< Grant Morrison's Batman

Grant Morrison's Batman/Awesome

  • "Love? Thank Alfred's acting lessons!"
  • The Joker's Hannibal Lecture to the Black Glove.
  • "You're wrong! Batman and Robin will never die!"
  • Basically all of 681. Seeing how easily Batman turns the tables on the people who had tormented him throughout the arc and taking Batman's Crazy Prepared to its logical extreme. "Was that fear in his eyes?"
  • The Legionary landing a bone-crushing backhand on his murderer while suffering from multiple stab wounds in the back.
  • "Man-of-Bats" and Boy-Wonder defeating the Blood tribe and its leader, Vandal Savage.
  • Damian's battle against the 99 Fiends.
  • One word: GOTCHA!
    • Three more words: IT'S ALL OVER.
    • Hurt asks for a sign from his "bat-god" Barbatos. Bruce smashes his faces into a glass pane. "Did you think you could trap me in a prison that I built?!"
  • Issue 16 of Batman and Robin.
    • Especially the end, where Bruce reveals that he's been "funding" Batman. Word of God has it that this is part of Bruce's strategy, now that there are multiple Batmen - he deflects attention off himself AND allows himself the opportunity to set up a franchise of Batmen.
    • The Joker makes Dr. Hurt slip on a banana peel, poisons him, and buries him in a coffin with no way out WHILE giving him a Hannibal Lecture. Only to be knocked out by Dick.
  • From the end of Batman RIP;

[[spoiler:'''Batman, narrating''': 206 bones, five major organs, 60,000 miles of blood vessels. All it takes is time. Days. Months. Years, spent memorizing the finite ways there are to hurt and break a man. Preparing for all of them. I've escaped from every conceivable deathtrap. Ten times. A dozen times. I can slow my breathing and metabolism to control panic and conserve air. Straitjacket's kindergarden. Locks, too. Benchpressing a pine coffin lid through 600 pounds of loose soil that's filling your mouth, crushing your lungs flat and shredding your dehydrated muscles? That's harder.<br/> (bursts out of the ground)<br/> But far from impossible.]]

    • The Joker telling the Black Glove exactly why they will lose to Batman, from experience, and that he's not going to work for them. It happens to sound a lot like the explanation from Batman Beyond: Return of the Joker.
      • The speech the Joker gives is a Moment of Awesome for the Joker for several reasons. For me it's the fact one of the people Joker is speaking to may, or may not literally be the devil. The Joker acknowledges this but claims to be something worse, or, at least, superior: "Devil is double, is deuce my dear doctor, and joker trumps deuce... Pleased to meet you, admire your work but don't, don't call me servant."
    • "In my attempts to see clearly in the deepest dark, in my efforts to go to the still eye in the storm of madness, did I open up myself to some pure source of evil? Did I finally reach the limits of reason? And find the Devil waiting? And was that fear in his eyes?"
    • How about having created a back-up personality, the Batman of Zurr En Arrh, in the case of a psychological attack? Or escaping a plot to steal his memories to make evil clones with them by using his bad memories and traumas as weapons to break out from the Clayface-like foe powering the machine keeping him under control? Say what you will of Morrison's overall run, he made Batman a badass not only in mind and body but in soul as well, and it rocked.
    • The entire ending of Batman RIP is pretty good. The Black Glove has managed to attack harder than any other villain has before, Batman has none of his allies around at the moment, and he still wins.
  • Simon Hurt thinks he has beaten Batman (Dick Grayson) and Robin, and even as they're getting ready, he turns and sees Bruce Wayne, suited up and ready to fight. I got chills.
  • Dick Grayson telling us exactly who he is.

Gordon: I allowed you access to a suspect and you dragged him screaming through the streets! Who the hell are you?

Nightwing: I'm Batman.

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