< Foster's Home for Imaginary Friends

Foster's Home for Imaginary Friends/Heartwarming

  • Foster's Home for Imaginary Friends movie, "Destination Imagination": Frankie wants to free the antagonist, a Reality Warper with serious separation issues who'd destroy any would-be rescuers so long as Frankie stayed by his side. Mac, Bloo and the gang fight her to prevent her from making such a foolish move. Herriman, who has been absolutely brutal to Frankie (even moreso in this movie than throughout the rest of the series), tells her, "Miss Frances, I have known you since you were a young child. As I have watched you grow, I've been amazed at your lack of maturity, laziness, and lack of judgement. And I realize...I was wrong." He goes on to say that if Frankie wants to set him free, he trusts her judgement. Later, when the villain-turned-good-kid tells Herriman Frankie is a wonderful person, Herriman lays his hand on her shoulder and agrees, "That she is." It's not as touching if you don't know the characters as well, but to any long-time fan of the series...OcularGushers to the max.
  • The ending of the episode Go Goo Go qualifies too. DI's just still happens to top it. But in case you're wondering how the ending of the former goes, Mac comes into the room where Goo is crying, asking if Goo is okay. It turns out that Goo felt lonely and that's why she created all the IFs. Mac gave her a speech about how imaginary friends are real friends and if she got to know the ones she already had then it would likely alleviate her feelings of loneliness. Mac, not realizing that the speech had cheered up Goo enough that she's already smiling, then apologizes for his Minor Insult Meltdown (the cause of her crying in the first place) and tells Goo that he wants to be friends with her--which causes an excited Goo to hug Mac. In the aftermath, Goo is finding homes for the IFs and has become the friend of the month as a result, while Mac has joined in on her wackiness.
  • Herriman's 'Funny Bunny' routine, though funny and at times cringewarming saccharine, is made really heartwarming by the fact that this is Mr. Herriman we're talking about. He's still Madame Foster's imaginary friend even after all those years. Awww.
  • The ending of "Bye Bye Nerdy".
  • Good Wilt Hunting TO THE MAX.
  • The Sweet Stench of Sucess, Bloo becomes a celebrity, but can't see his creator, Mac, which leaves Mac heartbroken. By the end of the episode, they meet up again, and even a Jerkass like Bloo admits that he loves (no, not THAT kind) Mac more than anything.
  • Any touching scene with Mac and Bloo.
  • No mention of "Who Let The Dogs In?"? That moment near the end, before the happy twist, where Frankie gently takes the last puppy from Eduardo, sadly saying just "I'm sorry, Ed..." - and then Eduardo QUIETLY COVERING HIS EYES AS HIS SHOULDERS SAG...well, it takes a stronger man that This Troper not to find themselves on the verge of Manly Tears.

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