IT'S MY LIFE! Expanded Universe/Characters
Common OCs
Principal Business Man
Essentially a trollfic counterpart to the Aperture Science Business Magnet. Principal Business Man was a principal of Portal High School, married to Principal GLaDOS (named something along the lines of "Gluttony Magnolia" in the past) and in the future he and Principal GLaDOS became THOSE JERK ROBOTS ALTAS AN P-BOY.
In a flashback to the events of Invader Zim: Born Again Christian, his name gets misspelled as "Katniss Everdurn".
In Arrow-Awesome's story, he was working along with Ebony Way and Logic Editor to assassinate Marissa; however, he only succeeded in killing Skepkitty.
- Semi-Ascended Fanon - In the MST of Invader Zim: Born Again Christian, Skepkitty's little sister said that "Skepness" (name for a Skepkitty/Business Magnet fusion) sounded like the ship of Skepkitty and Katniss Everdeen, leading to the above-described joke.
- Marty Stu - Well, Aperture Science Business Magnet was one, if lesser than everyone singled out as a Sue/Stu...
- Possession Stu - Principal Business Man was an actual character in TEEN FORTRESS 2. Fact.
"Principle InterdimensionalPortaller"
While Principal Business Man originally was the last principal of Portal High School before GLaDOS the A.I. took over, later additions retconned that, instead having him be replaced with this character. Undoubtedly the equivalent of Ms. Johnson-Rattmann "interdimensionalPortaller".
Ebony Dark'ness Dementia Raven Way
In Arrow-Awesome's stories, she is a serial killer of other Sues, seeing as if another Sue was to overthrow Ebony, the world of fanfic would be destroyed. Among her victims are (reportedly) her cousin Twila from Twila the Girl Who Waz In Luv With A Vampyre and Wheatley, formerly Vampire Potter.
In the hacked chapter of The Chronicles of DA SUs, she is one of the role models for Kitteh, along with Marrissa Roberts, Bella Swan and Serenity Winter.
- Mary Sue Hunter - While a Sue herself, thinks that There Can Be Only One Sue.
- Yet, as mentioned above, hires a Stu without realizing it.
Portla 3
Detective Kirkland
A detective Marissa hires to find out who killed Wheatley. That is pretty much it.
Portal: The 4th Millennium: The Trollfic Edition
Averil Lovonde and her family
Averil Lovond/Lovonde is a "goffik eemow" music artist and "de motter of Raws and Roxee Lovondes". She also has another daughter "Skep Kittee", who is constantly referred to as "spoled" and got to transfer to Portal High School before "Raws" and "Roxee". Was married to "Gerod Why" for a while before leaving him for "a ridor nomed Mark Tequila" and forcing her daughters to change names.
In OMG IMMA IN LOFE WIDDEN ALEEYEN!, "Raws Lovonde"/"Awa Tequila" is the main character. She is attracted to a troll girl named "Kanner Sorket"/"Kanye West", however, various bullies get in her way and one teacher shoots her. Literally.
In the hacked chapter of The Chronicles of DA SUs, Kitteh turns on a stereo, expecting to hear Avril Lavigne, only to hear Britney Spears instead.
- Breaking the Fourth Wall - Skep once claims that "Awa" is "OOCK".
Mr. Logik Edtor and Ms. Lovobil Freek
At first, two new teachers who get accepted to Portal High School, later two bullies who harrass "Raws". Seemingly equivalents of Mr. Elliot and Ms. Bitters/"Ms. Sweaters" in Portal High School.
"Emprase Contine Oversser"/"Daz Membrone"
Principal Business Man's adoptive daugther. Naturally, as she's adopted, she also must be fat and ugly. After dying, escapes from Android Hell to the verse of Invader Zim: Born Again Christian, where "Robot Membrone" finds her and re-designs her to be half-Dib, half-Gaz.
The Chronicles of DA SUs
Kitteh and Mary-Sue
Two, well, Mary Sues who transfer to Portal High School and rival for the affection of Zim and Dib. They also gain various other followers, such as Wheatley (for Kitteh) and Edward Cullen (for Mary). While Mary is an ordinary blonde, Kitteh's hair is naturally rainbow.
In the hacked chapter of The Chronicles of DA SUs, Kitteh is referred to as "Katie".
A jabberjay [1] that Kitteh and Wheatley found, and an Expy of Katty the Koala. His name is always written in ALLCAPS.
- ↑ Jabberjays are an all-male species of bird bred by the Capitol to memorize entire human conversations.