< Freeman's Mind

Freeman's Mind/WMG

If the series moves onto Half Life 2 as well...

  • Gordon will deny ever meeting Barney, and claim Barney's making up stories about being 'best buddies with THE Freeman' to coast on Gordon's awesomeness
  • Gordon will hold a grudge about being forced to put that can in the trash by Civil Protection at the beginning of the game for the entire series. He has a doctor's degree and trash pick-up is for the peasants.
  • After meeting Alyx, Gordon will only battle The Combine in the hope of getting laid. And because 'shooting cops' is the most fun he's ever had.
    • He will declare Alyx to be his girlfriend early on. When he discusses world domination, he'll plan to give her Australia.
    • In addition to that, he'll re-name City 17 after himself, and he'll declare an entire country or state their vacation house, such as Hawaii, and he'll go into a rant on how easy it will be considering everyone there is probably dead.
  • When he meets the Antlions, Gordon will make a bunch of Dune references. 'Don't step on the sand. I must walk without rhythmn, or else attract the giant killer bugs'. When he gets the Celaphod and controls the Antlions, he'll proclaim himself the Kwisatz Haderach.
  • Gordon will try to kill Mossman and the friendly Vortigaunts during scripted sequences, but find his gun has mysteriously jammed.
  • He will call Ravenholm 'Silent Hill' and call the fast zombies Rage Monkeys
  • In this case, Gordon genuinely will be dumb/crazy enough to climb inside the pods in the Citadel, letting Breen capture him.
    • That, or he'll hang a massive lampshade on it by mentioning how non-safety compliant The Combine work areas are.
      • But state they are still better than Black Mesa.
  • He'll try to buddy-buddy with Breen, and get miffed when he gets ignored.
  • He'll call the Striders "Tripods".
  • He'll make a BIG deal out of Magnusson's "microwave casserole incident" remark. In fact, he'll probably ramble about it throughout the whole final battle.
  • He'll take every chance he can get to ransack houses with his newfound Pick Things Up power. He may do what this troper does every time he gets to the first apartment and start throwing stuff out the window, humming Pink Floyd music.
  • Alyx's remark of "Man of few words, huh?" will be the result of Gordon being hypnotized be her boobs for a few minutes after they first meet.
  • When Alyx makes the "zombine" joke he'll spend a lengthy amount of time insulting her intelligence, and will probably keep bringing it up at every opportunity. He'll also come up with a funnier alternate joke.
    • He won't genuinely care about Alyx's welfare until she gets hurt in episode two. Then he'll freak out and act like a big softie but deny it as soon as she turns out to be fine.
  • He'll be worked into a frothy rage by the camera bots and go out of his way to destroy them.
  • Mike and Dave from Civil Protection will cameo in one episode.
    • Or multiple. One will probably just show Mike and Dave helping somebody(contrasting with the usual brutal behavior of the metrocops), the other will be during a fight with Gordon. Dave will want a piece of him, Mike will want to get the fuck out of there before Gordon can gun them down.
      • Alternatively: Dave has improbable aiming skills. Gordon has an exposed head. Likely, Dave would fire a 9mm bullet to take off whats left of Gordon's ear (apparently that turret gun only took off the bottom half), whereas Gordon will freak out and put a couple of bullets in his chest. Dave will survive thanks to his body armor but will be incapacitated (like that's never happened before...). Mike will of course say something along the lines of "I told you it was a bad idea", while Gordon won't really bother to make sure he's dead.

Gordon: I don't really need to make confirmed kills. I'm not at that stage in my life yet.

  • After starting the Uprising and realizing that almost everyone on earth recognizes him as The Messiah, he will discuss his plans to use this to his advantage by overthrowing the combine then becoming the new ruler of earth himself.
  • Freeman will love Dog due to his admiration of robots. He'll consider ways on how to make an army of Dogs to take over the Combine or just want to make Dog his right-hand man when he takes over the world.
  • Gordon will make a big deal of the suggestion that Combine portal technology is string-based.
  • Gordon will spend most of "Our Benefactors" rambling on about making the Citadel his stronghold from which he'll rule the world, and thinking of himself as some kind of immortal god-king due to a combination of the Super Gravity Gun and a supercharged HEV suit.
  • Gordon will be constantly annoyed at how the resistance bosses and pushes him around everywhere despite the fact they view him as The Messiah
  • He'll be unaware of what the Civil Protection officers are at first, and assume that him launching that missile started World War III, and that these are Russian thought police. Further supported by the fact that City 17 actually is in Eastern Europe.
  • Upon learning that Dr. Breen has basically become ruler of the Earth, Gordon will remark on how he "totally called it that his boss is a James Bond villain".
  • When Alyx hugs Gordon at the beginning of Episode One, Gordon will say "HOLY SHIT! I ACTUALLY TOUCHED A GIRL!"
    • ...except he won't do that, because the FM version of Gordon Freeman has already been established as a heavy-partying ladies-man, who has mentally admitted to sexually harassing at least one co-worker at Black Mesa. If anything, he'll over-interpret the hug as Alyx being hot for him, and this being more of an obstacle to getting work done than a benefit.

If the series doesn't move onto Half Life 2...

  • Gordon will want to accept G-Man's offer, after all he's mentioned having to find a new job. However, Gordon will spend so much time rambling to himself that the window to accept the offer will end and G-Man will teleport him into the room with the 30 alien grunts, while Gordon screams that he wanted to accept the job. But Gordon will reveal that there was one weapon G-Man forgot to confiscate: the crowbar. The series will have a Bolivian Army Ending as Gordon screams and charges at the grunts, crowbar in hand.
  • Alternately, G-Man, having had the misfortune of listening in on Gordon's thoughts, opts to rescind his offer.
  • It will end with "Military Precision" being played all the way through, with clips from his adventures at Black Mesa. That, or it will show him being the Freeman we all "know" in the future, only completely inept at his job.
  • Freeman will just give up on the option of going to Xen.

Gordon is a robot.

beep... beep... beep... beep... beep... beep... beep... beep... beep... beep... beep... beep... beep... beep... beep... beep... beep... beep... beep... beep... beep... beep... beep... beep... beep... beep... beep... beep... beep... beep...

  • Gordon is an Aperture Science AI who was uploaded into a human and sent to infiltrate Black Mesa.

Gordon: I see you.

The series will end with Gordon taking the Bolivian Army Ending "No regrets, Dr. Freeman" offer

It's completely in character for Gordon to do (why would he listen to some guy in a suit?), and provides a Conan Doyle style way for Ross Scott to not have to do one for Half-Life 2.

  • Of course, then several dozen fanboys will jump in to do their own for Half-Life 2.

Freeman's Mind is canon to the Half-Life/Portal Universe.

It doesn't dispute anything previously laid down by the games so why the hell not?

  • Except, of course, Gordon doesn't blow up Magnusson's casserole.
  • That could have happened days or even weeks prior to the Black Mesa incident. Besides, Gordon clearly refers to the item in a microwave as a bowl of noodles.
  • And he was clearly framed. That, or someone else was responsible, and Magnusson is only pinning it on Gordon because he knows him too well.
  • Either that or the "incident" Magnusson describes could only refer to Gordon eyeing the casserole suspiciously.

Chell will go completely insane.

She's under immense psychological stress, and she wasn't that sane to begin with. It's easy to imagine her laughing maniacally as she destroys GLADoS.

  • She'll go completely insane? What is she now?
    • Only mostly insane.

If Chell's Mind moves on to Portal 2, Chell will become a satire of Gordon.

Chell will constantly rant on how hard it is to get out, how stupid/insane the scientists were, and how everything is trying to kill her.

Gordon is really being stalked by the mailmen, owls really are telapathic, and there really is a race of anthopomorphic frogmen living in the sewers.

Because, after everything else, would you really be suprised if it were all true?

Barney hates Lamarr because of what happened in Barney's Mind.

If you were to make a drinking game out of how many times he's gotten attacked by headcrabs, you would get alcohol poisoning by episode 10.

  • How is this related to the mind series and not just related to the game?

The harmonic reflux loop at the end of Barneys mind was temporal as well

I mean, He not only got phased into Half-Life 2: Episode 1, and then teleported into sector C, were Shephard teleported into Freeman's locker. Which that happened AFTER Freeman went to Xen at that point in time, only for Barney to teleport somewhere else and see Gordon get dragged off to the trash compactor (Which obviously occured BEFORE Gordon went to Xen)

It's all in Gordon's head.

He spoke of taking some oxycodone before the experiment and could have easily overdosed, forgetting about taking them whatsoever.

  • Head-Crab Zombies - Scientists
  • Soldiers - Security Guards
    • Pretty unlikely. Oxycodone is an opiate. If he was ODing he's more likely to just fall asleep than go on a murderous rampage.
      • Actually, it's still possible for it all to be in Gordon's head. Oxycodone can cause extremely vivid dreams. If he took enough that he passed out, this could just be some drug-enhanced dream.

Episode 10.5 is canon with the rest of the episodes.

Gordon fell to his death, but then the player just reloaded a quicksave and thus he's alive again. Gordon doesn't actually know that he's just a video game character, so is a bit deja-vued at first before forgetting what happened since the part of the RAM that contains his memory was overwritten.

Chell's Mind is canon.

Lab Rat, more or less, legitimized a lot of Chell's characterization, like her stubbornness, and her sociopathic tendencies.

Plus, it draws a lot of similarities between her and Rattman.

  • They're both schizophrenic
  • Said schizophrenia got worse over time
  • They both knew in advance that GLaDOS was trying to kill them
  • They both care for an inanimate object that acts as their conscience
  • Said inanimate object has accused them of being insane at least once
  • Said inanimate object prevents them from being killed

Gordon is actually speaking out loud the entire time.

  • Sure, it's called Freeman's Mind, but that doesn't mean he's not just thinking out loud. This would explain why his voice muffles out underwater, and the incident where he mulled using a scientist as a human shield where the scientist reacted with audible fear. He seems to explicitly converse with others a time or two as well. Basically the entire time, Gordon is actually babbling aloud. It makes one understand why the others react with such inane questions or silence, as anyone saying the things that he does would probably prompt others to just try their hardest not to antagonize him.
  • He's had a tracheotomy. People only talk to him when he's standing right in front of them and they can read his lips. He hears his own voice perfectly, but to other people it's a whisper.
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