Growing Up Creepie/Recap/S1/E01/The Tell-Tale Poem
It was Mother's Day in Middlington Middle School, each of the students reads their poems praising their Moms. All went well, until the teachers and her fellow classmates find Creepie's poem "A little more alarming", when class ended the goth pre-teen was sent to the principal's office, because of Creepie's disturbing behavior. When Creepie returned home, she was greeted by her family. Though by the next school day, Ms. Monsserrat was quietly observing Creepie and following her around the campus, later that day, the principal entered the school's gym to find Creepie up near the gym's lights (the goth girl is saving one of her foster siblings from the fly paper). Once Creepie acrobatic back down, Ms. Monsserrat decided once and for all to go to the Dweezwold Mansion to do a serious talk to her parents. Gnat quickly flies ahead of them to warn the rest of his family that other humans are coming for a visit. When both Ms. Monsserrat and Creepie arrived at the Dweezwold Mansion, they met Creepie's Mom, after the interview which clarifies that there's nothing warn with the young Creechur, that Caroleena is a very positive role model/caretaker. The Middlington Middle School principal then leaves.
- Adult Fear: It was this to Ms. Monsserrat, Creepie Creechur was about to commit suicide inside the school's gym, just because of pressure surrounding the pre-teen's environment.
- Blowing a Raspberry: A fly blows one at Gnat,...Cue chase.
- Circling Stars: When Gnat crashed into a car.
- Funny Answering Machine/For Maggots Press One: The Creechur's answering machine is this.
"You've reach the Creechur residence, for maggots press #1, for larvae press #2, and all other callers press #3."
- Girls Need Role Models: Both Caroleena and Ms. Monsserrat agreed to this.
- Group Hug: When Creepie came back to Dweezwold, her family congratulate her on her poem, and did a group hug on her.
- Inkblot Test: Ms. Monsserrat does this to Creepie, who sees every inkblot relating to insects.
- Manly Tears: A mild version. Dr. Pappas was so moved by Budge's Mother's Day poem, that he was holding a hankerchief, using it to wipe his tears away.
"I really must call my own mother one of these days."
- Pun-Based Title: Based on Edgar Allan Poe's "The Tell-Tale Heart."
- The Scream: After hearing Creepie's poem, a cheerleader ran out of the classroom screaming in fright.
- The Stinger: Aunt Rose stole away in the Middlington school principal's car.
- Super Window Jump: More of flying through the window, Gnat did this to get out of Middlington to fly straight home.
- Troubling Unchildlike Behavior: To Dr.Pappas and Ms. Monsserrat, Creepie's Mother's Day poem comes across to them concluding that she came from an abusive environment, since it has violent imagery, like decapitation, helpless victims, and mother daughter conflicts.
- The Worm That Walks: Caroleena (with aid from her husband and the other bugs) cobble together a costume to be "human".