< Grant Morrison's Batman
Grant Morrison's Batman/YMMV
- Complete Monster: The Joker, of course. He's more on his own side than anyone else's, as Le Bossu and Dr. Hurt find out.
- Continuity Porn: Hey, remember all those old Silver Age stories where Batman visited other worlds? Well, it turns out those were all true (albeit actually hallucinations brought on by sensory deprivation).
- Also, Morrison manages to bring back the entire International Club of Heroes (sometimes known as the Batmen of All Nations).
- Epileptic Trees: Naturally from a Grant Morrison work, most of which revolved around the Black Glove's identity. Fans' attempts to make sense of everything were also lampshaded/poked fun at by the Joker.
- Fan Nickname: Dick Grayson as Batman is either referred to as Bat-Dick or DickBats to differentiate him from Bruce, THE Batman.
- Fashion Victim Villain: When The Joker wore that pill helmet it was classy. Jason Todd? Not so much...
- Ho Yay/Foe Yay: Some parts of the Batman fanbase caught onto the fact Dick Grayson said he has a thing for crime fighting redheads after Morrison had rectoned Jason Todd's hair color from black to red.
- I Knew It!: You'd be surprised at how many people guessed Oberon Sexton's identity before Issue 12.
- Jerkass Woobie: Morrison makes Damian this over the course of his run: Cocky reckless brat, really messed up family, and a maximum of two people who actually like him. The conclusion of Batman Vs. Robin alone is enough to make you want to hug him.
- Jerk Sue: Much debate exists within the Bad-Fandom over whether Damian Wayne is a Deconstruction of one of these or one played very straight. He tends to get away with pulling a lot of shit that few others would get away with, but at the same time it's made very clear that no one really likes him that much.
- Mary Sue: Again, debate rages over how true this is, but it is undeniable that Damian Wayne, at his first appearance, was the Scrappy and was even called Cousin Oliver in Red Robin 14.
- Never Live It Down: In Batman #666 Damian's possible future self is shown to have a cat named Alfred. In fandom he's like a Crazy Cat Kid.
- Nightmare Fuel: Professor Pyg. Just....Professor Pyg.
- They Changed It, Now It Sucks: Jason Todd's fanbase weren't happy with what Morrison had done with him, both in looks (HOW DARE THEY MAKE HIM UGLY!!) and costume. And this is after his appearance in Battle for the Cowl, the damage was so great they had to get the man who had originally brought Jason Back from the Dead to fix it.
- What Do You Mean It Wasn't Made on Drugs?: Turns out that a good chunk of what happened to Batman in the Silver Age was because he was on drugs. Joker toxin, Scarecrow fear gas, and total isolation for a week to be exact. (And that's not even mentioning Grant Morrison's notorious habits...)
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