Hey Good Lookin'
Hey Good Lookin is an animated film by Ralph Bakshi that was released in 1982. Originally to be planned out as a live-action/animated movie but was later changed to a fully-animated film.
It has been said[please verify] that its original live-action/animated setting is still around but may be hard to find. Although despite that, it had been released on VHS once, with no later DVD release. A soundtrack of the film was released around 2006.[please verify]
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Tropes used in Hey Good Lookin' include:
- Ambiguously Jewish: Crazy Shapiro, his father, Rozzie and her father
- Big Eater: Eva
- Cloudcuckoolander: Crazy Shapiro sums this up perfectly.
- Disney Acid Sequence: It has one of these during the film.
- Executive Meddling: Ralph wanted this done as a live-action/animated movie, although it was switched to be fully animated since Warner Bros couldn't figure out how to blend the live-action and animation together. This was BEFORE Who Framed Roger Rabbit? was released.
- Impossible Hourglass Figure: Rozzie has this with a mixture of a big butt.
- Lost Forever: The actual live-action/animated version of the film is this.
- Rotoscoping: Some parts of the film have this, and it isn't hard to tell either.
- Roger Rabbit Effect: Started out as this, but was later reworked as an animated feature. Although certain parts of the film have the animated characters over live-action backgrounds.
- Shout-Out: A certain part of the film has animated characters doing Wild Take reactions, that look very familiar.
- You Look Familiar: Vinnie looks a bit like Lupin, with monkey lips.
- Write Who You Know: Ralph Bakshi has stated that Vinnie and Crazy were based off of people Ralph knew when he was in high school.
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