Freudian Trio/Comic Books
- Captain America (comics): Charismatic, idealistic, peacemaking; the face of the group and ideal hero (Ego)
- Iron Man: Intellectual, pragmatic, and paranoid; can get a little Knight Templar without balance (Superego)
- Thor: Loves fighting, storytelling and good company; the 'smite first and ask questions later' guy (Id)
In the Earth X timeline, the Avengers are remade with a new trio and shifted roles:
- Loki (the new "Thor"): Undergone a Heel Face Turn and is the most devoted to created a new Avengers (Superego)
- The Black Knight (the new "Iron Man"): Is emotionally temperate and regal like his father, Black Bolt (Ego)
- The Reject (the new "Captain America"): Holds a lot of Wangst being a handsome member of the hideous race of Deviants (Id)
Doom Patrol (during Grant Morrison's run)
- Crazy Jane: unpredictable, can change between her different personalities anytime, many of the personalities show little self-restraint. Id.
- Rebis: contemplative, sees things from a higher perspective, often oblivious to mundane matters. Superego.
- Robotman: the informal reader, highly practical, tries to keep both Jane and Rebis focused on whatever their current mission is. Ego.
Thunderbolts during the original run when they were pretending to be heroes.
- Baron Helmut Zemo (id): He was evil and wanted to use the Thunderbolts to replace the recently thought dead Avengers and Fantastic Four's place as the media beloved heroes so he could conquer the world
- Jolt/Hawkeye (superego): She was an idealist who thought the Thunderbolts were true heroes. Later Hawkeye took over as the team's moral compass when he began pushing the team to be true heroes.
- Moonstone (ego): She had to balance the evil nature of her boss, the influence of an idealist Jolt who didn't know the Thunderbolts were the Masters of Evil pretending to be superheroes, and the unstable personalities of her other colleagues to manipulate the Thunderbolts into what she saw as more realistic and beneficial options than trying to rule the world or making it a better place.
Justice League (of America), and the recent (2008) comic series Trinity:
"The triumvirate" of Superman, Batman and Wonder Woman often match this (although the position each occupies can change depending on the situation and who's writing). Most of the time:
- Wonder Woman: Ego (Superman's ideals, but as a trained warrior, understanding Batman's points)
- Superman: Appropriately enough, the Superego, the idealist and one most concerned about the Rules.
- Batman: Id, the rule breaker and angry one.
Alternately, In most recent Post-Crisis portrayals, as well as Kingdom Come:
- Wonder Woman: An impulsive, often violent Proud Warrior Race Girl, in sharp opposition to her original creator's intended Golden Age motivations for the character. Id.
- Batman: Calculating, ruthlessly pragmatic, always planning, humorless. Superego.
- Superman: The tiebreaker; tries to hold the other two to the heroic ideals that are supposed to be the nominal goal of superheroes. Ego.
The Injustice League
- Lex Luthor: The most reasonable of the trio and the brains (Ego).
- The Joker: Most likely to go utterly Ax Crazy at a moment's notice (Id).
- Cheetah: The one to have moral objections to having Dr. Light on the team (Superego).
Legion of Super-Heroes, the Founders Three:
- Cosmic Boy: Ego
- Lightning Lad/Live Wire: Id
- Saturn Girl: Superego
These roles aren't, however, carried over into the animated series, in which Cosmic Boy and Saturn Girl are not consistently part of the core team on which the series focuses.
- Katchoo (id)
- Francine (superego)
- David (ego)
Young Justice - Red Tornado puts the three original members of Young Justice into these groups in issue 1.
- Robin, intellectual and disciplined, Superego
- Impulse, Id (Raised in a virtual world, lives in the moment)
- Superboy, Ego (Capable of basic judgment.) He also got mad that Robin was the "SUPER" ego.
- Yoko Tsuno - Somewhat high-strung, plucky, Hot-Blooded (Superego)
- Pol Pitron - Sad Clown, Butt Monkey, but fairly sensitive and good with kids (Id)
- Vic Video - Calm, rational, somewhat of a Deadpan Snarker (Ego)
In the early 90s Incredible Hulk writer Peter David had psychologist Doc Samson use hypnosis to the integrate the Hulk's different personalities which he described as
- The savage, green Hulk (Id)
- The cunning grey Hulk aka "Joe Fixit" (Ego), and
- Bruce Banner (Superego)
and combine them into one new Hulk.
- Phoney Bone (Id)
- Smiley Bone (Ego)
- Fone Bone (Superego)
- Elijah Snow (Superego)
- Jakita Wagner (Id)
- The Drummer (Ego)
Teen Titans (Silver Age, but some aspects went into the Bronze Age)
- Robin I (Dick Grayson) as the Superego.
- Speedy I (Roy Harper) as the Id.
- Wonder Girl (Donna Troy) as the Ego.
Birds of Prey (The classic line-up)
- Oracle/Barbara Gordon: intellectual, rational, the little voice telling you what to do. (Superego)
- Huntress/Helena Bertinelli: brilliant but impulsive and emotional, fundamentally amoral. (Id)
- Black Canary/Dinah Lance: more balanced, mediates between the other two. (Ego)