Gensou Shoujo Taisen
Gensou Shoujo Taisen ("Fantasy Maiden Wars") is a Touhou Doujin game series in the spirit of the popular Super Robot Wars games, created by Sanbondo. The game is divided into four parts, each of which covers the story of different Touhou games.
The first part, Kou, has been translated into English by Deranged. The patch can be found here.
Tropes used in Gensou Shoujo Taisen include:
- The Cavalry: Mima appears to save Marisa in the Underground.
- The Chessmaster: Kanako and Suwako appear only in cutscenes in Kou, seemingly planning their move for You.
- Combination Attack: The Malice Cannon.
- Combining Mecha: The three Fairies and the Prismriver Sisters
- Defeat Means Friendship: A majority of your units are recruited only after you defeat them in battle.
- Disc One Final Boss: Remilia in Kou. Kanako and Suwako in You.
- The Dreaded: Yuuka. And if you attack her, you'll see just why everyone is afraid of her.
- Dual Boss: Minoriko and Shizuha, Kanako and Suwako.
- Wolfpack Boss: The three Fairies, The Prismriver Sisters.
- Eleventh-Hour Ranger: Sakuya in Kou. Youmu in You.
- Eleventh-Hour Superpower: Reimu and Marisa Combination Attack in You is acquired two scenes before the last boss.
- Final Boss: Flandre in Kou. Yukari in You.
- Final Boss Preview: You meet Flandre as an NPC as Marisa. You can beat her, if you can take her down with Marisa only.
- Fragile Speedster: Reimu, most Small size units, Aya.
- Glass Cannon: Marisa, Sakuya.
- Leitmotif: Everyone has at least one. Sakuya, Nitori, Youmu, Aya and Sanae have different ones both as an enemy and as an ally. The three fairies gain one for their Combination Attack and another one in Combining Mecha form.
- Lightning Bruiser: Suika.
- Mid-Season Upgrade: Nitori upgrades to Full Armor Nitori in You, which gives her More Dakka and a BFG Wave Motion Gun.
- Mighty Glacier: Most large size units.
- Nintendo Hard: When its difficulty levels boast to have the same level of difficulty as the classic SRW games, you know you're going to catch hell.
- Shout-Out: Tons, to Super Robot Wars itself as well as the countless mecha show featured in the series, ranging from character dialogue, attack animations, to even musical nods.
- The Stinger
- The Unexpected: Elly and Kurumi.
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