< Flander's Company

Flander's Company/YMMV

  • Crowning Moment of Awesome: Any fight involving Carla or Aegis. And the Fandom Rejoiced when the two clashed !
  • Crowning Moment of Funny: Pyro killed Captain America (comics), asking Mello if there was a way to save him : "Well, when there is just enough meat left from someone to form the volumic equivalent of a hamster, I think we can say he is dead"
    • Followed by another jewel : "Oh...Superheroes wear costumes too! And policemen, soldiers...oh ! And even Chinese waiters ! You're gonna kill every nem seller in Paris ?"
    • This character just gets the best lines : Season 3 finale upon the arrival of Hitomi: "C'est à vous le buffet campagnard?!" / "Is that country buffet yours?!"
    • Sadoman: "I'm out of Pain...KEVIIIN !" * Kevin appears, wearing what can be described as "a Flamboyant Butterfly Suit". Sadoman's eyes EXPLODE seeing Kevin* "Okay. I'm full of Pain now."
    • Heck, Hitomi's whole intervention during this episode probably counts !
    • "Oh, sorry. Deborah's power took control for a second"
  • Foe Yay: parodied with Hippolyte and Carla; in earlier episodes, Carla did shows some flirtiatious tendencies toward Hippolyte, but it was more of Affably Evil Baddie Flattery than actual attraction, and Hippolyte was almost always pissed off. In season 4, when it's revealed their alternate counterpart are lover, Hippolyte acts shocked, and Carla is so disgusted she ends up vomitting in the toilet.
    • Played very Straight with Armand Trueman and Carla, to the point they actually sleep together in season 4.
  • God Mode Sue: Played with. Aegis was a group of formerly four lame heroes: two fortunetellers, someone increasing gravity a bit, someone powerless...). Then Applied Phlebotinum suddenly gave them superpowers above anybody else on earth (Playing with Fire, psychic shield, return attacks, telekinesis...) and made them invincible. In order to beat them, Truman gained temporary powers so high he could knock them with his little finger.
  • Grow the Beard: initially, the serie was mostly gag of the week type, but later evolved to get actual story arcs and a larger reccurring cast.
  • Ho Yay : Hippolyte and Caleb, though they are more like Heterosexual Life Partners
  • World of Ham: played for laugh
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