< Hey Ash, Whatcha Playin'?

Hey Ash, Whatcha Playin'?/YMMV

Ashly: (While holding Anthony in a headlock) Hey Anthony? What're YOU playing?

Anthony: DANCE DANCE REVOLUTION! * steps on her foot*

    • Special mention also goes to the very end, with special guest star David Hayter

David Hayter: Hey Ash, this is Snake. What the hell are you playing?

    • In the Mass Effect 2 episode, "I'm going to Fuddruckers".
  • The fact that Ashly and Anthony's internet popularity helped them land writing duty on Borderlands 2 (Anthony) and roles in an indie movie called Must Come Down and a starring role in Borderlands 2 (Ashly).
  • Crowning Moment of Funny: Most of Season 2.
    • Ashly talking about her friend coining the terms "waz" and "buttwaz" for "pee" and "poop" respectively on the HAW Pcast.
  • Crowning Moment of Heartwarming: Ashley being helpful in the Elite Beat Agents episode.
  • Crowning Music of Awesome + Ear Worm: The Rhythm Heaven episode.
    • Hell, how about the ending credits song, "The Massacre" by Fantomen K?
  • Dude, Not Funny: Some fans had this reaction to the episode in which a young man brutally beats his girlfriend after Ash beats his high score on the Xbox's leader boards. It got worse when the sequel of that episode where said couple lost their baby and its played for laughs. But they seem to catch the tip, and the onwards darker episodes are more coordinated and edited.
    • Acknowledged in this promo for Magfest 9, in which Ashley (Er, Burch) claims Anthony was responsible "all the crap" (Of HAWP), "like that abortion episode.".
  • Fridge Brilliance: The Team Fortress 2 episode is presented in interview format, just like the first six "Meet The Team" shorts.
    • In the first part of the season 3 finale, "A Death In The Family", look at what shirt Anthony is wearing. It says "Team Blavis." Then you might realize his mistake before he does.
  • Ear Worm: I Love Videogames
  • Ensemble Darkhorse: Papa Burch is one, he constantly puts down his children, kills a (zombified) man for disturbing him while reading, and alters his memory to have an excuse to punch Ash. And this is just a small fraction of what makes him so awesome. They even decided to bring him to a PAX panel due to popular demand. He received a standing ovation upon his introduction.
  • Growing the Beard: The finale of Season 1.
  • Heartwarming in Hindsight: Ash holding up the copy of Harvest Moon in the BioShock (series) episode, if you've read her How Games Saved My Life Tumblr. She opened the blog to exhibit stories of the positive influence of gaming on people's lives, and the first post is her own story. Apparently anxiety problems made it very difficult for her to eat, and Harvest Moon helped her relax.
  • Memetic Badass: Papa Burch.
  • Rescued from the Scrappy Heap: The show garnered a bit of a Hatedom, which was Lampshaded in the episode Fan Service of a Sort. Since Season 2, the show's Hatedom has turned into a Fandom, notified by the high score the show has on its Gametrailers page compared to Season 1.
  • Tear Jerker: Ashly's story on the HAW Pcast about her friend's pet wolf Wolfy going missing in Minecraft, and singing Amazing Grace with him as the sun rose in-game in front of a memorial statue for Wolfy. She goes on to say that her friend's life in-game has been consumed by his lost pet, who claims he can still hear phantom howls coming from inside the mine.
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