari, and Yuri's rival there. A former boxer, Dodungo has complete confidence in his fighting skills.
Oisin Lenus Lugus (JP: Oraia)
A freelance zero-G dog who travels the cosmos. Oisin's manner of speech is a bit odd, but he is very skilled at combat. For his own mysterious reasons, he tenaciously attempts to hunt Cico down, with the clear intention to kill him.
Jovani Taglienti
Jovani represents the Xeos Belt Union, and is very accommodating to zero-G dogs.
Gus Kallas
The president of Kallas & Company, a private military company that spreads throughout every nation in the Large Magellanic Cloud.