Green Lantern/Characters/Indigo Tribe

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Emotion: Compassion
Leader: Indigo-1
Base of Operations: Nok
Entity: Proselyte
Little is known of the Indigo Tribe as they are a reclusive group of monks with their own language known to only to themselves (and untranslatable by the Green Lanterns). The Indigo Light stands for compassion, defined as the ability to empathize with others while retaining distance and understanding the motivations of others. As such, they are able to access and redirect the powers of other lanterns when they are present, they possess the powers of flight, teleportation (though this consumes a lot of their energy), and flight auras. They are also able to force compassion on those who have none including, it turns out, themselves. Every permanent member of the Tribe is a Brainwashed former sociopath.
- Fictionary: Their Oath cannot be translated by other power rings, but it is clear that it follows the same rhythm as the other oaths.
- Heel Face Brainwashing: All of them. The rings force compassion onto them. Given the kind of people they were before, this is not a hypocritical position.
- Lack of Empathy: Without the Indigo Light.
- No Need for Names: With a few exceptions for convenience.
- Noble Savage: The members of the Indigo Tribe give up their possessions and names to the service of compassion, and dress as primitive aboriginal tribespeople.
- Power Copying: The Indigo Light can mimic any other color in the spectrum.
- Simple Staffs: With their Lantern batteries in their staffs' heads.
- The Sociopath
- Teleporters and Transporters
- Well-Intentioned Extremist: They're willing to brainwash and force compassion on people.
Notable Indigo Tribe Members
AKA: Iroque
Homeworld: Unknown
The leader of the Indigo Tribe, first among equals, is a mauve-skinned alien woman called Indigo-1. She knows more about the secrets behind the War of Light than any other and offers cryptic hints on how to fight the Black Lanterns. She has a mysterious past with Green Lantern Abin Sur, whom she refers to as her savior.
- Dark and Troubled Past: She was one of Abin Sur's greatest foes, and even killed his daughter.
- Good Is Not Nice: Just see what she did to Black Hand.
- Ms. Exposition
- The Atoner: She was an unrepentant sociopath, like all Indigo tribe members, until Abin Sur forced her to feel compassion by inducting her into the Indigo Tribe.
- You Are Number Six
Homeworld: Unknown
Indigo-1's second-in-command, a large alien male. Munk is now one of the New Guardians, trying to track down who tried to steal Lantern Corps rings.
Homeworld: Nok
One of the last survivors of his race after war devastated his homeworld, Natromo created the Indigo tribe with his ally Abin Sur after describing the unique compassion-related properties of certain elements of Nok. Together they planned to defeat the inevitably despotic Guardians of the Universe by forcing compassion upon them, as they did to all Tribe members.
- Cool Old Guy
- Despair Event Horizon: Discovering that Abin Sur was dead.
- Hermit Guru
- I Will Wait for You: A non-romantic example. He stayed behind forging indigo rings, waiting for Abin Sur to return when he needed his help.
- Last of His Kind: Close, but there's still a few natives of Nok left. He's the only one who hasn't returned to the jungles though.
- Nice Job Breaking It, Hero: Destroying the central power battery of the Indigo Tribe when he believes his plan is doomed to failure with Abin Sur's death, reverting some of the greatest psychopaths of the sectors to normal.
- Only Sane Man
- Retired Badass: Helped repel an invading army with Abin Sur in his younger days.
- The Hermit
Homeworld: Unknown (originally Earth)
The Compassion Entity--the living embodiment of the Indigo Light, given life and strength from the empathy and concern every sentient being has for other creatures. Unlike with the rest of the tribe members, Proselyte seeks out those with compassion rather than without.
- Everything's Squishier with Cephalopods
- Meaningful Name: to Proselyte is to forcibly convert someone.
Other Indigo Tribesmen
- Abin Sur (co-founder; see "Green Lantern Corps")
- Black Hand (see "Black Lantern Corps")