Hakodate Youjin Buraichou Himegami
Vous me paraissez être une femme bien (I see a good woman).—Gwain
After the Meiji Revolution in Japan, a northern fishing town of Hakodate becomes central to an ongoing struggle between monsters called the Youjin that have made their nests there, and a young warrior called Miburo. Miburo is in fact the last surviving daughter of Hijikata Toushizou, Hijikata Hyou, who was given the task of eliminating every last Youjin as her father's last wish. The Youjin, however, have the backing of the world powers, whose representatives have been sent to Hakodate to secure the "Seal of the Shinsengumi," which is, as Hijikata Toushizou describes, "is the lid on the pot of hell." One night, while Hyou is out slaying Youjin, she gets help from a beautiful and mysterious figure who only calls herself "Himegami,". Unbeknownst to Hyou, Himegami is in fact the girl she saved earlier, Himeka.
Hakodate Youjin Buraichou Himegami (aka Tales of the Hakodate Youjin Outlaws: Himegami) is a five volume Manga written and drawn by Tamaki Nozomu (who also did Dance in the Vampire Bund). While not terribly popular, it is a very good yuri action series that is worth the read (and price if it ever comes across the pond).
Not work safe, just as a heads up.
- A-Cup Angst: Hyou is hinted at being one, when she goes on a rant about her bad qualities, her chest size comes up often.
- Absolute Cleavage
- Almost-Dead Guy: Hyou's dad.
- Amazon Brigade: The Himegami's.
- Barbie Doll Anatomy: Played straight usually, averted with Gwain.
- Bifauxnen: As the page for Bifauxnen says, there are few hidden in plain sight, notably Hyou, Gwain, and The Police Captain.
- Big Bad: Gwain
- Bikini Bar: Hyou works for the local Cabaret in Hakodate, an interesting version of this but none-the-less fits the description of one.
- Bleached Underpants: Nozomu had previously done hentai Doujinshi, one of which had similar elements to Himegami.
- Body Horror
- Bolivian Army Ending:
- Brought Down to Normal: Gwain's group uses a spell, and steals the powers of the Himegami women, leaving them defenseless...and naked.
- Butch Lesbian: Ranka, according to Kirika anyway.
- Complete Monster: The rejected Civil War Soldiers (I forgot the name of their regiment) is the most prominent example by far. Done somewhat literally with some of the Youjin possessed humans.
- Eleventh-Hour Superpower: Hyou gets her own Himegami powers...but doesn't get to do anything with them, as the manga ends a few pages later
- The Good Captain: The Police Captain
- Demonic Possession: Basically the Youjin in a nutshell.
- Doomed Hometown: Namunai Village and Himeka's village
- Fantastic Arousal: When lots of youjin show up at onces the marks on Hyou do this, they cause a fever when they go away
- Girls Love
- Heroic Sacrifice: Okita Souji gives up his life to save Himeka's (justified by the fact that he was dying anyway and living off of barrowed time).
- I'm Dying, Please Take My MacGuffin: Once again, Hyou's dad.
- Intimate Healing: Himeka helps bring Hyou's Youjin induced fever down, by stripping naked, jumping in cold water, and snuggling up to her. She repeats this until she feels better.
- Karma Houdini: Gwain gets away, and leaves the Himegami to fight an army of Youjin
- Magical Native Japanese: Himeka and family... And probably her village as well if it if it hadn't been massacred.
- Marshmallow Hell: Hyou is often subject to this from a number of the other girls at the cabaret and Himeka.
- Moral Event Horizon: Gwain and a number of her allies cross this with great abandon. Himeka was going to do this, but was thankfully deterred when she first met Hyou.
- Narm: Himeka's pelvic thrust of GLORY! that she used on Gwain was just laughable
- Nature Spirit: Himegami warriors, obviously.
- Only Known by Their Nickname: The Cabaret Madame, through a combination of this, My Name Is Not Durwood and Everyone Calls Him "Barkeep", Other people will refer to the Cabaret Madame as Hostess (mostly Hyou though) she will insist on being called Madame, however. A more standard example comes in the form of the Police Captain whose name gets mentioned a grand total of ONCE and is never mentioned again.
- Power Tattoo
- The Shinsengumi: A major plot element to the story.
- This Is Your Brain on Evil: Hyou.
- Shut UP, Hannibal: Hyou delivers a rather badass one to Gwain.
- Stripperific: The Himegami warriors and, to some extent, Hyou's battle outfit.
- Hyou hangs a lampshade on the Himegami outfit when she gets her own, saying it's "Kind of sleazy looking"
- Sweet Polly Oliver: The Captain
- Tsundere: Hyou and Kirika.
- You Are Not Alone: Most of chapter 15.
- Zettai Ryouiki: So much. Especially Hyou.