< Grey's Anatomy

Grey's Anatomy/YMMV

  • Anvilicious: Boy, oh, boy... This show is a poster child for this trope. In fact, the beginning and end of every episode is reserved for a voiceover by Meredith (or, occasionally, another character, if it happens to be their Day in the Limelight) highlighting the episode's particular Aesop.
  • Awesome Music: In general, this series makes very good use of music, very frequently.
    • Chasing Cars by Snow Patrol in the Season 2 finale.
    • Keep Breathing by Ingrid Michaelson in the third season finale and Off I Go by Greg Laswell in the very last scene of the Season 5, to tear-jerking effect.
    • "How to Save a Life", by The Fray, at the beginning of Season 3.
    • "In My Veins" by Andrew Belle in the Season Six Finale, as Dr. Bailey fulfills her promise to Charles Percy to tell him truthfully when he is dying.
    • A good 90% of the Musical Episode.
  • Growing the Beard: A good example of growing it (season 2), shaving it off (season 4), and growing it again (season 6 finale, which was widely seen as revitalizing the show).
  • Harsher in Hindsight: "Disarm," the episode that aired on 6 January 2011, revolved around a shooting at a college committed by a student named Jared. Two days later, Jared Lee Loughner opened fire on an Arizona political event, killing six and injuring thirteen others.
    • In the sixth episode Izzie teases George that he needs to ask Meredith out before he dies. George yells back "I'm not dying!" He dies in the season five finale and no, he never did ask Meredith out
    • Much earlier than any of that, dating back to the very first episode(!), Burke's treatment of George is... difficult to watch without being reminded that Isaiah Washington was later fired for comments he made about T.R. Knight. Seriously, he does everything but explicitly call him gay.
    • Demi Lovato's episode after she was hospitalized with mental issues.
    • When Meredith learns she's pregnant and tells Cristina she can be the godmother, Cristina asks if she gets custody if Derek and Meredith are in a plane crash. Several years later, all three are involved in one.
  • Hilarious in Hindsight: One Season 6 episode dealt with a morbidly obese patient who was too big to fit in the scan machine. Dr. Percy suggested to get the patient to the Zoo hospital and use one of their scans, which Dr. Bailey immediately rejected and fired Percy from the case. A few years before this episode aired, Scrubs dealt with the same issue, except they decided they should use the Zoo scan, and calling out the patient on his irresponsible behavior.
  • Ho Yay: Almost every male character has at least one questionable moment per… almost every other male character.
    • In one episode Sloan and Derek fight over Avery in a way that is very reminiscent of men fighting over a girl. Lampshaded by Alex who jokes that they are arguing over who can take him to prom.
      • It's gotten gayer. Wayyyy gayer. To the point of art really.
  • Jerkass Woobie: Alex, before moving on to Stoic Woobie. His nickname for the first while was "Evil Spawn", or occasionally "Dr. Evil Spawn", but later seasons make you feel for the guy.
  • Mary Sue: A pretty extreme case is Izzie Stevens, especially considering that by pulling the LVAD wire, she should've had her license revoked and been jailed... but was not. In fact, she barely even got punished.
    • Though it did come back to bite her in the ass when she got fired in Season Six...
    • Also, to a certain extent, Meredith–who some fans simply refer to as "Mary Sue Grey".
      • To a certain extent? This is the character whose mere voice managed to bring a man back from a vegitate state. Meredith is a classic example of a Mary Sue character.
  • McMeme: You know the one.
  • Nightmare Fuel: Now has its own page.
  • Stoic Woobie: Cristina, who was damaged quite significantly by her father's death… in her hands. Alex moves to this after spending a while as the resident Jerkass Woobie.
    • And S7 has Cristina even more Woobie-ish after having a Heroic BSOD during an operation when a loud bang from an accident paralyzes her with fear...
  • Tear Jerker: If you didn't cry at least once during the Season 6 Finale, you have no heart.
    • Cristina crying in Owen's arms over the death of her father.
    • Izzie breaking down crying when Denny dies.
    • Izzie's famous "What about me?" speech to Denny when she tells him of her plan to cut his LVAD wire so that he will qualify for the heart transplant.
      • The season five finale: Meredith realizing that John Doe is George, Izzie flatlining in Alex's arms and then meeting George in the elevator, dressed in his army uniform.
    • Dark Was The Night, an unrelentingly bleak episode in which everything that can go wrong does.
    • This happens in the season eight finale,"Flight".
  • Wangst: Meredith spends over half of Season 2 doing this after losing Derek to Addison.
  • The Woobie: Most of the characters in the series qualify, but most notable are Meredith, Lexie, and George.
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