< Harry's Law

Harry's Law/YMMV

  • Anvilicious: Too many examples to count; let's just say the show is a continuous display of good black folks being abused by mean white folks.
    • For example, a speech in court about how drugs should be legalized to save people from drug violence, but the Republicans have been hijacked by Rush Limbaugh. The prosecutor is an arrogant conservative white man. The judge is a calm black man. The client, a decent black college guy who bought drugs for the first time. (He is acquitted.) And so it goes.
    • The show hardly has a single malicious character and the antagonists are pretty much just trying to do their jobs. The show's main theme is (both good and bad) minority folks getting abused by a system that wasn't built with them in mind. But yeah, you can definitely make a case that it is Anvilicious about it.
  • Harsher in Hindsight: In "Wheels of Justice", there's a joke near the beginning where Jenna states that she is carrying several self defense items, such as a knife and a taser. Later on, she reveals that she had been raped as a child.
  • Straw Man Has a Point: In one episode, the main characters defend a 16 year-old "street doctor" who is treating people without a license or formal training. The prosecutor wants to him to stop, but Harry and Co. plead that he is saving lives. Problem is, his practice is a huge case of You Fail Your Medical Boards Forever. He is shown pulling bullets from a man who has just been shot instead of applying pressure to stop the bleeding, and in another scene he is shown yanking a knife out of a patient's leg, which is a good way to sever an artery and kill someone.
  • Screwed by the Network: Canceled after two seasons. The show brought in the numbers for NBC, but the advertisers didn't like that its core demographic skewed old.
  • Unfortunate Implications: In one episode Harry, who spends the episode being anything but humble, tells her client, a wrongfully imprisoned Angry Black Man, that he should be more humble - even toward a (white)actively malevolent Obstructive Bureaucrat.
    • Arguably, she said this only because the bureaucrat wasn't going to parole him without it. On the other hand, Harry and the show seemed to almost side with the bureaucrat, because the prisoner didn't get paroled until he genuinely learned a Very Special Lesson about the importance of humility... Toward offensive white people? His glare, says Harry, is "unattractive".
  • What the Hell, Hero?: In one episode, Harry's firm ends up indirectly defending China's one child policy. For one thing, the situation leading to the court case is non-sensical. More importantly, seriously?! You're defending a policy imposing massive cultural distortions, forced abortions, abortion or abandonment for millions (possibly even hundreds of millions) of infant girls? Apparently, to a radical liberal, the phrase "reproductive rights" exclusively means the right *not* to reproduce. Actually wanting to have children is evidence of some kind of perversion.
    • Well we do live in a world where some particularly militant child-free by choice people call parents "breeders" and children "crotch droppings." So that viewpoint is, unfortunately, a very real one that some people have. Whoever wrote that episode just might be one of them.
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