Freshly-Picked: Tingle's Rosy Rupeeland

Freshly-Picked: Tingle's Rosy Rupeeland is a quirky little game for the DS, starring Tingle from The Legend of Zelda. In it, Tingle is an ordinary 35-year old man living in what may or may not be Hyrule. One day, a mysterious Rupee-shaped character promises him entrance to Rupeeland if he collects enough Rupees, and changes his name to Tingle, giving him his classic green suit.
Despite being generally well-received, it was only released in Japan and Europe because Americans Hate Tingle. (If you want to play it, import it- it's region-free!) It received a sequel, Color-Changing: Tingle's Balloon Trip of Love, which revolved around women instead of money, but this was never released outside of Japan. There was also a Balloon Fight Clone-Spin-Off featuring Tingle released prior to both games.
- Aliens Steal Cattle - Aliens had abducted the cows of Lon Lon Meadow and brought them back (a possible reference to Majora's Mask). The cows Tingle encounters all sport purple alien heads.
- Ambiguous Gender - Duko.
- Anti-Hero - Tingle
- And Your Reward Is Clothes - Collecting pretty much everything will give Tingle pink clothes in the final battle.
- Averted because those clothes A.) add up to the defense and B.) signify you've got Pinkle's support; If you don't have that, prepare for the bad ending when you (seem to) defeat Uncle Rupee. Neither is told to you though.
- Bee People - Giant, intelligent bees.
- Big Ball of Violence - Every battle except for the bosses are this.
- Big Eater - Dave
- Boss Subtitles - Beetle Lord Death Bug, Captain Stalfos, Tri-Force Colored Plant: Bana Bana, Beetle King Ultra Death Bug, Undiscovered Parasitic Insect Gargantu-Bug and Fire Monster Dora Dora.
- Breaking the Fourth Wall - Part of the overall humour and messages. Notable cases are Tingle's uncle and the Port Town kids.
- Broken Bridge: Although most of them don't lead anywhere that you couldn't get to without them, so paying to fix them is usually for convenience.
- Bubblegloop Swamp - Gooey Swamp and a bit of Steamy Marsh.
- Canine Companion - For part of the game, Barkle. There's also a dog in each set of Bodyguards one can hire.
- The Chief's Daughter - Mamba, though she doesn't develop anything romantically with Tingle, not even in the good ending.
- The Chosen Zero - Who else but Tingle?
- Crapsack World: One where people charge Rupees for advice, opening a shop to them, and letting them enter a town, and where people haggle and keep the money if they don't like the offer... It's no wonder that you succumbed to Uncle Rupee in the beginning. And there is no sign of any hero like Link... The few heroes charged Rupees to be heroic!
- Gaia's Lament: The Deku Tree.
- Death Mountain - Mount Desma
Old book: Mount Desma is also known as the Mountain of Death.
- Do You Want to Haggle? - You're not gonna get through this game if you have no feel for it (or a guide).
- Elemental Powers - The Super Sentai-ish fairy squad corresponds to the elements of Metal, Aqua, Leaf, Earth and Magma. There's also a collection of Super Rupees based on these elements.
- Eleventh-Hour Superpower - Pinkle's support (see And Your Reward Is Clothes).
- Enigmatic Empowering Entity - The Grand Fairy and her daughter Pinkle.
- Expy - Oinkers to Moblins. Dora Dora to Volvagia.
- Fetch Quest - Most aren't mandatory, but doing them earns you a good amount of rupees.
- Fairy Sexy - Pinkle
- Getting Crap Past the Radar - Pinkle's initial reward to Tingle for freeing her. "Kooloo-Limpah!" will never sound the same again.
- Gotta Catch Them All - The 30 Rupee Goods qualify as either crucial or optional, because you don't need them to complete the game, but not having them all will get you the bad ending. There's also semi-important collections consisting of 23 Empty Jars, 11 maps with each a varying number of landmarks to be noted on, 31 Recipes, and one optional sidequest involving having hired and acquired the profile of all 30 official Bodyguards.
- Grave Robbing - Want the Icy Bouillon recipe? Start digging! There's also a couple of dead adventurers' bodies to take loot from, but they aren't in graves.
- Guide Dang It - A frustrating example would be the phases where you have to pay NPCs or vice versa. Another would be finding the recipe for Tasty Stew
- Happily Adopted - Aba by Junglo. When Aba reunites and goes to live with her biological father, she and Junglo have a short, but heartwarming goodbye.
Aba: Bye, Forest Dad!
- Hello, Insert Name Here - Played with: You can name the protagonist everything except Tingle, because that's the name he'll be given less than five minutes into the game. There's a few special NPCs that call you your real (i.e. your chosen) name.
- Item Get - Yep, Tingle does it too.
- Large and In Charge - The Grand Fairy, Captain Stalfos, the Yamatami chief and the Oinker boss.
- Lonely Rich Kid - Paul Moneybags, because he thinks showing off his expensive possessions is a good way to make friends with the locals (the children in Port Town). It isn't, but when Paul leaves crying for being rejected, one of the kids does follow him to reveal money is for grownups and not interesting to them, but that they'd love to hear the stories of his travels around the globe and what it's like to fly in a balloon. Paul subsequently befriends them on those terms.
- Loves the Sound of Screaming - Captain Stalfos & crew.
- Macho Camp - Duke, Judge, Duko and their father, the Foreman, all are based on this image. Just watch them thrust their pelves.
- Magic Music - The Bone Ocarina.
- The Maze - Junglo puts signs revealing the right path throughout the forest for a certain amount of Rupees. There's also a hidden chest in there, but that one you'll have to find on your own.
- The Medic - Missy at Hometown Prairie, the doctor at Steamy Marsh and the Shaman at Desma Mountain.
- Meganekko - Missy
- Metal Detector Puzzle - Using the Bone Ocarina to find the hidden pirate chests (not required) and opening them (required).
- Mineral MacGuffin - Aside from collecting the regular rupees, you also have to get the Super Rupees, that act as the games dungeon counters, and the final Master Rupee.
- Multiple Endings - There's a bad ending and a good ending. Oddly, the bad ending is actually much more interesting and thought provoking than the good ending, although you'll still feel cheated out of your victory.
- Nightmare Face - Way too many to count.
- Ninja - Yamori, one of the Drifter Bodyguards. Being able to hire him involves a miniquest of finding him a bunch of times and eventually explaining him why he fails his ninja-ism.
- No Export for You: Not released in America
- Obviously Evil - Uncle Rupee, who tells Tingle that throwing rupees into the pond will grant a life of luxury and comfort, isn't that clearly the villain when you first meet him. By the second story-proceeding donation though, you'll notice that Uncle Rupee's living more luxurious than when you met him.
- Only in It For the Money - Tingle, with the sidenote money doubles as his life energy. So is everyone else, because they're all greedy.
- Our Fairies Are Different - They're the spirirts of altruism and generosity, or simply the anti-Uncle Rupee(s).
- Palette Swap - The regular Bodyguards. There is a set of nine sprites per continent, so each continent utilizes different colours to set their Bodyguards apart.
- Pink Girl, Blue Boy - Pinkle. Duko too, but that one might be for parody purposes.
- Playboy Bunny - One of Uncle Rupee's servants during the final fight.
- The Power of Love - That which enables the Guard to thwart the evil lurking in the cemetary and save his wife.
- The Promised Land - Rupeeland.
- Puzzle Boss - Dora Dora
- Save Point - The computer at Tingle's house.
- Self-Made Man - Tingle upon getting the good ending
- Sequential Boss - Uncle Rupee has a normal form, a green powered up form, an orange powered up form, a red powered up form and finally a giant rupee head form.
- Shout-Out - A few locations in the game are homages to The Legend of Zelda (Deku Forest, Lon Lon Meadows, Desma Mountain), and the Salona also look a lot like the Subrosians. One of the boss battles is also a parody of Punch-Out!!.
- Snowed In - Getting the recipe for Ultra Sleep Spray involves finding the remains of an adventurer who couldn't leave his secluded spot because of the snow storms. Poor guy had to cook with what he had and never woke up...
- Spikes of Doom - Particularly bad in the Insect Cavern
- Stalking Mission - A recurring sidequest to find out what Big Bro is up to is this.
- Stripperific - Pinkle. There's also one (scantily clad) female warrior in each set of Bodyguards one can hire.
- Tertiary Sexual Characteristics - Junglo's pet Mandrill has a little bow on her head.
- Tomboy - Aba
- Treacherous Advisor - Uncle Rupee
- Ugly Guy, Hot Wife - Tingle and Pinkle do seem to fit this trope. Otherwise, the good ending certainly does.
- Uncanny Family Resemblance - Pinkle and her mother can only be told apart by the fact the mother wears a crown. And as per tradition, Tingle's uncle is pretty much him with glasses.
- Unwitting Pawn - Tingle
- Vendor Trash: Nearly every item is this. This is a good thing, however, due to the game's premise.
- What Do You Mean It Wasn't Made on Drugs? - A lot. Notably, you have to actually buy the staff credit list in the game, or it won't show at the end of the game.