< Hope Spot
Hope Spot/Playing With
Basic Trope: Something gives the heroes hope, which is then shattered.
- Straight: Jim is defeated and at the mercy of Emperor Evulz, when Bob shows up. Evulz then takes down Bob with a single blast.
- Exaggerated: Jim is on the brink of being enslaved or killed by Emperor Evulz when Bob, a demi-god one-man army shows up to help. He dies from a tiny flick.
- Downplayed: ???
- Justified: Evulz knew Bob was coming
- Inverted: ???
- Subverted: Jim is defeated and at the mercy of Emperor Evulz, when Bob shows up. Evulz then takes down Bob with a single blast. Bob then gets back up, dusts himself off, and beats Evulz into submission.
- Double Subverted: ...and Evulz reveals that he is not left handed.
- Parodied: ???
- Zig Zagged: Jim is defeated and at the mercy of Emperor Evulz, when Bob shows up. Evulz then takes down Bob with a single blast. Bob then gets back up, dusts himself off, and beats Evulz into submission.Evulz then reveals that he is not left handed. Bob turns off the Power Limiter and takes down Evulz. Evulz goes One-Winged Angel and kills Bob, who then comes back from the dead and kills Evulz Deader Than Dead. Everyone starts celebrating, when Evulz reveals they were Fighting a Shadow.
- Averted: Something shows up to give the heroes hope. It turns out as they hoped with no catch.
- Enforced: ???
- Lampshaded: ???
- Invoked: ???
- Exploited: ???
- Defied: ???
- Discussed: ???
- Conversed: ???
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