
"Hello, ladies and gentlemen! My name is Kurt, and welcome back to Far Lands or Bust!"—Kurt, at the beginning of every video
Kurtjmac started off doing a typical Let's Play of Minecraft. Then, in episode 11 he decided to head off to the Far Lands, a point where the game, when far enough from the spawn point, completely bugs out. The series, Far Lands or Bust, is currently being done to raise money for |Child's Play Charity.
Tropes that apply to Kurtjmac:
- Adorkable: When making the Lego Space Shuttle for the 25000 subscriber special.
- Angrish: Occasionally. For example, in Driver San Francisco, when trying (and failing) to unlock the Shelby GT 500, he says something that sounds about like "Gah-geck-herp-flerp-der"
- Ascended Meme: There is a Minecraft mod that adds Kurt into your minecraft world. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iDdtFwzUQ_Y
- Attention Deficit Ooh Shiny: Kurt is often sidetracked from his speaking by something that happens in the game. Usually due to mobs or terrain.
- Justified in the case of the terrain, since that's part of the reason he's doing FLOB.
- Beyond the Impossible: Walking to the Far Lands, without mods or assistance.
- In Minecraft Ultra Hardcore Season 5 Kurt somehow dies of fall damage. At full health. In a boat, which would negate fall damage anyway.
- Catch Phrase: Several. "You are dead, sir!"; "INDEED!"; "Gigigigi!"
- Celebrity Endorsement: Notch himself has acknowledged FLOB. Cue a substantial increase in donations in less than 24 hours.
- Cozy Voice for Catastrophes
- Dropped a Bridge on Him: Or rather, dropped him off a bridge, in the finale of Ultra Hardcore Season 6, thanks to that damn wolf.
- Deadpan Snarker : The yellow text that shows up in most episodes of Far Lands or Bust is a prime example.
- Fake Kill Scare: The entirety of Episode 120 for Wolfie. The episode, titled "Left Behind" and featuring what appeared to be a grave marker in the episode icon, has Kurt nearly dying as he falls into a deep pit partway through, with Wolfie barely avoiding the same fate. The yellow text warns that it won't be the last scare of the episode. Later on, he leaves Wolfie sitting down after feeding him and doesn't notice until night has fallen. Kurt then braves his way through the dark to get back to Wolfie. For bonus points, Kurt posted a Far Lands or Bust Flash Back episode showing his first meeting with Wolfie right before posting Episode 120.
- Flat What: Fond of these when confused, as best seen in episode 36, appropriately titled WAT.
- Friendly Sniper: Plays this to the hilt when he snipes Zisteau in the Ultra Hardcore Season 6 finale.
- Fun with Subtitles
- Gosh Dang It to Heck: Most often when Wolfie breaks his boats or knocks him off a cliff:
Kurt: God Bless America, Wolfie!
- averted when he dug out unsupported sand, while he was standing on it. The reaction was repeated "OH ****!", and this scene is the subject of one FLOB Flashback
- In his Let's Play of Driver: San Francisco, he'll do this when narrowing avoiding disastrous crashes or trying to lose to cops.
Kurt: Oh...sugar!
- Played straight during his fight with Guude in Ultra Hardcore Season 3.
Kurt: Crumbs!
Kurt: Oh, christmas!
- Also inverted during the same fight by Kurt AND the on-screen text
Kurt: Crap. Crap. Crap. Crap. Crap. Crap. Crap.
- Idiot Ball: Kurt was holding it for a while during Season 6 of Ultra Hardcore. He forgot that you can get string from cobwebs.
- Let's Play: Aside from Far Lands or Bust and the other Minecraft worlds he does videos of, Kurt has also made Let's Plays of a few other series, such as Tomb Raider: Anniversary, GRID, and Kerbal Space Program.
- Live Episode: The "8-hour 20-minute Livestream for Child's Play Charity", which was an official continuation of Far Lands or Bust.
- Loyal Animal Companion: Wolfie
- Averted with the dog he gets in Season 6 of Mindcrack Ultra Hardcore. The son of a bitch takes 8 bones to tame and ends up pushing Kurt to his death.
- One of Us: Besides the obvious, he's very interested in astronomy.
- Precision F-Strike: When he meets his end in Season 5 of Minecraft Ultra Hardcore, through a glitch leading to fall damage while in a boat.
- Recap Episode: Is done occasionally to get new subscribers up to speed on the series, but done through Kurt's narration rather than clips.
- He has recently uploaded a few FLOB Flashbacks, which are short clips of memorable moments (such as discovering the Canyon of Whoa)
- Temporal Paradox: The Wolfie clone and pre-made Hidey Hole in Episode 36. In the following episode, Kurt reveals that this occurred due to a glitch in Minecraft where he had scrapped his first take of the episode and reloaded a previous save, but Minecraft kept the changes to the world he had made in the original take.
- Three Dimensional Episode: The 100th Episode of Far Lands or Bust is this.
- Weird Moon: A few episodes have featured Kurt discussing the oddities of Minecraft's moon, and his attempts to figure out how it could potentially work like it does.
- Verbal Tic: "... INDEED.", "...ness" and "Ah!"
- More recently: "INDEED, WHATNOT, and ECT!"
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