G.I. Joe/Characters/Film Series
The character sheet for the Live Action G. I. Joe Film Series.
G.I. Joes
A soldier who joins the Joes in the first movie, the film's protagonist. Real name: Conrad Hauser.
- Badass: Though not to the level of Snake Eyes.
- Dating Catwoman: With The Baroness
- The Generic Guy
- The Hero
- Love Redeems
- Sergeant Rock
- Standardized Leader
Gen. Hawk
The leader of the Joes. Real name: Clayton Abernathy.
The G.I. Joe team's intelligence expert. Real name: Shana M. O'Hara
- The Ace
- Action Girl
- Badass Biker Babe
- Beauty Is Never Tarnished: For very long at least.
- The Chick
- Friendly Sniper
- Gainaxing: On the treadmill
- Heroes Want Redheads: In this medium, it's Ripcord.
- Hollywood Atheist: Possibly.
- Hot Amazon
- Impossibly Cool Weapon: Her crossbow.
- Improbable Aiming Skills
- Redheaded Hero
- Spy Catsuit
- The Squadette
An soldier who joins the Joes in the first movie, the team's expert pilot. Real name: Wallace Weems.
- Ace Pilot
- Badass: Just not so much as Duke or Snake Eyes.
- Black Best Friend: To Duke.
- Dogged Nice Guy: To Scarlett
- Improbable Piloting Skills
- The Lancer
- Race Lift: Was white before this movie, now he's black.
- Sidekick: To Duke
Snake Eyes
An American who studied martial arts under the Arashikage ninja clan, taking a vow of silence. He is the rival of Storm Shadow. Real name: Classified.
- Actor Allusion: Ray Park fights Storm Shadow when the latter is wielding a double bladed sword.
- Badass: So very much.
- Badass Longcoat
- The Big Guy: Shared with Heavy Duty.
- Determinator
Baroness: He gave up.
Storm Shadow: He never gives up. Their car gets hit by a train
- Dual Tonfas
- The Faceless
- Katanas Are Just Better: Subverted. He only beats Storm Shadow (both as a child, and in the climax) when he switches to bladed tonfas.
- This may be a case of Fridge Brilliance, since one of the best strategies in martial arts if your opponent is just as skilled in the same way you're fighting them, you change your tactics. In the flashback, Snake Eyes loses every fight with Storm Shadow when they use the same weapon. He only wins when he changes tactics. Given his Combat Pragmatist roots, it makes sense.
- Large Ham: A silent version of it.
- McNinja: Is the world's best ninja despite being American. In a bit of a subversion, the world's second best ninja seems to be Korean.
- Ninja
- Number Two: To General Hawk.
- The Quiet One: To the best of this troper's knowledge, the low sigh he utters at Storm Shadow's apparent death is the most he's ever said in any continuity.
- The Rival: To Storm Shadow.
- You Killed My Master: Why he wants to take down Storm Shadow.
Heavy Duty
The field commander of G.I. Joe and the team's heavy machine gunner. Real name: Hershel Dalton.
- Bald of Awesome
- The Big Guy: Shared with Snake Eyes
- Expy: Of Road Block.
- Gatling Good
- Scary Black Man
- Wouldn't Hit a Girl
The Joe's communications specialist and hacker. Real name: Abel Shaz.
- Fate Worse Than Death: Breaker gets exiled from French soil for the rest of his life.
- Hollywood Nerd
- Hollywood Hacking: Hacks a dead man's brain.
- Interrogating the Dead: Via MacGyvering a palm pilot.
- Non-Action Guy
- Race Lift: Was white before this movie, now he's a Moroccan Arab.
- The Smart Guy
Cover Girl
The team's special weapons officer and Personal assistant to Gen. Hawk. Real name: Courtney Kreiger.
- Adaptation Dye Job: Arguable since Cover Girl has had multiple hair colors in the comics and cartoon.
- Demoted to Extra: Many didn't even realize she was supposed to be Cover Girl.
- Killed Off for Real
- Sexy Secretary
Sgt. Stone
G.I. Joe's special operations instructor who teaches combat training. Real name: Geoffrey Stone IV.
- Expy: Sgt. Stone seems to be a replacement for professional wrestler Sgt. Slaughter. Oddly, he's not the first Expy of him, with Beachhead having also filled the role.
- He also aligns with multiple "Lt. Stone" characters in Joe cartoons and comics.
- The Cameo
- Drill Sergeant Nasty
- Identical Grandson: According to Brendan Frasier, he's a descendant of Rick O'Connell.
- Nice Hat
- Reasonable Authority Figure: Surprisingly, he seems much more pleasant than most iterations of the Joe's Drill Sergeant.
Lady Jaye
Tunnel Rat
The Doctor/ Cobra Commander
The Big Bad of the first film, which makes sense because he's the Big Bad of the franchise. He assists McCullen in his evil plans, but secretly has plans of his own. Real name: Rex Lewis
- Batman Gambit
- Big Bad
- Composite Character: Is a merger of Doctor Mindbender and Cobra Commander.
- Evil Genius
- Evil Sounds Deep
- For Science!: The Doctor's motivation for all the evil he does seems to be this.
- It's not, in fact he seems interested in world domination like Destro.
- It's Utopia Justifies the Means- a New World Order using nanobots to control people creating a totalitarian paradise under his rule. Given his character, its also For Science! as said paradise will probably favor unimpeded scientific progress (ie. unimpeded by, say, ethics or human rights).
- Large Ham: When he becomes Cobra Commander.
- Mad Scientist
- The Starscream: He succeeds in overthrowing Destro as well.
A weapons designer and founder of the Military Armament Research Syndicate (MARS). His terrorist agenda sets up the movie's plot. Real name: James McCullen XXIV. Destro's company manufactures 70% of the world's armaments.
- Arms Dealer
- Badass in a Nice Suit
- Batman Gambit
- Big Bad
- Crazy Jealous Guy: Has DeCobray's husband killed and tries to have Duke turned into a Viper. Destro does NOT like having rivals.
- Karmic Transformation: Forever forced to have a face of metal, just like his ancestor.
- Large Ham
- Legacy Character
- Scotland
The Baroness
Cobra Intelligence Officer who married a wealthy European aristocrat before she has Storm Shadow kill him/ Real name: Ana Lewis aka Anastascia DeCobray.
- All Women Love Shoes
- Badass Longcoat
- The Baroness: No surprise here.
- Brainwashed and Crazy
- Dark Action Girl
- Dark Chick
- Dating Catwoman: With Duke
- Dead Little Brother: Subverted as he is alive.
- Easily Forgiven: Averted.
- Guns Akimbo
- High Heel Face Turn
- Hot Amazon
- More Than Mind Control
- Ms. Fanservice: Very obviously so.
- Spy Catsuit
- The Squadette
Storm Shadow
Member of the ninja clan Arashikage, trained under his uncle, the Hard Master. He is the rival of Snake Eyes. Real name: Thomas Arashikage.
- Arrogant Kung Fu Guy
- Badass in a Nice Suit
- Badass Longcoat
- Bishonen
- Break the Haughty: As a boy.
- The Brute
- Disney Villain Death
- The Dragon: To Destro.
- Even Evil Has Standards: Killing women disgusts him.
- Highly-Visible Ninja
- Made of Iron
- Man in White
- Mr. Fanservice
- Names to Run Away From Really Fast
- Ninja
- The Rival: To Snake Eyes
- Steven Ulysses Perhero: His last name is Arashikage, which means "Storm Shadow"
- "Well Done, Son" Guy: As a boy.
- Worthy Opponent
- Wouldn't Hit a Girl: Is disgusted by the murder of Cover Girl.
A master of disguises who thanks to The Doctor's experimentation can shapeshift. Real name: Classified
- Actor Allusion: A couple of references are made to The Mummy.
- Arc Words: Him whistling "Jolly Good Fellow."
- Dirty Coward
- Kick the Dog: His murder of Cover Girl.
- Master of Disguise: To the point that he's American President.
- President Evil: The entire point of the movie, it turns out.
- Would Hit a Girl
Doctor Mindbender
A scientist in McCullen's employ who developed the nanomite technology and trained "The Doctor" in the field. His current status is unknown. Real name: Unknown.
- Decoy Antagonist: A lot of fans familiar with the mythology expected the Doctor to actually be the Rise of Cobra version of Doctor Mindbender. Only at the end, was it revealed that the Doctor is actually Cobra Commander.
- Demoted to Extra: More of an inversion. The character was never intended to have a name, and was only there as a plot device for The Doctor's path to darkness. After the fact, they realized he could easily be Mindbender and threw his name in for the fans.
- For Science!
- Mad Scientist
- Meaningful Name / Names to Run Away From Really Fast
- One-Scene Wonder: In a Flash Back.