< Famous Last Words

Famous Last Words/Web Comics

Famous Last Words in webcomics.

  • Abe Kroenen
    • "...I am slain." - Rasputin
  • Awkward Zombie
    • "That means we can go back to all being friends again, right?" Roy.
  • Bob and George
    • "I will not die like this... I will not be squashed like a fucking bug by a goddamn space rock! I WILL NOT!" Bob, he gets better though
  • Cuanta Vida
    • "A bit, yeah." the first RED Spy, in response to BLU Sniper's 'you're bleeding!
    • "You're here to get revenge, then?" (Bleu: I was) "Was?" the first RED Sniper. BLU Sniper then kills him to avenge RED Spy
    • "Look, I appreciate th' concern, but you don't need to be here. Medic'll take care of me." BLU Sniper. Medic Mercy Killed him.
    • "Spy, give me zhe needle. You're acting crazy." BLU Medic. Killed by his own needle.
    • "How many people have you killed 'oday? 'oo many, right? Why add another? Ignore the Scout." Rojo. Bleu didn't listen.
  • Darths and Droids
    • "Ooooh, yeah, that's even better." - Qui-Gon Jinn as played by Jim, attempting to do some of that "roleplaying drama" stuff
    • "Quick, what are some good last words?" - Padme as played by Jim
  • Digger
    • "Has a name! NAME! IS! ED!"
  • Dominic Deegan
    • Stay back, Lord Siegfried! I am a great sorceress, and you'll never take me alive! Croona Travoria
    • "We are the advanced senior mages, taught by Miranda Deegan herself! We can stop this lunatic and save the school... or we can cower like helpless kittens..." Selton Nallick, advanced student at Quiral School of the Arcane Arts
    • "The only help you're getting from me is... an ass... kicking... fag..." Brett Taggerty, seconds before his explosive demise
    • "I'm... sorry if I w-was rash, earlier... farewell, Dominic Deegan... I... hope you... you do not... forget me..." Lord Siegfried
    • "Do not think about trying to save me. We had less than five minutes to save you. It took four. You were saved by the love of those around you... love that you forged out of loyalty and compassion. And... you were saved by my love... for you... one whom I... would call... my brother. Klo Tark
  • The Dreamer
    • "Fred...? Go back out there and defend your country, son. There's n-nothing you can do for me here..." Thomas Knowlton
  • Drowtales
    • "I choose to see you die by my sword, Demon! We-" Kau'shala Val'Sharen, just before being snapped in half by his own demon-possessed dragon.
    • "It is not so hard after all..." Diva'ratrika in The Longest Wait
    • "This is a nightmare! Look! The streets are empty! Everybody is gone. It has to be a nightmare!" Yunir Sarghress, just before the warden Chirinide's "mercy killing" of him.
    • "Don't... touch... me!" Ven'nedia Vloz'ress' warning to Kiel'ndia Vel'Vloz'ress as she was being petrified by her own adopted daughter.
    • "I'm... n-no-t..." Yaeminira/Vy'Chriel, trying to deny she is a Nidraa'chal
    • "Heh, that's funny. I'm not even afraid to die anymore. Yes. Go ahead, Mother. Do what you do best. Do the only thing you know." (last thoughts) Syphile Val'Sarghress during her Dying Moment of Awesome, shortly before Quain'tana kills her
    • "Greetings Ky'ovarde. Are you interested in learning a few secrets? Without my help, you have no chance of winning this war." Sene'kha Vel'Vloz'ress, trying to tempt the Kyorl carrying out her execution
    • "I'm sorry. Farewell... my... friend." Naal'suul Val'Beldrobbaen as her seed takes over. Though some of her may still be in there...
  • Eight Bit Theater
    • "Can't you tell? I'm looking forward to my demise. And freedom." Black Mage, when asked by Lich why he was smiling while his allies were being idiots as usual
    • "I don't know what that means. Ghkt." Fighter
    • "My only regret is that I didn't hate you more." Thief
    • "But then I died. And I hadn't gotten to do any of it yet." Black Belt, upon being killed by Kary
    • "O.J., Purple Stuff, my brutally murdered wife--" Ranger
    • "I am Sarda. My will be done."
    • "Carry the infinity... aww, man." Chaos
  • El Goonish Shive
  • Erfworld
    • "I can taste keylime pie." Lord Manpower the Temporary, after getting an arrow through the eye.
    • "Dora... We have done... our Duty! Eyaaaaagh!" Webinar
    • "Beast! You treacherous..." Prince Ansom.
    • "For my Lord... Hamstaaaaaaahrr!" Bogroll. He did not.
    • "You are not following the Titans, Ansom. Only a clever witch. This is goodbye." Prince Ossomer
    • "Thhhink it won't be a problem." Prince Sammy Haggar
    • "Why? Is it Glorious, Titans? Is there Glory in just walking to the slaughterhouse after all?" Countess Artemis
    • "It's your final curtain call, Hat Magician. Only one thing to do... Pop a cap!" Cubbins
  • Errant Story
    • "Taking out the feeble, old human woman isn't quite as easy as you expected, eh? And the effects of that device you used shouldn't last for too much longer, either." Anita, to Sarine, who has just used an anti-magic grenade on her. Sarine answers, "It'll last for long enough," and it does.
    • "Let 'em go, you bitchy little overpowered sad sack!" Ellis, who isn't exactly "killed," but rather "dispelled" by Ian
    • "I only wanted to help..." Ian
    • "While I might not be quite as adept in combat as Anita is ... please do give me some credit." Paul (followed by a sigh as Jon draws a bead on him)
    • "HAH! Oh, I am going to miss you, bitch!" Sarna, to Sarine in their fight (numerous inarticulate grunts and screams follow)
  • Girl Genius
    • "We love you! Now run! Lilith/Judy. Being a construct, she gets better.
    • "I'm serious! ... Oh!" Zulenna
    • "But then... what am I? But-" Anevka, as she's shut down.
    • "Please- help me!" Vrin, before Lucrezia causes her to suffocate by ordering her to die.
    • "A Heterodyne girl. Heh. An ordinary guy like me... never had a chance..." Lars
    • "You dare to strike my royal personage?! I'll have every member of your crew flayed alive!" Strinbeck before he gets "flying lessons" out of the airship.
    • "Eat nails, cow. Anyone who goes in there dies." A woman who pissed off Zola
    • "NOOOOOOOOO!!!" Merlot
  • Gnoph
    • "I'm sorry." Scut
    • "We'll be finally free of you lobotomizing bastards. I can see it!" Lyss
  • Goblins
    • "What the f..." Boulder
    • "It's an adventurer! RUN!" Asks Nonsense
    • "You're still just a goblin. And I'm still Saral Cai... ack!" well, Saral Caine
    • I'u kiu you! Dellyn Goblinslayer (he suffered severe burns on his face, affecting his speech)
    • "I...I'm...I'm sorry. I tried not to...not to scream.... Chief
    • "I... told ya. I... do... the eating. K'seliss
    • "Okay, your tail is adorable and hawt, but useless in combat. I'm still gonna kill-" Alt-Kin
    • "Don't look at me like that, you can still kill him after we...eh?" Alt-Forgath
    • And some funnier ones:
      • "And now I'm at - hit points. This totally su..." Seth Brainwrath
      • "Well, that would put my hit points way past negative." Drowbabe
  • Gunshow
  • Homestuck
    • "I gotta go! Gonna blast off to the seventh gate. And, uh, win this game I guess." John, the first time he died. He got better.
    • "Sollux?" Aradia, right before a mind-controlled Sollux kills her.
    • "This is bad, I have to get her in quick! Got to go!" Sollux. He also got better.
    • "Yes, that is my decision. Vriska, please put me to sleep!" John, the second time he died.
    • "KILL ME KILL ME KILL ME KILL ME K8LL M8 K8LL M8 K8LL M8 K8LL M8 K8LL M8 K8LL M8" Vriska. She too got better.
    • "Ok, then. Here I come." Tavros. He did not get better.
    • "No, wait... That looks stupid. Oh well." Aradia, the second time she died. She got better.
    • "That's it. This makes me sad, Eridan, but now we have to stop you. We can't let you find Jack and risk you leading him to us." Feferi
    • "What? The volume of your voice keeps fluctuating..." Equius
    • "Heheh, okay. I'll shut up now." John, the third time he died.
    • "Just flip the fucking coin, Neophyte." Vriska, the second time she died. She didn't get better this time.
    • "It's like- Hey! ...Karkat?" Jade. Yep, got better.
    • "What are you waiting for? Draw, Spades." Snowman
    • "S u c k e r s." Doc Scratch
    • "Aw fuck who am I kidding magic is fake as shit. I failed you, Rufio. I failed you." Andrew Hussie. Yes, the author offed himself in his own comic.
    • "Eeeeeeeeaaaaaaaauuuuuuuurrrrrrrruuuuuuuueeeeeeeegggggggghhhhhhhh,,,,,,,,." Tavrisprite, right before s/he blows him/herself up.
  • In Wily's Defense
    • "Oh, man, there goes my chances of making the Top 40 on the rap charts..." Auto
    • "...well...crap..." Pharaoh Man
    • "You feel it, too... don't you... brother...? This... surge of power... far exceeding my own... heh... looks like I might know why Dr. Light chose to... do this after all... That girl you serve... the one who talks to Angels... she'll never be safe. You... know this, right?" Mega Man X
    • "I... if... if I go down.. ONE OF YOU... WILL GO... WITH ME!" Dr. Thomas Light
    • "You! How DARE you pull the yaoi card! I, Napalm Man, shall knock you down for the injustice you have inflicted upon me on this day! ...you look kinda differenct from the last time I saw you. AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" Napalm Man
    • "I INVITE YOU TO TRY, MAGGOTS! ...oh, bugger." Dr. Dominic Doppler
  • The Last Days of Foxhound
    • "Takes a bitchin' long time to recharge, though. And it runs out in like two hours." A guard at the American embassy in Tknsydska, discussing his mp5 player with his partner shortly before being sniped
    • "HOLY CHRIST!" The aforementioned guard's partner, shortly before being sniped
    • "What the--" A third guard, confused by Ocelot dancing around
    • "Okay, fine. But I wouldn't kill me, if that's what you're thinking." Colonel Jensen Kyrnosz
    • "He's right, Naomi. You've got to let me go. I mean, literally, let go of me, or you'll be fried too." Grey Fox.
    • "What th-" Shadow Moses guard versus Nano Jackal
    • "Holy mother of-" Another Shadow Moses guard versus Nano Jackal
    • "Don't try to lie to me with your lies! I know you did it!" A third Shadow Moses guard versus Nano Jackal
    • "The spirit of the warrior will always be with you. Don't be sad... we'll meet again someday." The Sorrow. Slightly subverted, as he immediately comes back as a ghost.
    • "What th-" Some Mook killed by Liquid in a Sorrow-induced flashback
    • "No, wait, come ba-- AAAAAAAIIIIII--" Some Mook killed by Liquid in a Sorrow-induced flashback
    • "What th-" Some Mook killed by Liquid in a Sorrow-induced flashback
    • "You think this is another attack?" A North African mook, sniped
    • "Screw that, I'm staying right here until--" A North African mook, sniped
    • "Yaaaagh! Come and get me you bastards!" A North African mook, killed by Raven
    • "Who's the dumbass now, suckers? You are, 'cause you're all dead! Suck on that!" A North African mook, killed by Vamp
    • "Say goodnight, Ocelot! Aagh!" Ocelot's self-procalimed nemesis, killed by Berthold
    • "I'M COVERED IN BEES!" The Pain, in Big Boss' memories
    • "63A9F211" Mountain Fox's mook, killed by Psycho Mantis
    • "Doot doot doo ack." Mountain Fox's mook, killed by Ocelot
    • "Don't concern yourself with this, anus licker. It'll take more than an army boot to shut th--" Mountain Fox
    • "Hey fella, how'd you get in here? Does your mom know that yeeeeeeeeeeegghhh..." A mook killed by child-Frank Jaeger in a flashback
    • "You know, somehow I thought you were above all this bullshit. But at this point I guess nothing should surprise me." Scratch
    • "Can I help y-Hey, aren't you..." Master Miller
    • "Shall I call for a guard escort, sir?" A Genome Soldier, killed by the DARPA chief
    • Ocelot: "Fine. I'll accidentally set the current to high. But this isn't going to be quick." "Figures." The DARPA chief
    • "No offense, boss, but I am the expert here..." Decoy Octopus. Not his actual last words, but his last words on-panel before his death.
    • "Sheesh, look at me. Am I taking too many of zese or not enough?" Sniper Wolf. Not her actual last words, but her last words on-panel before her death.
    • "Oh hell yes." Vulcan Raven. Not his actual last words, but his last words on-panel before his death.
    • "Hey, Mike, you all right? You don't look so--good?" A Genome Soldier, killed by Cyborg Ninja
    • "In fact, the only thing I do care about is that Ocelot suffers horribly." Psycho Mantis. Not his actual last words, but his last words on-panel before his death.
    • "Well, I guess I do owe you one." Cyborg Ninja. Not his actual last words, but his last words on-panel before his death.
    • "I'm going to go swat down a couple of bothersome flies." (thinks: "It's happening. It's happening. It's finally happening.") Liquid. Not his actual last words, but his last words on-panel as a living man.
  • Let's Destroy The Shagohod!
    • "Yeah, so for dinner tonight, I'm eating spaghetti..." The End
  • Looking for Group
    • My... only... regret... Is... not... killing... all... of... you... And... your... families... Richard to his closest friends
    • "The Bloodrage must continue boy. Hehehehe. He-" Krunch's father
    • "This court finds you guilty." The demon judge that presided over Richard's trial.
    • "Why are you still here--" Lord Stoll
    • "For Gamlon!" the king of Gamlon
    • "Cale... save the princess... take... my swords... brother..." Tavor, the first time.
    • "Better it all end here, brother." Tavor, the second time.
    • "Sayl... my son..." Rojave
    • "Come here, child." a soldier trying to protect a little girl who then tore his heart out and showed it to him.
    • "Heh. Looks like the powerful warlock isn't at his best." An unwise gnome.
    • "Those swords...what are they?!" Tavor, third time
    • "We're not going to make it. Krunch before he dies in battle
  • Marilith
    • "Life is suffering. Killing me is an act of kindness. Thank you, my friend." Svetlana
    • "You won, kill me already! Why are you doing this?" Krystiyan
    • "Get her filthy hands off of my S-class!" Stark
    • "You -- murderer!" Marshall Hunter
    • "Fuck me. I'm blind. How am I supposed to shoot you when I'm blind?" Valentino
    • "Marilith... Listen to me. You can't kill anymore. If you do, I- I- gave my life for nothing. Take care of the kid for me, okay?" Christi O'Reilly. Turns out she's Faking the Dead
  • Megatokyo
    • "Have I... changed?" Miho
  • Modest Medusa
    • "I know you will...Oath Breaker..." Urano
  • Nana's Everyday Life
    • "Oh...oh well....It's...okay...like this. It's okay..." Nana
  • Nature of Nature's Art
    • "Rule, it's like this bunny. Who do you think this rabbit is to someone! EVERYONE!! But who do you think this rabbit is to anyone!! HE IS NO ONE! I... don't... know him... but I can... still respect... his existence!!" Meander (translated from his garbled speech). This is actually a subversion, as he doesn't die... well, not physically. Mentally, he is completely destroyed.
    • "DON'T SHAKE HIM, YOU IDIOT!!" Rule. He does have a long monologue in his dying moments, but it's mental.
    • "G-Go--D-Die!!" TY, moments before SV punches him with enough force to send him flying across the room and crashing into a wall.
    • "What are you doing--stop! STOP IT! LET GO! SV--LET--" XZ, formerly known as Nutsedge.
    • The secret to true happiness... Why doesn't everyone do it? It's so easy. A missing tooth hews nothing. So make a new one! Don't turn away, don't get mad. For if you give in, the prey will become the predator and the origin of malice will be your own damn self. SV, formerly known as Marigold or Malice.
    • "Ugh.... Wh? Why? Aren't you awaiting the revision by Venom 8 team? Their idea is the most plausible for spiders." Agelenopsis naevia
    • "I... I had my own life... I had my own pursuits... I enjoyed finding new ways to make nets... And... ...Venom 8... ...I'm sorry... that it had to come to this!!" Deinopis spinosa
    • "Nooo!!! I...! I didn't want this! I don't want to be a part of this network! Venom 8! What did you do to me! I lived alone in the dark. I was content there! What did you do!!" Antrodiaetus unicolor. This arc has a high death toll.
  • Order of the Stick
  • Schlock Mercenary
    • "Besides, "Sword Of Inevitable Justice Again" is a stupid name."
    • "I was kinda shooting for something profound, not a punchline." Demolitionist Hob, in response to the suggested last words of "Hey y'all, watch this!"
  • Shadowgirls
    • "I have lived this life longer than the first, but I will reclaim that which was mine from birth. My name is Robert... Robert Olmstead." Deep One Prime
  • Sluggy Freelance
    • "I... told... you..." Oasis, 2nd death
    • "She's faster... wait for her to... leave... then send... to... to... pry me... off wall." Kusari, 1st death
    • "Viva la Crotch!" Bert
    • "...fools can't see that Torg is behind this all! He has you all bent to his will and you don't even see it! You all... you..." Horribus
    • "HA-HA! Now I know why you guys lie all the time! It's funny! Heh... it hurts when I laugh..." Honest Stu
    • "God be with me." Leono
    • "You're not taking me with you. I'm Taking You with Me." Bun-bun. He got better.
    • "You're no priest. And my name is... Erin..." Monica
  • Sonichu
    • "Well, see you in Hell, Jack." Clyde Cash, as he and Jack Thaddeus elect to leap down an elevator shaft holding hands than let God Mode Sue Chris kill them.
    • "NOT GUILTY!"" The Asperpedia Four. Didn't work
  • Suicide for Hire

"AH OH WAH GAI AI MO! ... Oh ma gaw ..." Autumn. (Translation; "I don't want to die anymore! ... Oh my god ..." said with a missing tongue.

  • Two Evil Scientists
    • "Well this is where I'm supposed to meet this Sonic guy." Mega Man.
    • "Can you fix him?" Sonic.
    • "Since when do you have a Mega Buster?" Plant Man
    • "Uh-oh!" Napalm Man
    • "Now - URRRK!" Pharaoh Man
    • "From now on, the world will cower at the mention of the name "Vamp Man"
    • "I still outnumber you, Mega Man!" Gemini Man
    • "Well that will just enhance my power!" Mega Hedgehog
    • "Oh just kill me already." Metal Sonic. That didn't stick.
    • "Before we go, I just want you to know that I love you, Buzz!" Joe. That didn't stick either
    • "What?" Buzz, upon hearing Joe's last words.
    • "What's happening? Why can't I transform?" Metal Sonic.
    • "Good, then the Gizoid can learn from you." The G.U.N. Commander in the past
    • "Sayanora, Mega Man." Maria, during the Time Travel arc
    • "So why bother fighting at all?" Metal Knuckles
    • "This is boring! Where's the fun in fighting weak opponents when you can't be hurt?" Ballade
    • "Not really, because unlike you, I leave behind a protege who will carry on in my stead." King, upon Omochao pointed out that King will never accomplish his goal of a new world.
    • "Call it a grudge against Doppelganger, or loyalty to my creators. Take your pick." Miranda, when asked why she was about to perform a Heroic Sacrifice
    • "Heh heh... Alright then, GOODBYE!" Doppelganger
    • "Mercy." Enker
    • "Actually... it's kind of humbling... It was a good fight... and I lost... I'm glad... it was to someone as worthy... as you." Punk. He wouldn't even let Omega/Flicky enjoy gloating.
    • "I-I c-can't b-zzk-lei... kck... sss..." Bass
    • "I'm not really Dr. Wily, I'm just his clone!" The Dr. Wily robot.
  • User Friendly
  • Walkyverse
    • "Act with integrity... No regrets!" Ruth
    • "This was the best I could do." Dina
    • "You call this Tentacle violation? Your Mom's better at this. That's because she's a prosti..." Mike. He got better.
    • "Mother. Father." Tony. Both of his parents are dead, so...
  • YU+ME: dream
    • "I'm s-sorry. Im so, so sorry." Queen Sadako
    • "It was an honor to travel with you, Fiona. I have great faith you'll rule this world wisely." Clandestine Jones, to Fiona
    • "Take care of this place for me." Fiona, to Don
  • Zebra Girl
    • "My exploits... my adventures... all the things I did in the course of my life. I did some good, didn't I? That... counts for something. Doesn't it?" Prof. Broadshoulders
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