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Harry Potter/Harry Potter and The Deathly Hallows/Let's Hate The Mudbloods/Headscratchers

  • So... Why was the Wizarding world so quick to jump on the "Let's hate the filthy mudbloods!" bandwagon? It seems weird that nobody was protesting the government's turn against muggle-borns.
    • Welcome to politics.
    • We've seen what the Death Eaters did to schoolchildren who questioned their propaganda. Do you think they were nicer to adults? Sure, go ahead and protest the Ministry's turn against Muggle-borns. The next day you'll come home to find they've killed your whole family.
    • We can ask the same question about 1930's Germany.
    • I can probably answer this because I'm a student of history. Ok the reason why no one was protesting the prejudice aganist Muggle-borns was because they would have been killed. For the prejudice aganist Jews/Romas/Disabled/ in RLF history? They would probably have been thrown into the contrection camps that you have heard of.
    • And the Jews/etc. weren't popular before, either. It's not like people were very tolerant of homosexual folks, and Jews had had a lot of trouble in the past, with people calling them greedy and Christ-killers and so on.
    • While all of the above is true, the historical examples all referenced had something in common—they were a minority of the population. In Magical Britain, however, the purebloods are the minority (several cites in text exist for this, the most explicit being Sirius' comment in OotP that 'hardly any of us are left' when referring to the old pureblood families). If the muggle-born and the half-bloods are the vast majority of the population, then why the heck did the purebloods get away with oppressing them? Yes, the half-bloods weren't being put into camps themselves, but its impossible to be a half-blood without having a muggle ancestor within the past two generations (as the definition of 'pureblood' is 'at minimum, both of your parents and all four of your grandparents were wizards/witches'), which means that its nigh-impossible to be a half-blood without at least one muggle-born parent. On sheer #'s, you'd think declaring an anti-muggle-born pogrom in Magical Britain would be about as successful as trying to start ethnic cleansing vs. white people—in Canada. Unless 90+% of the population simply lays down and lets <10% of the population put them (or their mothers, or their fathers, or their granddad or their grandma, or etc.) into a death camp without protest—or actually helps the Death Eaters do it—the logistics of the "Muggle-Born Registration Commission" in book 7 are simply not possible.
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