< I'm a Marvel... and I'm a DC

I'm a Marvel... and I'm a DC/WMG

The next Hours arc will focus on Batman.

Batman, Superman, and Spider-Man are pretty much the main characters of the series at this point. Supes and Spidey have had After Hours and Happy Hour respectively, so it stands to reason that the next arc will be Bats-centric.

  • I don't know; Happy Hour was pretty Bat-centric, too.
    • Given all that's happened in Bat-canon recently and the appearance of Darkseid at the end of 'Happy Hour', I'm willing to lay money on the odds that the next arc will at least incorporate Batman RIP and Final Crisis.

Now that Disney owns Marvel Comics, Mickey Mouse will become their new boss, and unleash a Reign of Terror upon the Marvel Universe.

We're talking, of course, about the foul-mouthed, fascistic Corrupt Corporate Executive Mickey from the Jonas Brothers episode of South Park. Since DC is owned by Warner Brothers, Disney's historical competition, the tyrannical Mouse will forbid the Marvel characters from interacting and associating with the DC characters. A new story arc will focus on how they cope with this evil takeover.

  • Or, it could start like this, only to be subverted with a neat twist showing how everyone believes this will happen, only for Disney to show that it loves superheroes, with a shout-out to the mouse giving Marvel a new show, and a show of Uncle Pennybags by letting DC stick around as fellow heroes.

The next comparison videos will cover the area of Marvel and DC that hasn't been mentioned yet: Cartoons

Bored of just watching movies all the time, the heroes instead decide to watch Justice League and The Avengers and reflect on how their adventures are going on there. The kicker? Next thing you know, a whole slew of those characters will start inviting themselves to Stan's Place, and by the next story arc, we will have a full scale team-up between more than just the core members of the two companies.

Green Goblin will be the next villain.

Related to the theory that Batman will be the next superhero because we've gotten Supe and Spidey, we've also gotten a Supe and Spidey villain, and GG has now Taken A Level In Badass following his fight with the Joker. And yeah, I know they introduced Darkseid at the end, but that could be used to build-up for season 4.

  • Appears Jossed for Season 3, although you never know for Season 4. The Randomverse Green Goblin isn't really the Big Bad type, though.

The thing Green Goblin was injected with gave him Deadpool's ability to break the fourth wall-including the fact that they're in a web series.

It would explain why he came up with ending the episode on a cliffhanger scene, and why he seems more nuts than usual.

  • Confirmed in Zero Hour 3.
  • Does this mean Lex also knows he's in a web series?

Zero Hour will eventually turn into a Deconstruction of the Ensemble Darkhorse trope.

Green Goblin and Deadpool, the series' two main Ensemble Darkhorses, have gradually gotten more and more screentime, especially in Zero Hours 2 & 3, culminating in both of them getting sent to the future, After the End, instead of Superman. This will eventually turn into subtle commentary on just what happens when you let quirky side characters hijack the plot from The Heroes, just because they are popular.

  • This seems to be the case so far. When Goblin and Deadpool arrive in the future, Future Lex does not have much hope in them. Not to mention everything that happened in Episode Five... Needless to say, Lex isn't too happy about letting them save the world.

When Zero Hour starts up again in the Fall of 2010, Deadpool and Goblin will be revealed playing cards or reading comics to pass the time while Lex was just staring in disbelief.

They both have the power to break the fourth wall and so they might be aware of time that passed. Also, it might serve as a take that to the fans who had been wondering when Zero Hour will start again?

  • They might do that, but not because the both have the ability to look past the fourth wall. Goblin LOST his ability because of Lex, so now he's just regular Gobby. More than likely, Deadpool would have just asked Goblin to play cards with him and he agreed.
  • Well, it didn't happen, but Deadpool did at least acknowledge the time passage, saying he waited six months for episode 4.

Some Bionicle character will make some sort of appearance

Why? Filler, most likely. Maybe a Bionicle: Mask of Light or Bionicle: The Legend Reborn (yes, I know Mask of light was back in 2003 and The Legend Reborn was 2009. Shut up) Vs. that Direct to DVD Iron Man movie. Why those two? Because both Tahu and Mata Nui sorta look like Iron Man. That, and the Bionicle comics are published by DC.

Spider-Man's nightmare of his revamp by Sony! will have at least one Reverse Funny Aneurysm

The Flash will eventually show up in the series.

And he will play a pivotal role in the arc he appears in, after which he'll become a regular. Meanwhile, one or more of his Rogues Gallery will join the villains' bar.

  • Of course, the only way that'll happen is if they ever happen to actually get around to making his movie, which has been in Development Hell for quite some time. It doesn't help that Ryan Reynolds, who was originally posited for the titular role in the tentative Flash movie, eventually got the starring role in Green Lantern instead.

The presence of Ghost Rider in the series means there's a chance Spider-Man will reclaim his memories of his marriage.

Considering that Mephisto is Ghost Rider's chief nemesis, it's only natural.

Joe Polachi is actually The Joker

Joe Polachi is a Joker, but not The Joker

  • I'm basing this off of the fact that it was never ACTUALLY confirmed yet if Darkseid actually killed the Joker. There's the probability that Darkseid just got fed up, and returned the Joker to his reality, yet in the transfer, he was accidently replaced by the Frank Miller-style Joker. Again, I can't stress this enough, I haven't read any DC comics.

Lars will betray Lex near the end of the season.

Because he's that much of a douche. And Spidey likes the hair.

  • Considering that Lex doesn't ever thank him, and he is obsessed with getting back Lance's head, Lars may feel like The Unfavorite.
    • Confirmed

Captain America's entrance to the show will be epic!

  • Random Guy seems to hold Captain America above most other superheroes ( after all, it was Captain America who got Superman of all people out of his Heroic BSOD!), so it stands to reason that his formal introduction into the cast will involve something either very heroic or very funny, or both!
    • Confirmed!

The Meow Mix in Batman's Pocket Has Something To Do With Catwoman.

  • Suddenly it makes much more sense.
    • And with Catwoman's upcoming presence in the soon-to-be-released The Dark Knight Strikes, maybe it'll become a Chekhov's Gun.

Joe Quesada will appear in the series as a Big Bad.

This is related to the Ghost Rider WMG above. Since the real-world reason for the events of One More Day was Executive Meddling on Quesada's part, it will become a plot point in this series, and there's going to be a major calling-out of Quesada by Stan Lee himself in-story (with the Real Life Take That in the Spider-Man newspaper comic strip, where One More Day got subverted, playing a major role).

The DC Relaunch is going to be included, or at least, joked about.

After all, Peter's deal with Mephisto was included as part of the After Hours plot, so it doesn't make sense for a rebooting of the DCU to not be at least mentioned in passing somehow.

  • Batgirl will show up to help, and someone will ask her "Didn't you use to be crippled?"

Darkseid has become an Omnicidal Maniac

Darkseid obviously did not take the Joker's revelation well. It seemed like it went so far that Darkseid was driven insane. Now he wants to destroy all realities in his outrage at being a fictional character.

  • Not really. He plans to reveal the fact that comic book characters only exist for their companies' sales and can be rebooted at any time if they affect the companies' bottom line, robbing them of willpower to do anything further.

The logic of the reboot is the TRUE Anti-Life Equation.

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